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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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Replying to Glory Daze. · 5:55pm Dec 22nd, 2021

Someone has a very misguided view of me, and I write this in response to get MY SIDE of the story out...

Isn’t Mykan already hallucinating that MLP characters are talking to him when the tv is switched off? I think if anything, he is already halfway there.


I just memorized things I've seen on TV so much I can hear them and see them sometimes when I dream.

The thing is, no one thinks Stephen King is going to murder a kid just because he writes children dying, because King actually knows how to write a story.

How would I know, and why would I care about that sort of stuff? This is about vengeance and steam blowing, not practicing to be a writer. (I don't ever want to be a real writer. Even if I could write stories people would like, the answer is "No")

Depends. You can create a villain that is not a sociopath either, by letting them e.g. be someone who does something illegal, but not to the extend it involves people actually dying or being hurt.

Too weak for my tastes, therefore get a failing grade. Villains like those, I make them SO easy to defeat, even a five-year old could do it.

In the entire MLP Gen 4, the most HALF decent I saw was King Sombra, but even he didn't get a passing grade (Not evil enough for my tastes)

Bullies tend at least somewhere down the line to grow out of it.

No they don't, I've never seen a bully grow out of it, and even still... there will be no forgiveness, no starting over, no clean slate.

Honestly, the way this is worded it sounds like Mykan just confirms that by bashing on fictional characters he isn’t better than some in real life bully.

No, that's what other people have been doing to me. That bullying characters the way I do makes me a real bully.

But what you are doing with your life, is at the very least, not mentally healthy.

Perhaps, but not doing it and just letting the anger get me isn't healthy either.

You think you deserve to be some sort of famous actor just for living, you treat other human beings like tools, you are deluted enough to think that famous voice actors are genuine friends of yours.

You got that form a load of propaganda... I never said I DESERVE to be an actor, I just said I have talent, that's all. And I know famous VA's an I aren't besties, I never said we were. We just are on mutual and understanding levels, that's all. (Plus, Tara Strong did call me "friend")

You need to stop getting ONE side of the story and get both.

You think of a lot of things like a child rather than an adult and you have a severe “me against the rest” mentality. And don’t get me even started on how your general behavior is so out of the social norm, autism itself can not be the only reason why you are the way you are.

There are things in life I just don't like, and want little or nothing to do with. So I push them away.

And on top of all of that, you decided that your “purpose” in life must be to hate on some animated cartoon characters to the point you watch shows even though they make you physically ill? To spend years writing fanfics you yourself admit to not even care for that much and to waste time on blog entries like these? Blog entries that in term of content also repeat themselves most of the time?

It's not a purpose, it's just a hobby. something I CAN and prefer to be doing.

Sorry, but you are more nuts than a granola bar.

Could be worse...

Really, we don’t? Despite the fact that by your own admission you spend most of your time in the basement working on fanfic?
Despite all the entries you have about how you hate going outside or spending time with social groups? Despite all the lists you have online about stuff you watched and enjoy, as well as stuff you hate? Despite how you continuously write in your blog entries how you think the world is a dark and cruel place and that there is no good really in it and if there is, it is too little? Despite the fact we know you have two siblings, that you yourself have barely finished high school and have no desire to ever get a job and we even know your name in real life?

What I was referring to is the fact that you all think when I go out, I'm trying to hurt people more, or that I really act like how things are in my fics. You can't judge me entirely by my fanfiction.

Buddy, at this point the only thing we don’t know is your addressee and social security. And by the way how things are, we might get these one day too.

That's sounds like a desire to come and whack me.

No Mykan. They are just beating up a character that just coincidentally has the same name as you.

Wrong as usual, they are expressing desires to beat up the REAL me, I've seen it before. You did it just now yourself with the whole ADDRESS thing.

Tell that to certain SJWs. Though I will agree, impulsive thoughts are not the same as impulsive actions. That said, how much of Mykan’s stuff can be considered “impulsive”?

The real question is: What have I actually DONE in real life that warrants such bad judgment.

Buddy, we are in the year 2021. You have no idea how much “wrong think” has become a thing thanks to post 2016 internet culture.
Seriously though, I don’t think we can hold certain people in contempt just for certain opinions or thoughts. That said, there is a difference for example between saying “I don’t like the latest Marvel movie” and “I think we need to murder these people or treat those people like second class citizens because…”
And somewhere between those two extremes are you, admitting that you genuinely and gleefully enjoy the thought/sight of people, even just fictional ones, suffering.
And guess what Mykan: Most people out there don’t do that.
They do not enjoy the sight of someone suffering, at least not undeserved.

