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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    (Day 32)

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My Acting like/being a Sociopath · 4:14am Dec 20th, 2021

The plot thickens today... people give me a rough time because of my acts of being a sociopath... and making characters like that too.

They don't like such people because...

Lack of empathy for others, or just a VERY poor inner sense of right and wrong.

Impulsive behavior.

Attempting to control others with threats or aggression?

And then there's the fear that "You are on your way to becoming a psychopath."

You know I really don't like it when people do that... acting like I want to actually DO IN REAL LIFE what I portray in fan-fiction... I don't really, you know.

We all have violent thoughts or fantasies of people we hate, or who wronged us, or bullied us... and if you say you don't, I don't believe you. The fact is, EVERYONE is capable of said thoughts and having such fantasies. You SAYING you don't have any is just YOUR WORD against MINE, there's no solid proof that suggests you don't.

You're capable of having them, and for all I can guess... you DO have them.

And also, saying you don't have violent fantasies is like someone saying "I'm not afraid of anything." (they must've spent their entire life asleep)

Now about me acting like a Sociopath... yeah, I've written a ton of horrible scenes where my characters behave so.

In the first place, some of them are VILLAINS, meaning being a sociopath is part of the package. I mean after all, without those traits, they aren't much a of a villain now, are they?

Also, another thing... I get really fed up when people say that by Bullying the cartoon characters the way I do makes me no different than a real bully.

...Does it really?

I say NO... IT DOES NOT, and so do others.


-How does punching Twilight Sparkle in the face equal to punch someone REAL in the face?

-How does pulling off Flurry Heart's head equal in every way to beheading a REAL baby?


You have a very bizarre concept of weakness considering the fact that you also think not murdering an infant in your story is also weak.

Letting people push me around, telling me how I should write MY fanfiction. Yeah... that IS being weak. Being Strong is standing up to them and telling them "This is my fic, I'll do what I want" or "You don't like it; tough." That's being strong. Showing them they can't tell me what to do.

-In the story, someone just threw a rock at someone's window SHATTERING it. Is anything broken in real life? Anything... huh...? Not that I see.

...I don't know where people get the GALL, the absolute nerve, to compare Bullying Cartoons to Bullying real people, but it is STUPID, and even more stupid than saying just because I show tenancies a SOCIOPATH in fanfictions automatically means I WILL 100% become a PSYCHOPATH in real life.

You don't know me in real life. You don't follow me around or see where I go or what I do with myself.

No, I save all the violence and really bad things for fanfiction and fanart... maybe I do have fantasies of violence (Just like everyone else does... hence they role-play about Twilight or themselves beating me up whenever I role play about beating up characters... what they do is REAL bullying.)

Maybe I do have those fantasies, but at least I'm letting them out in a harmless way, and therefore I'm not actually DOING THEM.

Impulsive THOUGHTS are not the same as IMPULSIVE ACTIONS.

You cannot hold someone simply for THINKING of doing something. If that was true, then there are billions of people on Earth who would have to be held in contempt.


Hey, it exists, and a lot of people still recognize it as ONE WAY of gaining respect.

Syndrome: "See? *Now* you respect me... because I'm a threat! That's the way it works. Turns out there are lots of people, whole countries, that want respect, and will pay through the nose to get it."

No matter how psychotic he is or what he was doing OR WHY he did it... He does have a point.

Or there's this...

"They never did respect you... they feared you! That's why they obeyed you."

It may be a harsh way...
It may be a disgusting way...

...But it's still one of the foremost ways to do it when being a goody-two-shoes fails. People are like that no matter how much you wish they weren't, or wish they be removed.


That doesn't justify the way you do things. Especially since all you do is threaten an attack and physically assault the characters just for not acting the way you want them to.

Once again, you're a sociopath.

Again, it's NOT the equivalent of what you're doing... bullying someone real.

Heck there's even one more example, and that's ME...!!!


Then go see a psychiatrist, you idiot.

We've already covered this... the answer is still No (It will not change anything. That's a promise)

I don't like it when people yell at me, talk rude to me... or hit me and call me names when I didn't do a thing! You can bet I'd like nothing more that whack them! (Mostly teachers, grownups, or rude people I was just trying to help because they would've gotten in trouble if I didn't)

I didn't hit them, even though I wanted to (Still pretty much do) but I didn't...

If Had...

-They could've hit me back and hurt me harder
-I could've been charged with assault, or suspended, or banned from cons.

So I didn't hit them. I don't feel moral, I don't feel stronger at all.

Now they GOT AWAY with what they did, I have no sense power or victory, and worse... I am still haunted by it EVERY SINGLE DAY. I hear their voices, I see their faces, I and wish I had hit them when I had the chance, even though I knew that would be wrong.

So as it is... BOTH WAYS are wrong.

Hit them= I'm screwed
Don't hit them= I'm screwed

I been swearing... TO GOD... for a long time now, I will not hurt anyone physically (UNLESS in act of self-defense, or to save a life) Other than those, no more throwing first physical slugs because I want to or I feel they deserve it, and I've done very good for a VERY VERY LONG TIME... and it's hurt me every single day! (I'm not gonna crack.)

