• Member Since 16th Mar, 2019
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A French brony who loves to read and write. My English is not perfect, but I will do my best!

More Blog Posts121

  • 11 weeks
    TV Tropes Page Apple Bloom's Mansion

    Someone made a TV Tropes page about the Apple Bloom's Mansion saga.


    I made quite the number of tropes without knowing, lol.

    1 comments · 99 views
  • 14 weeks
    Subspace Army Tree Before Chapter 168

    Here is the tree showing the officers' ranks in the Subspace Army before chapter 168. I advise to read the chapter first before seeing the image.

    0 comments · 120 views
  • 15 weeks
    "New" Story and New Group

    I'm starting to write a new story, or not really. It will actually be a compilation of stories in the universe of UME. Tales From The Omniverse. More than a compilation, this is a group made by Cyrus Colter there. In this group, people will be able to post their Tales happening in UME's universes.

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  • 18 weeks
    Sizes Precision

    With A Sweetie Dream Land's rewriting, I have changed some sizes.

    As of the starts of A Sweetie Dream Land, Kirby was 20cm tall. A Waddle Dee is about 30cm, Dedede, about one meter, Meta Knight, over 30cm (maybe 35cm, not sure yet), and Sweetie Void, about 50cm.

    By the time of The Forgotten Land, Kirby is 30cm tall, and Sweetie is about 60cm.

    0 comments · 166 views
  • 18 weeks
    Rewriting A Sweetie Dreamland

    I'm going to start to rewrite A Sweetie Dreamland, essentially to change the verb tenses. I'm also going to change "Dreamland" to "Dream Land", maybe change a few lines here and there, and so on. I don't know how long it will take, but I think that I should be done before the end of February.

    1 comments · 163 views

More Stories And Ideas From My Teens · 4:45am Feb 14th, 2022

Last blog, I told you about the first story I ever wrote, but since then, I wrote a few others and got many ideas. Some stories were finished, others never got an end, and most I never even began to work on, but I wish to share some of them with you guys. Who knows, maybe one of you could retake one or more of these ideas to make your own good stories, either on Fimfiction or on another site like fanfiction.net or AO3.

The first I wish to present you is actually a very classic one. 16 years old girl gets turned into a vampire and starts to learn how to live as one while trying to keep her humanity and fighting other vampires and various monsters and even monster hunters. Nothing to say, just that I love the idea of a young protagonist becoming a monster but trying to continue their life against all odds like in the series Big Wolf on Campus. For this reason, back when Changelings were considered as monsters, I loved reading stories where one of the Mane Six or somepony else like one of the Crusaders gets turned/is revealed to secretly be a Changeling.

In the line of the previous story, there's also this second one but more mature oriented. A village was held hostage by a demon, and the townspeople were forced to sacrifice others to him to keep him from destroying the village. The story would start as a whole family gets sent to the demon's lair. Then, when the time of the next sacrifice came, something unexpected happened: the child of the previous family, around eleven or twelve years old, comes out of the demon's lair now turned into some kind of half-demon. It turns out that the girl has somehow managed to kill the demon after it killed her family and, to avoid starving to death, she ate its flesh, which turned her into what she was now. However, she also gained the demon's more violent tendencies which she immediately unleashes on the townspeople for revenge, killing all of them very violently excepted one who manages to trap her back into the demon's lair. Then, several decades later, a fallen angel hears the story from the survivor and decides to let out the demon child to decide of her fate. Seeing that the girl can still be 'saved' (despite now being a bit insane because of the loneliness), and really not wanting to kill her which would result in her being sent to Hell probably to become a real demon, he decides to keep her at his side and to help her regain her humanity and control her demonic tendencies while they wander around the world.

This third story was in a fantasy world and starts with a really classic scenario. Witches and wizards exist, look upon the magicless people like they are worms, and some of them lord over defenseless villages. One such village on a coast, however, is eventually luckily visited by a wizard hunter who helps them capture and execute the couple of witch and wizard who made life here hell. And knowing that new witches and/or wizards could come to take their place, the townspeople ask the hunter to remain, and he accepts. What nobody knew however was that the couple had a child now left orphan, but instead of seeking revenge, the girl decides to try to live alongside the townspeople while keeping her identity secret, not wanting to repeat the same error than her parents. Of course, the girl is eventually found out by the hunter, but by then, some of the townspeople who interacted with her decide that it doesn't matter that she's a witches as she has been nothing but nice to them. From there, the story would follow the girl as she tries to find her place in the village despite the mistrust of most of its inhabitants and the regular attacks from other witches and wizards.

