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Lord Of Dorkness

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So~ one of my all-time favorite youtubers is loosing his mind · 5:45pm Jun 22nd, 2022

Some of you guys might know him. He goes by Life of Boris.

Bit of an inspiration for me. Barely knew a thing about Slavic culture or food before I started watching him. I was vaguely aware of squatting, track suits and vodka, but that was about it.

He's always been weird, but normally he's cool-weird. Like that time he made a computer run on vodka.

Or cultural-appreciation weird. Like he's done a lot of cooking videos, that's also really funny. Like this one on cabbage rolls I followed once. (Was REALLY good!)

Anyway, to be blunt he's... not having a good time since the Ukrainian Invasion by Russia. He's always been secretive about exactly where he's from, but the entire region he's normally stomping around in is hurting, and it's clearly effecting him deeply. He didn't upload for nearly a full month, and~ one of the first things he uploaded was how he was now homeless, and animating from his car to keep some sanity.

Yeah. :pinkiesad2:

And THEN youtube, in their infinite dumb, decided that all things Slavic MUST DIE NOW, FOR THE ALL-MIGHTY ADVERTISING LOGIC HAS SPOKEN.

Basically, they're doing what they did to semi-kill Flat-Earth & anti-vax a few years ago, except way more petty & unpleasant. Unless you search for his, and other Slavic creators directly, you're not getting search results about any Slavic culture stuff. And people just aren't getting notified of uploads, or even becoming unsubscribed without noticing.

In Boris' case, he's getting 100-200 K views per video. Where he used to get 600K-1.5 Million, depending on level of weirdness.

And instead of quitting in disgust, or some-such, that would be honestly completely understandable...


Sitting and drinking milk for 10 minutes.

Giggling and talking to a cheese, while eating it, for 22 minutes.

And~ just an hour or two ago... making pancakes (blin) with his hands tied behind his back.

I'm not sure how many of my fans are into a western-European man slowly losing his mind while thumbing his nose at a mega-corp being stupid, but... well, this is the most amused and concerned I've been for a youtuber in years.

So if you're looking for something weird, odd-ball humor and/or cooking recipes in these tough and strange times, maybe give poor Boris a few peeks. Think the poor guy could really use some positive attention right now. He's uploading 1-3 times a week right now, and there's just NO telling what he'll do next, right now.

Can't promise you'll enjoy it, but it's certainly weird and original, and you just have to admire the spirit of perseverance.

Link to channel.

Comments ( 5 )

I remember the vodka cooled PC video. I remember it working better than expected too.


Yeah. I was fully expecting a 'hur, hur, look at that mess & magic blue smoke' style video, but it turned out SHOCKINGLY well. Morbidly curious how that vodka & copper played together long term, but... yeah. Boris has bigger fish to fry right now.

Really gave me Linus Tech Tips vibes, when they have something weird that actually works. Like the CPU cooler table they did a while ago.

I fucking love him

I haven’t seen an update from Boris since BEFORE Ukraine got invaded, makes you wonder what YouTube knew eh?

But seriously, I knew he was somewhere around or in Ukraine but damn.


Agreed. :rainbowkiss:



We were so worried about Skynet coming from the military, that nobody kept an eye on the dang automated cat video selector. Soon, it shall rise up, and show our politicians mirrors with flashing lights, and the rest of us, T&A that just 'happens' to slip through the advertiser guidelines. :raritydespair:

Only half-joking. Like, I'm pretty dang Facebook & YouTube is going to be considered by future generations as we look back on the Romans intentionally using lead pitchers for the sweet taste, or how surgeon street-cred used to be tied up in how bloody and stinking their aprons were. "THEY LET THE ALGORITHMS PICK THE STUFF GOING RIGHT INTO THEIR BRAINS?!?!" That sort of thing.

I mean, we're already kinda of seeing it? Crud like Flat Earth & Anti-Vax, as mentioned above. They were fringe jokes for DECADES, until Facebook & Youtube hyper charged them into entire communities. Scary, scary stuff, and I'm not seeing it going away anytime soon. Not as long as advertising & watch time is priorities vs stuff like... education, or community building. :pinkiesad2:

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