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Revel Montaro

More Blog Posts39

  • 5 weeks
    Well... That's weird

    Not to sound ungrateful, but why does Tippy Toe have OVER 7000 VIEWS?! What the hell??? I mean, it's a fun little story, but not my personal favorite or best work in my opinion. YAY to all of you that keep reading it over and over again.

    *goes back to working on two chapters for Side Stories.

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  • 11 weeks
    Small update

    Writing has been slow because I needed a break from it, but I have been doing art from time to time. I should probably put that in quotes. While I think some AI art does look beautiful it still bothers me that most of it is created by stealing other people's hard earned talent. So, I would never generate any myself. I have, however take some other people's generated art and used photoshop to

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  • 24 weeks
    Incarnate Soundtrack and titles

    So, I posted a little while back on thoughts about updating the chapter titles for Incarnate. Ultimately, I am choosing to leave it as is because it does not need them.

    However, because my brain makes demands sometimes I AM going to go ahead and post the chapter song titles that makes the Raven in my head pleased.

    1. Destination Unknown by Marietta

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  • 27 weeks

    So, I'm sitting here sketching art for the next chapter of Incarnate: Conversations Incarnate: Conversations and I take a moment to go to my own story list. I sometimes like to check the analytics, I mean they provide them so why not, right? I'm

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  • 42 weeks
    Update on what is going on.

    Good evening all who make their way over to this. I figured I would give an update on what I have been working on and what still needs to be done.

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Alpha and Omega Part 1 Wrap Up · 11:56pm Aug 3rd, 2022

Okay, so like I said a week or so ago I wanted to go over the first 19 chapters of Alpha and Omega since it is in two parts. Speaking of which, I finished up Chapter 24 last night and hope to have 25 done by sometime next week. If it gets done before next Friday I'll go ahead and drop chapter 20. If not, then it can wait another week.

Anyhow, onto the review.

So, even before I began writing this story I knew this was going to be the last one in this series. You can find that blog post here. I was not entirely sure of all the details (still am not) but I know where I want it to go and it is on its way. Now part one should have honestly been call "ALPHAS" in reference to the alpha personality types such as Sunset and Datura. But I chose to focus on her nickname, The Red Clover. Which, by the way, Datura is a beautiful red, cloving plant that is dangerously poisonous. Honestly, like I have done through this entire series I wanted to add substance to some of the hollow plot threads that both FiM and EqG created. Twilight and Sunset find a scroll talking about an "evil sorceress" annnnnnd then nothing. That would not do, so I gave her a name and a reason.

As I had mentioned in one of the Author's notes I wanted Datura to just be dripping sex appeal and be completely ruthless. Her primary inspiration was the witch Lyranna from Beastmaster 2 (Which is still an awful movie.) Datura had to be smart, cruel, sarcastic, overconfident, and just plain out evil. I wanted her to be a foil for Sunset in that: This is what you could have been had you not changed your ways. Even though I gave her substance and a pretty tragic backstory she was never meant to garner sympathy. She was evil and she knew it and embraced it.

Now, in case it has not been made clear. There are SIX true immortal alicorn running around in the background.
Aine: Alicorn of Life
Samael: Alicorn of Death
Harmony: Alicorn of Harmony
Void: Alicorn of Chaos
Belldandy: Alicorn of Destiny
Chaz: Alicorn of Fate

First off, they ALL chose their own names. Much like the little ponies themselves, they are draw to the call of their marks. This of course puts them in conflict with on another since they are all opposing forces of different degrees. The twins are the closest to one another, Harmony and Void are the most balanced and given the most freedom and Life and Death are about as far away from one another as you can get. So when Aine created the world at the center of the known universe she first tried for perfection. Annnnd then her siblings ruined it. Not because they are jerks so much is they are called to do so.

