• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

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  • 6 days
    Torture Ideas for story plots.

    Why? Because sometimes you need to do so, or perhaps you have an OC who happens to be into the whole torture scene/is apart of an organization that occasionally needs to use harsh methods to extract information from otherwise "difficult" informants. (Yes I'm aware that was a run-on sentence. Sue me if you dare). Anyhow, allow my mystical knowledge to help with ideas for torture that can

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  • 1 week
    Happy 20th Anniversary "Shrek 2"

    Original Release Date: May 19th, 2004

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  • 2 weeks
    "Wicked"|| Official Trailer

    People. Fans of musicals. Fans of the story "The Wizard of Oz". KEEP NOVEMBER 28TH MARKED ON A CALENDAR!!!!! Part 1 of "Wicked" is soon upon us!!! When I tell you I almost had a stroke on the bus back from class when I saw this earlier, I stg!!!

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  • 3 weeks
    Ponies and Periods (Men Who are Squeamish This is Your Warning Now)

    Okay so that's out of the way. You're probably wondering about that title. Well on one end I was watching the original MLP movie the other night with my best guy friend and of course this being my "blessed" time of the month, he wisely came bearing my "please don't murder me" package he brings me every 3 or so months (disclosure: mine aren't regular because of birth control) and sat with me while

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  • 8 weeks
    Not Gonna troll at ALL today...

    I'm serious.....

    Not gonna do it......

    Seriously! I'm not gonna......

    Clicky :twilightsmile: for some Cafe ambiance...so soothing!

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The End of an Era (for children's tv) · 11:16am Feb 21st, 2022

At some point today, the final 4 episodes of the tv series Arthur will Aire on tv and be available on YouTube. Yes you read that correctly people. The. LAST. 4. EPISODES. EVER!! This will be considered the 25th season of the show. Arthur started airing towards the end of 1996 and continued for 25 years, 4 months and 2 weeks. That's, rather literally, the LONGEST running children's animated series in U.S. history! And in a few hours, it'll be over. No more than reruns to pass the time. At least we can say it was fun growing up! Let's raise a cheer to a staple of many childhoods! To Arthur!☕️

(Arthur : 10/07/1996-02/21/2022)

Comments ( 10 )

Huh, I didn't even know it was still airing.

I remember having mixed feelings on it as a kid - on one hand, it was fairly enjoyable and I learnt a good bit from it (what 'fasting' means for example), on the other, I remember being disturbed by most of the character designs and not understanding what animals most of them were supposed to be. Then again, I was creeped out and disturbed by almost everything when I was a little kid, so that's not exactly saying much.

I enjoyed it a good bit though. It's one of the ones I've actually maintained a fairly positive opinion of over time, unlike some of my other childhood shows that I now look back at with a sour taste in my mouth.

Appropriate response. Not many shows can boast the amount of wholesomeness and slight "educational" values that Arthur has for over 2 and a half decades.


As a kid I didn't know exactly what The Chipmunks were supposed to be, either. I concluded they were deformed kids who were abandoned by their parents (hey--happens in fairy tales all the time) and then adopted by Dave Seville, who discovered their musical talents and made them into a novelty act. Happy ending!

Oddly enough, I drew the same conclusion as a kid...then that movie from 2007 happened and I just got completely confused again.

R.I.P., My childhood.

Will post the final episode in a bit.

I think it's really great that the show's finally coming to an end.

I loved "Arthur" as a kid, but once they switched the animation style to Adobe Flash...well, to me it was really jumping the shark.

While I have to agree there, there was a simple reason behind that. Much like a lot of shows that abruptly switched to Adobe Flash, the previous software was simply too outdated to continue the demanding production orders. So, while definitely throwing one for a loop, it still retains the charm and youthful willfulness that made us love it as kids (psst: about 2 hours ago, I posted the finale).

Of course.

Other than that, most of the stories that the Adobe Flash-episodes had weren't as impactful as their predecessors. At least, in my opinion.

I'd have to agree there. However the one episode that truly takes the cake as far as "Why?" goes, is "The Great MacGrady" from season 13 (originally). See they actually released that episode twice!

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