Then why do you people act like, I'm the worst person in the world?

-I'm not killing people
-I'm not pushing people in mud
-I'm not selling narcotics
-I'm not deporting people
-I'm not throwing foreigners into a prison camp.

...So how can I be considered "The reason humanity suffers?" HMMMMMMMM....?

I haven't done any of those things up there, and yet you people act like how I live behave is worse than all those combined.

Okay first, I doubt Mr Incredible really respected him for being a villain.

No he didn't. Not with that hollow half-assed apology he tried to make.

Second, if you try to make a statement how you are not a psychopath, but then use a murderer and weapons dealer like Syndrome from Pixars The Incredibles to make a point about how violence is still a way to “earn respect” and paint Syndrome in a good light… well, you are not helping your case.

Simple, lots of people agreed on what Syndrome said... ONE way, and a most foremost way to be respected... is to be FEARED. Whether you're a murderer or weapons dealer or not.

So, you are saying you are in defense of real life dictators now?
Cause honestly, this mentality feels like something the likes of Hitler would have said to justify their actions for the “greater good” or some other shit.
And yeha, be a dictator. It is one way to get things done. Including starting wars, get people killed and increasing your chances of ending up with a bullet in your head.

There you go again... acting like I want to ACT OUT my fictions.

Yeah, history is full with people like that. You know how they tended to end up? Dying alone and being remembered for the decades to come as monsters.

Some people WANT to die alone. I do... so I can prove that romance, marriage, being laid, and having a family of your own ARE NOT requirements to live long.

I don’t like being hit either, but I am working in a medical field, so at times that is unavoidable. Also I have to ask, you are 35 years old. In what sort of situations are you getting yourself, that you are being hit past the age of 18.

18...? try longer than that kid!

I've been being punched, pushed and have thrown things at me since I was five. My first baby tooth came loose because I was pushed down.

You do the math...!

Okay now that last line right there, that gets me. Getting banned from a convention could have been a consequence for hitting someone. Does that imply Dakari King Mykan, a 35 year old man, when going to anime conventions, has the urges at times to beat up other con goers?

Yes, I didn't like the way they just yelled at me, or the guy next to me, or act rude and discourteous (Shoving me out of the way instead of saying "Excuse me" or not caring when I tried to help them)

That there is an asshole. Even you would probably want to kick them for doing that or at least hold them at bat and threaten them.

"This is your only warning... the next time you decide to lip off at me or anyone else... DON'T!!"

I am more concerned about two things here. First, again, that you even have the urges to hit someone at a convention (I think context is missing here) and two, my personal take away is that you are only not beating up someone, because you know there would be negative consequences for you. Which makes me wonder, if something akin to “The Purge” would ever become real, would you suddenly indulge in those urges, because now it is “okay” by law to do them?

I don't give into my hitting urges...

And no, it's not legal to throw a first punch. It doesn't even matter if the person is being an asshole, or you are being annoyed by them... you have no legal right to slug them. That is ASSAULT, and you can get charged for it!

The only time you are allowed to hit someone is in SELF-DEFENSE; if it looks like they're about to hurt you and there's other way out than violence. Even still, you're only supposed to back them off you, you don't tackle them to ground and start beating them to a pulp. That's called EXCESSIVE FORCE, which makes you the instigator, and counts as ASSAULT. You'll get charged.

Sorry, but your deal, to think constantly of them and what could have been done, instead of simply just going on with your life and focus on something more positive, is not healthy at all.

Yeah? Well I say the other way is no good either.

I wonder how far Mykan’s “resentment” goes. Like, does that guy have a list of his enemies that goes back to kindergarden? Is his first nemesis ever the kid who ate his cookie by accident?

Yes... I do.

Feels like you are only trying to be a “good” person because you are afraid the big guy in the sky would otherwise smite you. Which begs the question, what Mykan thinks god is like.

That's ONE reason for sure.

And I think God, beneficent as he is, is vindictive as well. Doesn't take kind to certain things other than the Commandments and Sins.

Ethics and moral are up to a certain point debatable anyway. Though obviously it begs the question how “good” of a person you really are, if the first thing coming to your mind is, how behaving a certain manner does benefit you more, than it would also benefit the society at large.

I'm only as good as I feel I am...

Benefiting Society does not make me feel like a good person. Either that, or I don't want to be seen as a good person because of that.

Then again, no one ever wanted to see the good or decency in me anyway... so I gave up with much of the caring stuff.

