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Lord Of Dorkness

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Dark day for women's rights in the US · 5:41pm Jun 24th, 2022

I know I try to avoid politics, but wow. The USA just... well, Roe v. Wade just got overturned.

Source Link.

What does this mean, if you don't know already? It means that abortion is no longer protected at the national level, but something that each state can ban or uphold as they wish.

If any of my readers are female and in the USA—and I know the last part is quite common at least, I strongly advice reading up on how your home state is reacting to these news legally. You may no longer have access to even life-saving procedures. You may have as little as 30 days, or even less, before these new laws start getting hammered into place.

And yes. Abortions saves lives. 'Ectopic pregnancy.' Look it up.


Oh, and Birth-control Without Prescription OR Outside Marriage, the Decriminalization of LGTB, and Gay Marriage is outright next on the chopping block. They get called out on page 118-119 in the offical decision. Griswold, Lawrence and Obergfell, for the names.


Thanks to Reddit user u/Th3_C0bra for pointing that out. It's intentionally buried halfway through some freakin' DENSE legalese, and I'm 1111% that's completely intentional.

Sorry for such a heavy topic, but... yeah. For anybody female & American, I'd strongly suggest reading up on your local 'Auntie.' The one you've been thinking of visiting soon, you know? The one over state lines, for a long trip, that sure would be worth it if you had the time?

That, and go get Plan B pills, if you can afford. According to my quick bit of google, they last about 4 years, so better than nothing.

Oh, and I'd STRONGLY suggest deleting any fertility or menstration tracking apps off of your phone. Some places like Texas have already started using that sort of data against people that went over state lines to get abortions. That data is NOT safe. There's even a whistleblower reward, if you're found guilty of this "crime."


I'm... so, so tired of living in interesting times.

Hope this... helped at least one or two of you, via some compassion if nothing else. Gha. This was NOT what I wanted to write on my Midsummer. :pinkiesad2:

Comments ( 14 )

It’s stupid shit like this that makes me wonder how long people will still believe there’s any legitimacy left in the Supreme Court.


It’s stupid shit like this that makes me wonder how long people will still believe there’s any legitimacy left in the Supreme Court.

...You're not the first I've heard say that today.

Honestly? I'm starting to wonder if these are the dying days of the US. The divide between conservative, and ULTRA-MEGA HARD-MODE Conservative in that country just... seems like it's getting worse and worse by each passing month. With the odd liberal city or such, caught in the middle.

Not necessarily a civil war part two or anything, but... the sort of terrifyingly quiet fall-apart that Soviet went through back in the 90s. Or even the relatively minor sort of war that lead to the division of North & South Korea.

I hope I'm wrong, because that would basically break the world as we know it, but... well. I've heard a figure that most empires only last about 250~ years, statistically speaking, and it's been on my mind with current events.

KMCA #3 · Jun 24th, 2022 · · 3 ·

Yeah, it's a dark day for everyone's rights... and open season on women. Stay safe folks, I'm pretty sure it's going to get worse.


Yeah. There's no way this is stopping at "just" Abortion. As mentioned above, there's even groundwork laid for further erosion of rights in the very document that just killed Roe v. Wade.

And the worst thing... the dude that penned that shit, is a massive coward and hypocrite.

You know what else is just as weak and wobbly, against the exact same arguments that just happened to topple Roe v. Wade, and now is threatening Griswold, Lawrence and Obergfell? Part of the same grouping, the 14th Amendment, even?

Loving v. Virgina.

That's the Interracial Marriage Is Now Legal one.

And I present to you... Master and Mistress Thomas.



Like... wow. If this was satire or the villains in a story, I'd call it too unsubtle just how hypocritical that omission is!

As a Canadian this stuff terrifies me, we're now seeing the beginnings of the same erosion of democracy here. No charismatic frontman yet but lots of "the US is doing things right." talk in our right wing. For now the Conservative Party is managing to mitigate the impact of it but I don't know for how long.

In short, I'm scared. Not for myself since I'm a straight, white, male working security so I pass under the radar. But for others and for the soul of my nation. What starts in the US eventually worms its way into Canada eventually.

Fionn #6 · Jun 30th, 2022 · · 1 ·

One of the UTTERLY STUPIDIST parts is in the published opinion of one of those Justices the "logic" he used to say that not only should Roe be overturned but also gay marriage and access to birth control? The case of Loving v Virgina, which legalized interracial marriage at least partly on the grounds that citizens have a right to privacy, should also be overturned. So Mr oh so wise and leaned Justice Thomas has all but said his own marriage should be illegal.
Also, let's not forget that Mrs. Thomas is a professional and deeply partisan political operative that has worked for groups that have been deeply involved in case that her husband has ruled on including ones involving the previous President of the USA.

