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More of an Equestria Enthusiast but glad to be here. | Audio Reader

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27 Years On This Rock · 11:19pm Jan 6th, 2022

Hello all!

First of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who read my first story release for this year - I'm glad so many people liked it. There will most certainly be a sequel, though I can't guarantee when it'll be. I do plan on writing another story--can't say what'll it be yet--so that'll get published before this month is over.

So, if you couldn't guess by the title, today's my birthday. 27 years and a couple dozen published fanfiction (and original) stories later, and here I am. I've been trying some other creative endeavors - last year, I started a fanfiction reading channel on Youtube, and I plan on learning how to art this year. Another thing I've been tossing around is doing a gaming channel, and whether that will involve voiceover or not - if the former, streaming is also a possibility. I'm more of a Nintendo guy, so I'd need a capture card first, so that's one of my priorities this year.

But enough about me. I wanted to make this blog post to give you all something - yes, on my birthday. :rainbowwild:

I come up with and put to the side so many gigantic fanfiction ideas - WoE and Project Starbound included. As of the latter, The Equestrian in particular, I gave you all that teaser last spring, I did write a little bit of an opening to the first chapter. so, if you're interested, give it a read below:

Chapter 1: The Hunter

Dust blew across the barren landscape outside the small spaceport town. The glaring sunlight gleamed off the hulls of the parked spaceships dotting the space before the town’s entrance.

There was nothing much to the town – just a tavern and a merchant who dabbled in repairs for a fee. Still, it was a big galaxy, and even a little dustbowl like this was welcome to space-weary travelers.

One such traveler stepped through the hissing doors of the tavern, pausing at the entryway. The conversations of the patrons fell quiet as they turned to look at the newcomer, some with greed in their eyes, some others with fear.

After a tense moment, the stranger stepped inside. All eyes watched him as he strode over to the bar, some on the blaster at his hip, others at the gleaming silver armor he wore. A few hushed words and nods were shared by a group at one booth.

Other than that, the tavern remained silent – save for a slurping sound in the corner.

The pony – whose drink was nearly empty – watched the stranger with starry-eyed wonder. She set the glass down on and waved a hoof to the stranger. “Hey!” she called. “You! Armor guy! I wanna talk to you!”

The stranger stopped before the bartender could reach him, glancing over his shoulder at the pony. His face, obscured by a helmet with a black T-shaped visor, wrinkled in confusion, but he turned and walked over to the pony.

“Can I help you?” he asked, his voice projected by the helmet.

The pony tapped the table with one hoof. “Have a seat, I got something I wanna talk about,” she said. “Name’s Pine Star, what’s yours?”

The stranger sighed and sat down at the seat opposite of her, looking the strange creature over. A padded cloth suit covered her body, save for her head, which was encased by a round helmet. A device with a rectangular green screen was fastened to her left foreleg.

“Folks don’t usually ask for my name,” the stranger said. “So I don’t offer it.”

“Fine, fine,” Pine said, waving a dismissive hoof. “You’re a Mandalorian, right?”

“That’s right.” The stranger nodded.

“Great! I could use your help with something.” Pine Star beamed.

“I don’t come cheap.”

Suddenly, there was a crash from a nearby booth. A group of aliens jumped from their seats, brandishing blaster pistols. Other patrons, and even the bartender, scattered and took cover.

The Mandalorian rose to his feet, shooting one of the aliens dead before the others could open fire. The laser bolts pinged off his armor, but the force caused him to stumble back, kicking away his chair in the process.

Pine Star, meanwhile, gave an annoyed huff and rolled her eyes. She tapped the side of her helmet, and a trio of long, metal triangles extended out of the helmet’s forehead. They met together to form a horn and began to hum.

“Will you quit it? I was talking to him first!” she snapped at the attacking aliens. The metal horn lit up with a magenta aura and a bolt of magic shot out. It hit one of the aliens square in his chest and blasted him back against the wall.