Yeah, sociopaths exist. But we do not need to let them “live out” some of their more basic instincts, if they hurt other creatures. There is a reason we have laws that e.g. punish animal cruelty or murder. Fucks sake, even some sociopaths have standards. For example, 4chan of all places has put people that killed kittens on live streams behind bars.

But I'm not hurting anyone real... just cartoon characters. Yet you all act like I am hurting someone real.

The problem here is, most people when they

When they what?

You are not really a though guy for being 35 and bullying a fictional horse. Also, how would you like it if we did that to Lightning Dawn?

That's another reason why I thrash characters. People harassed and bullied existing characters I loved out of spite... so I'm returning fire. I know it makes me no different, but if it's the only option available... so be it.

Why not? You gave the people who made MLP a hard time with your reviews, called their work garbage and such. Why aren’t others allowed to hold you up to the same standards?

WHERE...? Show me proof... or are you just buying into what people say again when it could be a lie.

You see someone post something about me, and you instantly believe it without care of proof or evidence. You're like Motoyasu on RISE OF THE SHIELD HERO (He thinks Pretty Woman can never be wrong, and he will always believe them regardless of facts or evidence)

I'm attacking the cartoon characters, not the makers, not the legit fans. You like MLP.. Fine. the only time I bite is when bitten first.

You don't bother me, I don't bother you... understand?

I wonder how much Mykan thinks just giving a negative review for his stories counts as bullying. I mean, some people take it far with him I say, but he acts extremely defensive himself most of the time.

Because a lot of you like to post lies about me.

You say I want to rape or kill people... and you let other people SEE that, swallow it, and become brainwashed into hating on me for things that are not true.

I have to defend myself, or things are only going to get worse.

Ignoring bullies and doing nothing about them does not make them go away... it makes them stronger.

I quit responding for 6 months once. The results were disastrous as more people were taken in by the propaganda about me and began wailing on me.

Yeah, you totally have the best life you could aim for, being miserable and obsessively hate about stuff that happened years ago.
So fulfilling, living in your parents‘ house at 35, lacking any form of independence and focusing on writing yet another multi chapter story about how a little horse voiced by an overrated VA gets her horn shattered or some other petty bullshit, while other people out there have friends, jobs and are overall okay with their life and can go peacefully to sleep without the need to metaphorically rub one out to pony torture porn.

But at least I'm comfortable, and safe. So things don't have to be too serious? Got it!

Think of it like this...


Beast Boy (Or rather his HSM form) lives in a hazardous home with nightmares, dangerous, and lives such a hard-knock-life.

"This is the worst possible future for him."

Actually, if you consider the circumstances... this is his BEST possible future."

At least he's alive. At least he has a home.

Having independence won't make a difference, I promise you that.

Wait. Any of your characters are heroes? Sorry, to me they are all just the same: Condescending assholes who you think are “cool” by some bizarre early 2000s teenager definition of the term.

-Mykan McClain (Starfox) he and his siblings teamup with the crew to become galactic-mercenaries (Heroes)

-Mykan Stevens Human (MLP) In his debut, he helped save the two worlds from disasters, and he's an auxiliary Starfleet fighter (Helps out when he needs to) He's a hero.

Mykan Spotswood (6teen) He's not a villain. He's a comic-store proprietor, and comic-book artist, and he and his friends have battled international terrorists in their reality. He's a hero.

Mykan Jaden (Totally Spies/Yu-gi-oh): He's a world champion duelist and helped saved the world many times. HERO.

Mykan Zodiac: (Liberty's Kids/Power Rangers): He's a Power Ranger... can't be more of a hero than that.

So don't say every single one of my characters is an asshole.

Well, yeah. Playing a villain is all fun. Being a villain on the other hand…

And lets not kid ourselved here: you want to be the bad guy. You want to be some sort of power abusing asshole, Mykan. Yeah, but guess what: Even in a world like ours, most villains sooner or later face the music.

What I do in real life is not being a villain. That's being an Anti-Hero. There's a big difference.

Go ahead, start naming what I do in real life that makes me a villain (that means leave the fanficiton OUT OF IT) What do you think I do in real life that qualifies being evil, or is so villainous that I have to "Face the Music?"

Aside of the fact that Mykan tries to use a children superhero movie to make some bigger statement about morality and empathy here (seriously guy, try to look at the world perhaps through the lense of reality, not just of children entertainment), I wonder what he thinks would have really been accomplished by killing Mirage.

I wasn't even the one who made that statement. Someone else did on a YT vid.