Fionn #7 · Jun 30th, 2022 · · 1 ·

They will eventually come for you as well simply because you aren't one of them. If disagree with them politically or simply get in their way? They will eventually come for you because it is ultimately about power and control.



It's really sad to see as an outsider, but... Honestly, the only actual goal of the Republican Party seems to be 'owning the libs' nowadays.

They've hit such a pure state of reactive regressiveness and anti-progress, anti-intellectualism, that anything an outsider wants or try to stand for, they'll smash out of spite. Even if it's having a dang nose, they'd still cut their own off, just for the excuse for doing it to people they hate, too.

And they get shocked when that level of hate leads to a worse world for everybody, too.

“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”


Like... seriously, I don't see this ending well for the US. I think abortion was a step too far for a lot of previously undecided & even apathetic voters, and if the Republicans genuinely are stupid enough to push further, I think there's a real possibility we'll see the death of the two-party system next election. Or at least the biggest blow against it that's been seen in decades.

And~ that probably means more riots if not another try at an insurrection. Fuck these interesting times. :pinkiesad2:

Of definitely, I'm not delusional. Right now all I can do is try to convince people to be decent human beings because hearing the arguments from someone that in theory is on "our side" means I can bypass at least some of the bullheadedness and get some to at least listen and every person I can convince to THINK instead of FEEL is someone that may be able to convince another person to do the same.
I had a friend that was borderline racist for years and was part of the reason she decided she didn't want to hate people for the colour of their skin anymore. She called me in hysterics begging me not to hate her since most of her other friends decided that if she didn't want to be racist that she wasn't worth being friends with.
She ended up turning her entire life around, got married and even had a child. (she had fertility issues) Nice to see when people's lives are improved by jettisoning irrational hate... Probably wasn't the reason but I can pretend.

Fionn #10 · Jul 1st, 2022 · · 1 ·

Most of the people actually running the party and those in office are still in the same old game of gaining money/power. It's just that there are so many two-bit conmen fleecing the sheep and the GOP's election strategy of keeping their voters in a near constant state of freak out (Fearful and stressed out over almost everything) that they have to ride the Tiger that is the deranged average American Conservative.

Oh, I was hoping you weren't one of those people who went a little out there after about mid 2015. I don't like talking politics on this site but when I see a post like this I have to respond. I have a niece that was just born a few months ago and just cant fathom anyone aborting a precious life. I know that sometimes you have to make a decision early on between the mothers life and the child if there is an actually life endangering event. That's why all the state laws I'm aware of make an exception for that specific case. Abortion should be very, very rare and tightly controlled. If there has to by any abortion is has to be within the first early weeks. some people are pushing for abortion up till the final weeks of pregnancy or maybe after, that's terrible. Europe has stricter laws than some US states. I miss the pre-mid 2015 days. I don't mean to insult anyone on this site, but sometimes it feels very unwelcoming to anyone with any mildly conservative positions. I suppose, that's just todays internet though. 🙁


OK, for the record: You're the first anti-abortionist that's actually I've seen speak up on this site, at all, and you did that with civility. I do deeply respect that and I'm trying to do so in kind.

I normally avoid politics, but... this is abortion rights.

Some cultural context? I'm from Sweden, if you didn't know. And here, we've basically considered the abortion debate complete and utterly Done And Dusted on a social level since about the sixties. Because the pro-abortion & sex-education crowd, basically made what's—to us at least, I don't expect you to agree—a bullet proof, iron clad argument.

Being illegal doesn't stop abortions. It just stops SAFE AND SANE abortions. And unsafe abortions often kill mother AND child anyway. Or worse, cripple one or even both of them for life.

Oh, and historically here in Sweden, one of the de facto ways of family planing, doubly so when winter was approaching and a new, unwanted mouth kept screaming for more, more, more... was leaving the newborn in the forest or bog, to scream until he or she died. If the mother wasn't feeling merciful enough to drown the child directly.

I am not kidding, nor exaggerating. This was such a wide-spread thing that just happened, that we even have a mythological creature based on it. The Myling. Translation from Old Swedish: The Murdered. Because folks needed an explanation why they heard babies giggling or crying, and later found a tiny corpse. Not only elevating the massive guilt of having just missed a child in need by pretending it was a ghost-vampire-zombie's desperate trickery for closure... but terrifying and guilting people into actually burying what was basically seen as completely worthless but tragic rubbish.

