• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

SweetAI Belle

Why does life always have to be so ironic?

More Blog Posts91

  • 1 week
    For anyone noticing me not around quite as much...

    I'm still here, but I'm dividing my forum time a bit between here and the TARDIS Guide website, since these days, I'm one of the moderators over on the forums there. The website is one where you can keep track of what Doctor Who related episodes you have and haven't watched (as well as audio/comics/etc), review Doctor Who related stuff, and, of course,

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    2 comments · 42 views
  • 26 weeks
    I'm still here

    At home, have not been out today, and no plans of going out.

    Just feel it's worth mentioning since I'm seeing things on the news about a shooting being filmed in an area in pretty easy walking distance of me...

    --Sweetie Belle

    1 comments · 129 views
  • 27 weeks
    Santa Hat Time!

    It's traditional to put on a Santa hat for December, so I've gone ahead and switched for the month. As you might imagine, AI art again...

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    2 comments · 66 views
  • 34 weeks

    Haven't changed avatars for a while, so just trying on a different one...

    --Sweetie Belle

    6 comments · 124 views
  • 45 weeks
    Doctor Who AI art

    Posted a bunch of Doctor Who pictures I generated with Stable Diffusion XL 1.0 over here, for anyone interested:

    --Sweetie Belle

    3 comments · 133 views

July Flashfic Competition: "I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face!" · 11:58pm Jul 1st, 2022

Just a reminder/signal boost about the monthly Flashfic contest, where people write 150- words about a prompt every month.

The rules are over here, but basically write a mlp story of 150 words or less. This month's theme is "I didn't think the leopards would eat MY face!". You could take that literally, or it does say "For those uncertain, the prompt's usual meaning refers to pushing for something to happen and then being upset when it rebounds on you. ". I say face eating all the way...

If you're interested, post in the thread below, which already has several entries which are fun to read, as well as a conversation about asexuality for some reason.

If you aren't sure about asexuality, read here: :unsuresweetie:

Don't know if I'm participating, as I haven't been feeling much like writing for a bit, but never hurts to spread word around, and even if you aren't usually going to be interested, this looks like a fun prompt.

--Sweetie Belle

Comments ( 2 )

Thanks muchly for the signal boost! :twilightsmile:

No problem!

It seemed like a prompt that might attract ideas, so it felt like a good time to do it.

--Sweetie Belle

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