I mean, Syndrome would have been shocked that he went through with it for like a second. Then he would have just told someone to clean this up and be on his way to do more villainous stuff, also enjoying the fact he broke Mr. Incredible to this point.

Nothing “good” would have been achieved and a woman who actually opposed the idea of shooting down Mr. Incredibles family would be dead.

I was making a point of what CAN HAPPEN if you do or don't.

Aha. So you are okay with someone suffering, because you don’t like them. Suffering in that case involving being glad that someone thinks their family is dead. Yeah, even if that is just a movie, again there is a crimson red flag being raised.

To use your words... nothing good comes my NOT enjoying his suffering.

There's a dead-end both ways.

Also I would like to think why he believes Buddy/Syndrome was in the right for anything in the movie. Cause honestly, I get the feeling Mykan is like that one kid in the audience who actually thought of Syndrome as the hero.
Jesus, I start to bet he is the sort fo kid who cheered when Mufasa died.

I don't think what he's doing is really right... but on the other hand, I love revenge, and I love getting even with People.

I don't like Bob (Mr Incredbile) for the way he coldly rejected Buddy and crushed his spirit. (A lot of people don't like him for that)
Even though it's true, Buddy still didn't have to become Syndrome and doing so was going way overboard, it cannot be denied that Mr. Incredbile's cold and callous rejections are the main catalyst that drove him off the edge.

Mr. Incredible inadvertently created his own villain.

Perhaps if Bob had been more sympathetic, and agreed to at least TALK to Buddy later and reach a decent and civil understanding... MAYBE... things could have been different (Kids like Buddy who have talents and skills and want to prove something, don't like begin crushed or not told that they are special)

But no... Bob COLDLY tells Buddy to leave, and insisted "YOU'RE NOT AFFILIATED WITH ME"

I know how Buddy feels... like I told you, I don't like it when people talk to me that way (REGARDLESS of the Reason) and I'd like to get even with them.

THIS is why I am not on Bob's side. He may be a hero... but I think he's a jerk, and very horrid human being (And not JUST for what he did to Buddy, but as a person in general)

I could even write a story where Buddy doesn't become Syndrome, and he and Bob meet up at work, but Buddy show's nothing but hostility to him and shows he has no intention of starting over, or being nice.

Bob did wrong in my view and now he's "Facing the Music!"

"Aw... you'll get over it. I seem to recall you prefer to *Work alone." SOLID BURN... and he deserved it.

That said, and sorry for repeating that question, how has “hating” on everyone and everything really benefited you in life again?

As I have implied before... it gives me a sense of strength, power, control. I show people "You can't boss me around" Without these feelings, I don't feel very strong at all.

And another kids medium from like 15+ years ago used to supposedly make a point as an adult about how having basic human empathy is wrong.

Why should it matter how old it is? It's perfect to use...

Seriously, get some new material. That doesn’t even cover how Kaiba for a lack of a better word is one of the biggest loser rivals in fiction if you think about it.

New material... SAME lesson... so quit complaining.

Mercy... or... Rage.

Just saying Mykan, you are on the same side as fictional and actual nazis when it comes to the concept of compassion.

That still doesn't give you the right to treat me like a REAL Nazi.

Though a lot of you say "YES, it DOES, BECAUSE YOU ARE."

No, you're just being butthurt again.

You know, the biggest irony about that? If we actually took a page out of Mykan’s own book how empathy is wrong, his life would be a bigger hell then before.

I didn't say it's totally wrong... I said SOMETIMES it can hold you back.

Sometimes you gotta be ruthless.

Seriously, am I the only one who is currently worried about Mykan’s parents or even the children in Mykan’s neighborhood? Knowing this guy, I get the feeling he is going to leak some emails of underaged friends he has to pedophiles, just because they decided to no longer read his fanfics.

Is there someone I can try and report this too?

You are being extremely judgmental and over-the-top right now.

Well excuse me for thinking that after you made it obviously clear you identify as a sociopath and that you are doing something that could endanger others in real life.

Again, you're being judgmental.

I am concerned about wanting to stop you before I read how someone drove into a Christmas market in Toronto, shouting “Things Change!”

*Shakes head* Overreact much.

Yeah, I am not concerned about the cartoon horse. Your family and neighbors on the other hand…

Well don't be.

One, they're not you're concern, and I already told you, I've done nothing of what you're thinking. So get off your horse.

Initially, yes. But now I am concerned how far your self destructive behavior truly goes.

Well don't be... it's nothing be concerned about at all.

Again, looking for morals in a freaking slapstick cartoon. Jesus.

You don't consider that ART imitates life, and those lessons are FACT? How sad.

