• Member Since 21st Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Adan Druego

Sis: You're the father. Bro: ...hey? I BETTER BE!!

More Blog Posts349

  • Thursday
    Two Sides of the Same Coin?

    I don't like tomatoes... but I like pineapple on pizza.

    0 comments · 7 views
  • 2 weeks
    Some say the voices are getting louder.

    The voices don't get louder, they get closer.

    Sometimes, when they get closer enough, you begin to recognize one of those voices as your own.

    0 comments · 17 views
  • 4 weeks
    Tapping Buttons Is How You Broke Buttons.

    Okay some for years, I had no idea this site had forums...
    Only yesterday, did I finally realize that those same forums have a search function.

    I'm not old, you're old.

    1 comments · 24 views
  • 5 weeks
    OJ's dead, huh.

    OJ's dead. Huh. Interesting.

    Okay, not really. I still remember that slowest high-speed chase ever occurrence.

    0 comments · 32 views
  • 7 weeks
    Number 1223. Number 1223. Number 1224. Number 1225. Number 1223.

    When the voices start telling you to burn it all, it means you've stopped taking your medication, you're not getting enough sleep or most likely you've been at the DMV for far too long.

    The DMV, everyone hates waiting at the DMV.

    0 comments · 21 views

How Democrat may attempt to erase Hispanic votes in Texas. · 2:54am Dec 21st, 2021

How Democrat may attempt to erase Hispanic votes in Texas

In Texas, as with certain other locations around the U.S., there exist many Hispanics who agree with many Whites on various topics.

Open borders and illegal immigration are a major problem.
Law and order must be restored.
The majority of issues within the black community stem from the fact that they're black.
Racism isn't the main issue within this nation.
Blacks need to learn to behave.
Illegals shouldn't have rights, especially the right to vote.
Accommodating transsexuals isn't worth changing our cultures, societies, languages etc.
Heterosexuality should be considered the norm, standard and default within our societies and cultures.
Wokeism is a disease of the mind. It's either a mental disorder or just plain stupidity.
Blacks are causing many of the problems we're facing today, along with their allies.
We want police forces and officers within our communities.
We don't want communism, socialism or whatever else you're blabbering on about.
CTR is Afrocentric, thus we, Hispanics and Whites, don't want that garbage taught.
If you hate this country so much, we should force you do leave. You should NOT get a choice.

We might just have to start fighting you with more than our words and votes.

In 2016, many Hispanics in Texas voted against Trump, but then in 2020, many switched sides from long-time Democrats and voted for Trump. Many Hispanic Republicans and right wing individuals feel that the Democrats did, in fact, cheat.

Democrats have noticed their loses in Texas among Hispanic voters, so by claiming that Texas is diluting Hispanic voting power by combining Hispanic voters with White voters, they will be able to claim that it's White voters who want change, not Hispanics. Thus, Democrats seek to invalidate Hispanic votes by saying things would have certainly turned out different if Texas hadn't redrawn a few things.

Just me, being somewhat condescending towards many of you

In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure about this, since I don't consider Democrats, leftists, the "woke", socialist and communist wannabes and all those other things to be all that intelligent. I see you as much closer to stray animals going through the neighbor's garbage cans than actual human beings. But flukes are known to occur and human beings have taught chimpanzees how to use sign language so perhaps there are a few clever leftists, maybe there's even a few mentally health Twitter freaks, who knows. I just don't know how much mental capacity a leftist has.

Just Some Personal Experiences

Also, I, personally, know Hispanic voters, who voted from Donald Trump, twice, voted against Obama, voted to stop the legalization of gay marriage. Hispanics, who don't want transsexuals in the wrong restrooms and on the wrong sport teams, who believe you can't change your gender, even after modification, you're still what you were. Hispanics, who are tired of blacks destroying this country, using the race card for everything, who think black looters and rioters deserve to be shot, who see the Rittenhouse verdict as justice being served, who want a police force, who don't view George Floyd as some kind of saint, who are also tired of blacks appearing in everything and the promotion of interracial relationship involving blacks. Etc.

The Reality Of The Situation

As I'm stated before, you, on the left, have fewer allies and supporters among "brown people" than you think. Also, Hispanics who hate that "Latinx" gender inclusive garbage.

I don't actually know any Asians, but I'm sure like Hispanics, Whites and other races, there's a fair amount who agree and disagree on these topics. Most people are just that, people, so you can expect certain tends to be true.

As usual, I have no idea what I'm doing... or maybe I do.
Izzy is definitely Best Pony.

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