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  • Thursday
    Tell Your Tale: A Swing and a Misty

    My inner shipper is squealing.

    If you've wanted Alphabittle, Haven, and their respective kids to become a new family unit, this episode is for you.

    13 comments · 129 views
  • 1 week
    Did anyone actually ask for this?

    So apparently Playtonic is remastering Yooka-Laylee.

    Who asked for this? Who thought this was a good idea?

    A few things, Playtonic:

    1. This game is only seven years old.

    Read More

    11 comments · 200 views
  • 1 week

    I have an excuse for not being able to aim straight.

    1 comments · 85 views
  • 1 week
    Will try and get an update or two out soon, but...

    ...These next two weeks at work are going to be stressful as hell.

    I just have to say one thing, just to get it off my chest.

    If any of my readers are private health inspectors with standards higher than local laws, I just have this to say:

    That is all.

    Good night.

    7 comments · 127 views
  • 2 weeks
    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

    16 comments · 158 views

Protip for the rest of America. · 4:41pm Jun 24th, 2022

Next time we go to war with rich religious chickenshits over state's rights, don't stop torching their shit just because they surrender.

Finish the job next time.

Edit: Alright, seven followers down! I invite any other worthless Jesus Freaks to no longer receive updates on something as important as my MLP fanfiction.

Report milesprower06 · 973 views · #Roe vs Wade
Comments ( 67 )

I'm a foreigner so I have nothing to add to this conversation.

I envy that right now.

I agree. If Civil War 2.0 does happen, as I fear it will since too many Democrats still insist we can make nice with those who refuse to accept even basic truths, those who want to preserve a society for narrow minded whites only shouldn't be welcomed back to the table! Seccionists should be rightfully punished as traitors and given a one way ticket to whatever country they wanna sing the praises of that they think America should be like!

Maybe America's democractic experiment needs to fail before enough people care about who we elect, and maybe next time we won't bake into our government a system that disproprotionately favors a minority even when that minority has nothing valid to offer.

it took Europe as a whole a few millennia to realize that and even now it struggles with it, I mean just look at France who wen completely anti religion and look how well they do

I'm just a weirdo. I fail to see how the government having ANY say in anyone's daily law abiding life is acceptable. I don't want to see this country divided like it is, and I especially don't want to see it devolve into violence.

Unless religion is eradicated, I sadly don't see any other possibility.

I think the problem may less be religion itself than the normalized idea that religion can be a valid excuse for anything, no matter how oppressive, dangerous, or immoral.

If that's the problem, I still think the easier and better solution is to remove religion, rather than try to remove the idea that religion and morality are intertwined.

Alright, what the fuck happened this time?


I know why you felt the need to specify "law-abiding," but you do know where laws come from and who enforces them, right?

Roe vs Wade overturned this morning.

As an American, I have this to say: Fuck the US.

It’s absolutely hilarious that you think it’s “religious” to say abortion isn’t birth control, but eugenics. Besides this, overturning roe v wade gives that power back to the states to vote on. You want it legal? Vote that way in your state. Roe v Wade was a government overreach to further a eugenics program. Nothing more, and nothing less.

That's a nice idea, sans Lennon, but it's not simple to do. People have little control over what they believe, and beliefs aren't and shouldn't be crimes.

Education is the best weapon against ignorance. It needs to be scientific and evidence-based, well-funded, and supported by popular opinion. We need a society where it is almost as taboo to trash evidence-based norms as it is to say the n-word. That won't remove ignorance any more than not saying the n-word has removed racism, but it will push it underground where it can do less damage to society.


Roe v Wade was a government overreach to further a eugenics program. Nothing more, and nothing less.

It's difficult to be this willfully ignorant.

In this case the laws come from unelected, lifetime-appointed individuals who cannot be removed from office and are appointed and approved by a body based on arbitrary lines drawn on a map rather than popular vote

Willfully ignorant? Someone clearly hasn’t done any homework. If they had, they would’ve known that almost all those involved with Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood have been quoted, on numerous occasion, discussing how to use abortion to target minority groups. Further, the number of abortions per minority groups (specifically those of color) are higher than white groups. It’s eugenics.

But imposing your beliefs on others SHOULD be a crime.

Punishable by death.

The irony there is by doing that, you’re guilty of forcing beliefs on others.

How? How is that a paradox?

Are you going to come back with "not letting others force their beliefs on others is also a belief"?

Because I'll just laugh at that.

Of course not! I’d laugh at a response like that as well, because it would deserve mockery.
It’s not that it’s a paradox, but that it could, even would, be weaponized by one group or another. It’d be easy to claim that one person was attempting to force their beliefs on others, even if it’s a simple conversation, simply on the basis of disagreement.

There is no simple answer to debates like this.

I'm just afraid of things getting bloody within my lifetime.

That’s honestly my fear as well. I don’t wish harm on anyone, whether I agree with them fully or not. And I wish there were simple answers to matters like this also. There’s too much hate these days. So much anger.

The answer is simple:
The Government should just stay the fuck out of other people’s personal decisions; and you can’t get much more personal than the choice of whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.

Overturning Roe is the exact opposite. It’s giving the States room to infringe on what should be a private issue, not a public one; which is especially hypocritical when it’s being cheered for by people who love to complain about Government Overreach.

Oh but they're all for overreach when it reaches in the direction they want it to go, see?

Except it’s the exact opposite of what you’re claiming. Roe v Wade made a private decision public. The Supreme Court committed overreach by passing a long that wasn’t their place to pass. It should have gone through Congress and been ratified by the Senate. As with all other laws/legislature. Now it can, if the people so choose to vote that way.