Too bad Mykan decided that the best examples to emulate are Seto Kaiba, Syndrom and Adolf Hitler.

They are still examples...

Twilight cannot win EVERYONE over. There are some people who just don't believe in friendship. They don't like it, want it, or need it, and in the end of the day... Twilight has failed to convince them.

Like sorry Mykan/Michael Mikulak, I know you tried to make some sort of case about how you are "okay" and not a danger, even if you proudly identify as a sociopath the same way Anita Sarkessian identifies as a feminist... but if anything you just showed why people should hold you in contempt. I hope you get better or someone forces help on you, cause if that goes down certain ways, I think Chris Chan won't be the only infamous lolcow in jail.

Again, you're being ridiculous...

I haven't broken any laws... and unfortunately for you, you have no case to lock me up. You want me locked out of personal spite, not concern, which is heavily evidenced because you keep worrying about things that MAY HAPPEN, even though they haven't and aren't likely to happen.

People don't get thrown in jail for things like that, nor do they get sent to the nuthouse.

They go if they are proven to be a DANGER to themselves and those around them for having actually DONE THINGS.

,,,Nope, you're case is no good either, and no judge will rule in your favor.

Oh and btw Mykan, if you attempt to contact me or pm me, I am blocking you the same way you blocked me. I decided to take at least that aspect of your worldview and treat you the same way you like to treat and think of others. So don't even bother

This is exactly why I blocked, so you can't spam my account anymore with these overbearing acts of ridiculous notions.

But I will finish off with this...

Don't think you have a corner on all the virtue vision in the country or that everyone else is fat and selfish and yours is the first generation to come along that's felt dissatisfied. They all have, you know, about different things; and most of them didn't have the opportunity and freedoms that we have.

Let's talk poverty. In most parts of the world, that's not a problem, it's a way of life.

And rights? They're liable to give you a blank stare because they may not know what you're talking about.

The fact is, more people are living better right here than anyone else ever before in history. So don't expect us to roll over and play dead when you say you're dissatisfied. It's not perfect, but it's a great deal better than when others grew up: a hundred men standing in the street hoping for one job, selling apples on the street corner. That's one of the things they were dissatisfied about, and you don't see that much anymore.

We're taller, stronger, healthier, better educated, and we live longer than the last generation; and that's not altogether bad. You've probably never seen a "Quarantine" sign on a neighbor's door. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough; probably none of your classmates are crippled with polio. You don't see many mastoid scars anymore. The people have done quite a bit of fighting all around the world. Whether you think it was moral or not a lot of people are free to make their own mistakes today because of it. And that may just include you and me.

Maybe part of it's the fact that you're in a hurry. You've grown up on instant orange juice. Flip a dial - instant entertainment. Dial seven digits - instant communication. Turn a key - push a pedal - instant transportation. Flash a card - instant money. Shove in a problem - push a few buttons - instant answers. But some problems you can't get quick answers for, no matter how much you want them.

Once a little boy was taken to Hospital; he was four years old. He weighed eight-and-a-half pounds. His parents just hadn't bothered to feed him. Now give me a fast answer to that one; one that'll stop that from ever happening again. And if you can't settle that one, how about the 55,000 Americans who'll die on the highway this year? That's nearly six or seven times the number that got killed in Vietnam. Why aren't you up in arms about that, or how Donald Trump deported people or locked foreigners in prisons? Or is chastising a fan-fiction author somehow moral?

Show me how to wipe out prejudice. I'll settle for the prejudices you have inside yourself. Show me how to get rid of the unlimited capacity for human beings to make themselves believe they're somehow right - and justified - in stealing from somebody, or hurting somebody, and you'll just about put every police department and out of business!

Don't think I'm telling you to lose your ideals or your sense of outrage. They're the only way things ever get done. And there's a lot more that still needs doing. And I hope you'll tackle it. You don't have to do anything dramatic like wanting me arrested simply for things you're AFRAID I can do, or what I MAY do. You can find enough to keep you busy in other places.

In the meantime, don't bully me, riff me or threaten to break things I have in the line of progress or crack a placard stick over my head to make me see the light. Be careful of MY rights. Because your property and your person and your rights aren't any better than mine. And the next time you may be the one to get it.

You mentioned Hitler a lot, and you compared him to me. But I haven't killed six million people, and called it social improvement, and you have no right to judge my doing it in fanfiction as a would-be terrorist in the making.

So hang in there...

Don't try to build a new world. Make this one work. It has for a long time; and by the world's standards, that's hardly more than yesterday.

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