• Member Since 4th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I'm katie! I'm a young trans mare who loves to write, coming back after a years long hiatus ((And transforming)) To get back into my reading and writting of pony fanfiction! I'm glad to be back <3

More Blog Posts51

  • 31 weeks
    Chapter 18 is... still a work in progress.

    I've been working on this chapter for longer then I think anyone will expect. There was a time during this project where I had more then the next five chapters written, waiting to be edited and released, but I've since caught up. I've rewritten this chapter a few times without being happy, though I'm finally taking it in a direction that I can be happy with!

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  • 32 weeks
    Even when you write something you can't use, you can still learn from it

    Even when you write stuff that ends up unusable the times not wasted. Today I worked on a DJ pon3 scene. I'm unhappy with the result, but I also learned why. I was more focused on Homages reporting then her desire to give people hope and make the wastes better.

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  • 40 weeks
    Doubt is a bitch, but so am I! 👿

    I was talking about FoE with a friend of mine, and it made me emotional, cause Fallout Equestria always makes me emotional, so now I'm like "AAAaaaaaaa I wanna cry but on the good way!"

    But then I thought... What if my own writing never is good enough to make people cry, but in the good way? And now I also wanna cry in the bad way XD

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    2 comments · 83 views
  • 43 weeks
    Look at cute art I boughted!

    Cute art I commissioned from MOLARS! Puppy Smiles, Scotch Tape, and Aella Breeze having a picnic with their rock friends! Sometimes you gotta take a break from the wasteland chaos to sit with friends, and feed your rocks! Puppy can't drink her Sparkle Cola, but she wanted to feel included <3

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    1 comments · 106 views
  • 56 weeks
    Chapter 1, now in HD!

    Chapter one rewrite is finally done, after more time and work than I ever intended to put into it XD Big thanks to The Wandering Zebra for giving me some tips and letting me bounce thoughts and ideas off of him. It’s amazing how effective talking to someone can be in processing and organizing your thoughts. Even something as

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Introspection, and relating to characters · 6:58pm Apr 23rd, 2022

Obviously relating to a character is an important thing for a lot of people when they consume media. I saw myself in Twilight when I was young, and tbags what got me I to this fandom. I didn't have friends, didn't know how to socialize, and spent most of my time with my nose in a book. She and the show as a whole is likely part of the reason I have friends now. I'm still learning friendship though, primarily communication and trust. I'll probably never learn everything

Seeing how she changed overtime helped me realize that I could change, and more importantly that I wanted to. I had a similar experience with a fanfic I read in maybe 2015. Seeing the main characters self destructive tendencies helped me to see my own self sabotaging behavour. Then again more recently when i saw a characters complex relationship with family and issues in relations to food. ((It almost always seems to be fallout Equestria characters, but that's probably cause that's all I really read lately; special interest go brrrrr.))

Now though I'm seeing aspects of myself in my own characters that we hadn't meant to out in there. How she constantly pushes down her past feelings and memories, and is always trying to keep herself busy or distracted to avoid overthinking or introspection. How she goes through this cycle of almost starting to work on herself, before finding another way to distract from what she needs to do for herself.

And seeing as how me and her are a lot alike, I'm worried rather then trying to confront, process and work through my own problems I'll find a convenient excuse to distract myself from, and then bury them again. But I want to try and work on myself. Try and be strong enough to fix myself. We'll see how it goes

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