Codifying the legal right to access something does not force everyone to participate in it.
Taking away the legal right to access something makes it illegal to participate in it.

My theoretical choice to end a pregnancy has no relationship with your theoretical choice to carry one to term.

True! And if your state says it’s legal to end a pregnancy for any reason, it respects that belief. If you live in a state that says it’s illegal, vote for representatives that will change it in that state. It’s a state’s right to say whether or not it’s legal.

That's the matter up for debate here.

It should be up to the individual, not the state.

You have religious nutbags down south that want to make the ban national, or chase would-be-mothers across state lines to arrest them and drag them back.

When voting doesn't work, fighting is often next.

Speaking as someone who would be called religious, I am saying here and now: that’s ridiculous and barbaric that they’re doing that, and it sickens me.

I don’t necessarily want abortion made illegal; I’d rather see it made obsolete by having better and healthier birth control for both men and women. Especially for men, since people seem to enjoy placing all the “responsibility” on women. That’s also a thing that I don’t agree with. People need to be accountable for their actions, not the actions of others.

Even though I want to blame it a lot of the time, I can't really blame poor education because there comes a point where some don't want to be educated anymore. The religious right dismisses colleges as "indoctrination centers".

After that point, they should be told "okay, fine. You are no longer allowed to participate in society in any way shape or form any longer."

Or maybe. People of color are discriminated against on a systemic level and thus have less money with which to raise kids, so they have abortions because of that?

Fuck off with your faux concern

Wow…did you really just call it “faux concern” to point out that abortion is one of those systemic racial discriminations? Cause that’s hilarious.
Way to show you care: advocating abortion for the poor, rather than better birth control for all. Which would mean lower birth rates with less risk to women.

Can’t argue with that. Though I’m not the biggest fan of the left either. I see the right as honest about being corrupt, while the left simply lies and tells you what you want to hear. And then both sides screw us all over.

Yep. Can't really go too far with that point of view online anymore, because then you're labeled an "EnLiGhTeNeD cEnTrIsT".

That’s the truth! Though I’ve yet to actually hear “enlightened”. Been called a “commie” from the right, and something else from the left.

Your rights as a citizen shouldn’t have to ebb and flow based on who won the last Election.
Especially not if you pay your taxes regardless of whether or not the person you voted for won or lost.

But there’s a thought: what would it do to America if you only had to pay taxes if your vote was in the winner’s tally?

Ship them off to Brazil. That's where the Confederates went last time.

Paying taxes only to the winner doesn’t sound too bad an idea, but ultimately wouldn’t be much different than it is right now: politicians lying to get as many votes as possible, then either fulfilling only a few promises or none at all. Usually to the detriment of the economy and people who voted them into office.

It would greatly change the election game when it comes to campaigning in areas that flirt with the Poverty Line, because you’d probably see a surge in abstaining from voting to guarantee a considerably reduced tax burden.
Not campaigning there would signal that you’ve abandoned them. Campaigning there might be wasting time and money if people are more likely to not vote at all.

Heck, a four year break on my taxes if I abstained from an election is tempting and I’m getting by.

Also comes down to their economic policies, and whether they stick to them or not. A tax break means little if the economy nearly collapses, for one reason or another.
But it’s not a bad ideal.

All outlawing abortion does is increase the number of unwanted kids who will either rot in foster care, be adopted to batshit insane evangelicals, or get abused/killed by parents who didn't want them. And that's if that newborn isnt smothered in the crib or dunked in the baby bucket.

It's also telling people that they have less bodily autonomy than a fucking corpse. We cant harvest some dead people's organs but we can force a woman to carry a potentially lethal endoparasite for months. Or just a lethal one if she's one of the one in fifty women who get ectopic pregnancy.

To the second: the exceptions shouldn’t be the rule. It’s exception due to circumstance, where it would likely not be a viable pregnancy. Great chance of death for mother and child, but the choice of the mother.

To the first…your argument is literally “kill them so they don’t have to suffer”. Instead of improving quality of life for everyone. Instead of developing ways to better the life of everyone (better birth control, better programs to improve quality of life for the poor), you’d rather the poor remain poor, or never have been born at all. That’s one of the worst, most deplorable arguments I’ve ever heard.


Ah, figures. That was inevitable as soon as Barrett got rushed onto the Court. You know, I don't know what's more on point about this ruling and the Justices involved: that Barrett—the one touted as a pro-life nominee at the time—had her nomination ceremony turn into a COVID super-spreader event, or that Kavanaugh—the one with a suspected history of serial date rape—gets to decide a case on how much control women across the country have over their own bodies.

hey just curious if this shit hypotheticaly did happen, do you have enough arms to protect yourself?

No, not at the moment. Trying to get the money together to change that.

just some friendly advice i would refrain form throwing stones form the glass house until you can make the house into a stone fortress

maybe thats just me being paranoid me but learn how to use a weapon and protect yourself before the “burning down” happens

i don’t really know your opinion on gun rights but even if you hate them if you want the stuff to “burn down” be ready to defend yourself when push comes to shove

I'm not a gun nut, but I am absolutely for having the right to defend yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

al il say is if a civil war part 2 happens im ready gun wise but realistically i think the whole country will starve to death before i die of lack of ammo


It's still a reach to say that trying to extend to disadvantaged women the same resources and options that women of more means have qualifies as eugenics. We're not talking about tying minority women down and forcibly terminating their pregnancies here.

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