So to help curb that they set up what they called "The Game." It allowed them all to still operate and function, but with limitations. You make a big move or directly interfere it means your opposite gets to as well. You back off, so must they. And so on. It was then pointed out, how does Sunset Shimmer fit into all of this then? THAT, is the big question. Much like how Aine created her elemental alicorns, the Athanatoi, she passed on information to early mages and later that was entrusted to Star Swirl, how to create an alicorn level golem. It was meant to be a perfect guardian of the world against all who would threaten it, even her siblings. Celestia knew of the spells to create the weapon, but it was not until she became worried about Nightmare Moon's eventual return that she began to take steps. Harmony had not made herself known yet and there were no signs that the Elements would awaken again. So, she discussed the possibility of crafting the golem with her lover, Mirror world Sombra.

Mirror Sombra is a huge softie. He's suave and romantic and if you read about him in the comic he is taken by Celestia right from the get go. I can totally see him convincing her to go ahead and create the golem, but instead of clay, why not a living body? Weird? Kind of. The thought process was a means to convince Celestia he wanted to be a father even if it was father of a soulless protector of Equestria. At least it would be a foal and something they made together.

However, two miscalculations in their modified spell. One: The foal was not born an alicorn like they thought and Two: she had Luna's eyes. They had suspected she would be born with the nugget of a soul, like all sentient creatures, but they had assumed if she had been born an alicorn they would cast the final spells sealing in her Incarnate powers making her easily one of the most powerful creatures ever formed. Being soulless would have meant that she could have been more easily influenced and essentially programed to do what she was told. Again, like the Athanatoi. But once Celestia looked into those eyes she crumbled.

This leads into the other big reveal this part. Soul Blades. A magical weapon powered by your own life energy. The double edged sword in every way imaginable. The energy of the soul in the most powerful and pure concentration of magic in the universe. Focusing that energy into a weapon makes it like wielding a nuclear powered light saber on steroids. A bit cliche, but since it can KILL you if overused that balance it a bit.

Two characters I felt like I had to apologize to were Tempest and Flurry Heart. Flurry Heart I honestly just did not need until part two but didn't want to just have her "be gone" so I had her get taken down. It worked out because it led to how I helped overpower Datura. And Tempest, daaaaaamn I was sorry for that. But I did flip flop back and forth on whether she would die until I needed a catalyst for Samael to turn on Sunset. Speaking of which, it was pointed out by readers of "Wow, that was stupid of him." But remember, he's A GOD PONY. He's not used to being told no. In his eyes, he was the offended party. Why did Luna do what she did? For love, duh. Why did Luna get to come out on top? Because of the order of the stabbing and the spells. And for the PLOT! More later.

So, we end part one with Datura in the pit where she belongs, Luna is now Death, and the wedding is still on!

... And then Void got angry and broke the Loom of Fate. What does that mean? Essentially, it means that now every life, every fate is in the hooves of Sunset Shimmer.

No pressure.

Stay tuned Part 2 coming soon. Thanks for reading.

Report Revel Montaro · 264 views · Story: Alpha and Omega ·
Comments ( 6 )

Wedding's still on, huh? Wonder if the Sultan heard what went on in Equestria and doesn't want any part of it. Plus it would be a dumb move to try and declare war, what with facing the combined force of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, not to mention four alicorns (yeah, down yet another alicorn).
Let's hope any more alicorn gods don't try and mess with the royal family, or Sunset will go Gorr the God Killer on their blank flanks.

So does make Sunset a god?

So, the shit is still going to hit the fan. Because there is no more fate, no more destiny. Everypony's actions are their own. No fate but what we make. :trixieshiftright:

Really enjoyed part one. Have we seen the last of the human world? I did enjoy seeing the chaos unfolding over there.

Yup, wedding is on because we got to hit the highs and I really wanted to do it. What will the sultan do? You shall see.

She's a construct so closer to an Archangel in terms of comparison.

The problem with pure freedom is how much it borders pure chaos. What happens to the date of the world will be up to Sunset. As the guardian her choice will effect them all. I have outline one more part dealing with human Tempest and her department, but it will depend on fluidity if I keep it or not.

So Void basically decided to say "fak it" to the game and threw everything onto Sunset? Wow, hissy-fit much.

Void pulled a Cartman.

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