As some of the aliens turned on her, suddenly confused about who to aim at, a magenta barrier of hardened light formed in front of Pine, projected from her horn. Their brief confusion was enough for the Mandalorian to drop them with a shot each.

“Thanks for the help,” he said as he holstered his blaster and turned back to the pony. “Didn’t think you’d be willing to help a stranger.”

Pine Star beamed up at him, her barrier flickering out. “We Equestrians are just the helpful sort,” she replied.

As the patrons began to poke their heads out of their hiding spots, they cautiously returned to their seats. All eyes were glancing nervously at the Mandalorian and pony, wary of further conflict.

As the bartender shakily got back to his feet, one of the patrons seated at the bar smirked. With slow, quiet movements he reached to his belt and slowly pulled out a blaster pistol.

Just as he was lining up a shot at the Mandalorian’s head, a magenta bolt blasted him back over the bar, where several bottles fell and smashed on top of him.

“Sheesh, they really want that Beskar, huh?” Pine Star said with an annoyed snort.

“Yep.” He turned back to her, hand inching away from his holstered blaster. “So, what did you need my help with?”

Pine Star perked up and held up her glass, before pointing to one of the unbroken bottles behind the bar. Its liquid contents were magenta and glowed softly.

“I asked the barkeep for the non-alcoholic stuff and he gave me this. It’s tasty! And my Analyzer says it’s safe to drink.” She held up the leg with the device on it, wiggling it. “But he didn’t say what it was made of, just that it was berry juice. I was wondering if you could tell me more about it.”

The Mandalorian stared at her for a silent beat. “You do know I’m a bounty hunter, right?”

“Yeah, but you’ve been all over the galaxy, right? I was thinking you might know.” Pine Star batted her eyelashes. “Please?”

The Mandalorian’s shoulders slumped and he shook his head with a sigh. “They’re ling berries. You can find them on the jungle planet of Zotl.”

Pine beamed. “Just give me the coordinates.”


Outside, several aliens stood around on the ships, staring at the weird craft that sat opposite of them.

Unlike their craft – and most craft parked around them – this behemoth looked like it had escaped from a junkyard. The metal plating seemed slapped together, with the only smooth section toward the stern. The cockpit could be distinguished with a golden material for the viewport. On either side of it were metal protrusions with conical exhausts facing forward, backward, up, down, and outward.

Their attention switched to Pine Star as the mare trotted past them to the wooden ship. She stopped and smirked at them when she realized they were staring at her craft.

“Beauty, isn’t she? Hoofbuilt her myself,” she said proudly before trotting over to the craft.

It was held up by three metal legs with wide, flat feet. A round hatch in the center swung open and Pine Star climbed inside. The hatch slammed shut behind her with a pressurizing hiss.

Seconds later, the ship began to rumble. The exhausts facing downward roared and belched flames as the ship lifted shakily into the air. The metal legs retracted back against the underside as the cockpit angled heavenward.

A blocky metal component, situated on the stern, began to shift with mechanical clatters. It only settled when it formed a large cylinder – a sublight engine that lit up with blue exhaust.

And with a whoosh, the rickety ship jumped to hyperspace.

Here's to many more years to come and more creative endeavors. Thank you all for sticking with me thus far. :pinkiesmile:

-yours truly,

Comments ( 11 )
Author Interviewer

I'm sorry you've had to suffer so long D: good job surviving

Thanks. XD

For the record, I'm not trying to complain or anything. It hasn't been all sunshine, rainbows, and Pinkie Pie, but it's been good so far.

Happy birthday, Bill!

It's your birthday and we want you to have fun!
It's your birthday so let's party everyone!
It's your birthday and we want you to have fun!
It's your birthday so let's party everyone!

Happy Birthday, Bill! :twilightsmile:

Thanks Four, and thanks for the watch.

Author Interviewer

I just don't feel like I can wish anyone a happy anything these days. D:

Well, I hope you're doing alright.

Author Interviewer

Better now, yes. :)

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