I made a Christmas-themed one-shot once. A few days before Christmas, a little girl finds a doll in some random toy shop but she feels that something is wrong with said doll, feeling a deep sadness coming from it. She quickly finds out that the doll is actually a real human girl who had been turned into a doll by the owner of the shop using dark magic out of desperation because he had been almost out of money to keep the shop open. However, in fifty years, he was never able to sell the doll, made even worse than he has been able to keep the shop open in the end despite this, and he really felt guilty. But now, getting old, the guy was about to close shop for good but didn't know what to do with the doll. So he gives the doll to the little girl who wants to help. But in the following days, all attempts from the girl to bring happiness to the doll failed, and it's only in Christmas Eve that she finds out how to help the doll. It turns out that the doll had a little sister, and no doubt that seeing her again would make the doll happy. She finds out where the little sister (now an old woman) now lives thanks to a dream (suspiciously hearing sleigh bells the following morning) and gives the doll to her. But the happiness doesn't last long as the old woman knows that it is only temporary. She's getting old after all and probably only has a few more decades to live. And what would happen to the doll then? So the old woman gets a drastic idea: turn herself into a doll to remain with her sister forever with the little girl agreeing to keep them together. So they visit the ancient shop owner who reluctantly uses the same magic he used to turn the old woman into a doll. Then, as the girl leaves with the two dolls, an old bearded man comes and proposes that he takes the dolls instead, promising to keep them together. Feeling the warmth radiating from the old man, the girl agrees and gives the dolls. Finally, as the old man leaves, he says to the old shopkeeper "You are forgiven," releasing a huge weight from the man's shoulders as he falls on the ground relieved. Then, as sleigh bells are heard, the old shopkeeper is finally able to sleep in peace.

One last story for now. This one, I wanted to make it a manga but I quickly gave up. It's a superhero story, but kind of a parody of one. It takes place in a city named Littlecity, the superhero is called Goodman, and the supervillain is Badman. And to put it simply, Goodman and Badman are pretty much Captain Quark and Prof Nefarious from Ratchet & Clank, and their relationship is very similar to the one at the beginning of Megamind. But surprisingly, Goodman isn't the main character. And this isn't one of these stories that follows the villain. No, here, we follow the heros' sidekick.
The story indeed starts as Badman is sent blasting off again for what is probably the thousandth time. In the aftermath, Goodman has his nose down signing an autograph for a teenage girl when what remains of Badman's mecha suddenly topples and falls right on the girl, partially crushing her. Goodman quickly uses his fortune to finance an operation to save her, turning her into a cyborg that he takes in as his sidekick known as Goodgirl (GG for short). Of course, the girl is more than happy to become the sidekick of her idol. And so, for the first part of the story, we follow the girl as she learns to become a hero, fighting Badman and his minions alongside Goodman. This first part is very comedy oriented, so there are lots of situations such as Badman's plans going wrongly (like when he accidentally creates an army of clones of himself and the clones all end up fighting each others through the city in order to be the first to defeat Goodman) and Goodman and Badman being their usual dumb-selves. Heck, Badman's HQ is just outside of the city, at the other side of a hill, only hidden from all by a cloaking field that also serves to give an evil-looking sky for the ones under it.
After a time however, we discover that that the heroine's little sister, one year younger and very recluse, is actually a fangirl of Badman, going as far as to ask him is autograph when nobody else is present. But one day, during a battle, an accident happens and the little sister is badly injured. Badman immediately takes her in and turns her into a cyborg too, making her his own sidekick, Badgirl (BD for short, and as she would say, it also stands for BaDass). Thus, through the second part of the story, we see the evolution of the rivalry between the two sisters.
Things however take a turn for the worse when Badman finally wins against Goodman only to be pushed back by the civilians. This makes him snap, and instead of attempting to conquer the city, he actually tries to destroy it. While Goodgirl and Badgirl fight each others, Goodman manages to reach Badman and manages to make him recover his senses. However, they just have time to stop the missile from being fired at the city, the missile instead exploding inside Badman's HQ with the superhero and supervillain still inside it, killing the two of them.
Thus starts the third part of the story. Because of what happened to Badman, Badgirl has grown hateful and has taken upon herself to continue what he started not knowing that Badman had given up attempting to destroy the city. Using a bunch of mutants that Badman had been secretly creating under the HQ, she violently attacks the city, leading to some very intense and violent battles with Goodgirl resulting in both Goodgirl and Badgirl being hurt more and more to the point that their body are more and more replaced by mechanical parts until they are pretty much robots.
And this is until Badgirl attempts to do what Badman attempted to do: destroy the city with a missile, starting what is supposed to be the final confrontation. But I couldn't decide of how this would go.
Goodgirl would win and kill her sister? Or simply arrest her? Or maybe she would somehow manage to convince her to stop attempting to destroy the city? Or would this go for a more dramatic ending where the two sisters end up dying? I even thought of a possibility where Badgirl actually wins and destroys the city before Goodgirl almost kills her in rage only to be sent into space by a weapon from the mutants where she will be left to drift, unconscious, for who knows how long. By the time she is found, repaired, and reactivated, Badgirl has conquered Earth and has started an empire slowly conquering the galaxy, but I don't really like where this goes. Would go too far from the superheroic roots of the story and would just turn into some kind of Star Wars.

That's all for now. Maybe I will share more stories and ideas in future blogs.

Comments ( 2 )

like when he accidentally creates an army of clones of himself and the clones all end up fighting each others through the city in order to be the first to defeat Goodman

This reminds me of the ending of SpongeBob SquarePants Battle for Bikini Bottom, when the Plankton robots made by the real Plankton's machine tried to destroy each other. Their banter was hilarious.

I had to go and see it. Boy, like you said, that was hilarious!

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