For some reason... those don't get much screen-time nowadays, compared with, say, unicorns.

So the entire subject of Abortion is basically Settled In Stone here in Sweden. To basically 99 999 of people out there, it's... Basically our version of the Segregation Debate or Gun BANS over in the States. Even that one in ten K person that want that sort of stuff back? It's social and political suicide to admit you think women shouldn't be allowed to control their own reproduction. Even our most conservative and religious party, whose name literally translated to The Christ Democrats, won't touch abortion with as much as mean comments publicly.

Like... we don't even use the words you guys do over in America, and "pro-life" is genuinely seen as being blatant religious propaganda. Here in Sweden, we call the positions "Abortion Spokesperson/Advocate" (abort-förespråkare) and "Abortion Opponent/Antagonists" (abort-motståndare).

So... yeah. Even if you still don't agree with me, I do hope that the above wall of text explain my position and horror. Why I basically NEEDED to speak out this one time.


Like... I'm seeing history repeating here. Sweden used to be one of THE super powers of Europe, until our empire came crashing down. And when that failed, we were one of the poorest and least developed nations in Europe for generations. Patterns of poverty, violence and desperation, that only got broken by DECADES of education, reforms brought on in blood and ink equally, and cooperation across class boundaries

It makes me extremely fearful for my friends and readers over in USA, and... I just had to speak out. This will not end well, not even from the folks that think they're getting what they want. :pinkiesad2:


Yeah. I'm so, so tired of the current anti-intellectualism wave. It's... draining.

And the more the feelings triumphs over facts crowd gain ground, the... less satisfied and more fearful they seem to get? It's a weird and scary feedback loop I don't have the answer to.

I find it darkly amusing how many hate and conspiracy groups just kinda fell silent and fumbling leaderless once Russia got busy with Ukraine, though. I'd actually bet a decent stack of coins at least, we're going to see some fascinating documents leak about that in the coming decades, just how much of that was trolls for the lolz, and outright anti-west miss-information bombardment.



So glad we don't have a Fox News analogue here in Sweden. (At least not on TV.) If we did, I'd block it with parental controls on every TV I come across, and feign ignorance. Even if you agree with the politics, that sort of hate, hate, hate beamed into the mind directly CANNOT be good for anybody.

Do have a morbid curiosity when the grifters are going to start run out of sheep, though. There's only so long you can sheer before you hit skin, and if you hit skin... you run out of sheep one way or the other. And if a sheep is whipped into enough frenzy, those cuddly looking fuckers WILL rush and trample you.

Fionn #13 · Jul 8th, 2022 · · 1 ·

I don't really have a problem with your views, you have every right to them and can sort of understand why you feel that way.
But the problem is that in many states they are making it so that there are no exceptions, NO EXCEPTIONS AT ALL, a fertilized egg is legally a person (which is all kinds of insane for various reasons) and there is even now a girl too young to even attend middle school is being denied a chance at a future. Also, those same states will do nothing to help women take care of the children they are forced to have and in fact will all but force the women to go back to working long hours for low wages ASAP.

As a fan of the 1632/Ring of Fire series (Which is about a West Virginia Coal mining town that "magically" lands in the middle of Germany during the middle of the 30 years war and ends up allying with Gustavus Adolphus) and a history buff I am aware of Sweden's empire as well as how far it fell from that height.
Anyway parents doing what the parents of Oedipus did to him goes way back (seems to have been pretty common in Roman Empire) and falls under what Terry prachets called The dreadful algebra of necessity - Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki (lspace.org) . Something the so-called pro-life crowd utterly fail to understand even as they fight to repeal the 20th century and much of the 19th as well as some of the 18th century.
As for Fox news? It was created to be exactly what it is by Roger Ailes, a guy who got his start in politics working as a media consultant for Nixon (Ailes approached Nixon and worked hard to sell the sleaze bag to voters). Also, there a plenty of stories of people whose parents were center left liberal and good people until they got sucked in by Fox then became horrible far right bigots.
That said the Right-Wing sheep are largely done being fleeced by the same type of people who were doing it for so long and are turning on them, unfortunately all that means is that they are now rabid sheep being fleeced by new and more extreme types. Which is part of how the previous president of the US was elected and why he still has a majority of the voters of his party thinking he is basically a god king.

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