It makes me WEAK... not Moral. (Morals mean nothing to me if nothing comforting or triumphant happens) Then again, hitting them isn't moral either.

Point is, back to Sociopaths.

-They won't change their ways simply because you want them too
-Nothing you say or do will get rid of them just like that either.

...Sociopaths exist. Period. You're just as stuck with them as I am stuck with having to put up with things I don't tolerate or approve of.

The reason I do it in fanfction is because I don't like the way the characters behaved in canon, and I'm beating them up for it. True, it will never change the actual canon, it will never be real... but it feels good enough for me (Like letting off steam)

So I bash the characters... why act like I just committed a felony, because I haven't. In the end, you just don't like what I've written... that's all it is.

I'm still not a real psychopath. And even if it can STILL happen, that doesn't mean it will.

So get off my case about it.

In the end, you just don't like what I've written or what I've done...

*Pushes Twilight to the floor.*

*Whips her viciously*

I bet you didn't like that, huh? (As evidenced by the roleplays people will make of Twilight or someone else/them beating me up)

Edit: Called it...

*Twilight grabs the whip and strikes your dick*

You don't have to like my stories, but that doesn't mean you need to give me a hard time about it. Don't compare it to me bullying the characters, it's still not the same.

I just bullied a cartoon character... YOU bullied a real person, and yet you act like a gaslighter about it.


Funny how you mention gaslighting when your characters do it all the time when they don't get a woman they like. More attitude that Psychopaths have.

I grow weary of people of people ignoring that I KNOW my guys are unjustified in doing it. Still... I LIKE what they're doing. Also... THEY ARE VILLAINS, it's what they're SUPPOSED to do.

So I act like a Sociopath, or I am Sociopath. It's my muse, and it's better than anything the BRIGHT-SIDE or FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC has done for me.

Even though some of my MYKAN characters have been heroes before, THE REAL ME thinks it's more fun to play a villain. Even the late Adam West once said it's more fun to play the badguy. (Fewer restrictions, more possibilities, you don't have empathy and stuff to hold you back.

and while we're at it... here's a little shot in the gut to Empathy VS Sociopath

Bob threatens to kill Mirage, but he's a hero... it's against his moral code to do such a thing (A hero only takes a life if they TOTALLY HAVE TO)

He could have crushed her, but he didn't. Showing he still has morals, and that he can't bring himself to hurt someone over personal spite or vengeance.

But on the other hand, by letting the villain go, you just let them get away with what they did and you left the door wide open for them to continue their offenses on other people. Many will now suffer, or die because you didn't do what you COULD HAVE while you had the chance. You held back, which makes empathy look like a weakness.

Personally, since I don't like Mr. Incredible... I'm glad he's suffering. (Don't lecture me with the whole Buddy had no right, or this or that. I'm not moved and that goes double for the Mirage betrayal and helping the heroes and stuff.)

The point is... empathy, mercy, and compassion CAN still be regarded as a weakness and hold you back.

One more example coming up, that shows either way (Mercy or Rage= you're screwed)


Kaiba is on the verge of defeat, so he stands on a ledge to tempt Yugi not to attack.

-if Yugi attacks, he'll win the duel, but the resulting shock-waves from the battle may blow Kaiba off the edge. (In the Jap dub, Kaiba threatened to jump if Yugi attack)

-If Yugi doesn't attack, Kaiba will wipe him out, and he'll lose the only chance he has to save his grandfather. (Ignoring all the stuff that happens after)

Mercy... or... Rage.

Either way, Yugi seems screwed, and yet he chose to stop his attack (Which in reality you can't do once the atk is called, unless the number of monsters on your opponents field changes during battle) I hold him in contempt for it, and so do many.

I also don't approve of the aftermath, where Tea gives Kaiba a lecture on compassion. I'm actually with Kaiba. Yugi still lost the game, and Kaiba has it all. The whole compassion talk, or having a heart... means nothing to me there. End of story!

Yeah, I'm acting like/I am a Sociopath again.

It is what it is.

In the end, it's still just fanfiction, and the stuff that I do in real life still is hardly anything to be concerned with.

...I'd like to tell you a TRUE story of something I am current doing that makes me a MEGA sociopath, but it's far too personal, as well as NONE OF YOUR CONCERN, and best I don't tell you.

All I can say about it... that it is neither violent, nor physically destructive in any way. IT CAN become that, but I'm going to lengths to ensure it doesn't.

Then again knowing people like you... you'll say I DESERVE to get smacked for it, and you'd take pride in doing it, and say it's JUSTIFIED. It isn't...!


It is, deal with it.

It is NOT justified.

* I push Twilight down again*

It's a CARTOON... quit acting like I just bullied someone real. BECAUSE I DIDN'T!!

Again in the end... you just don't like the way I write things. TOUGH!! You want something less of a Sociopath... look someplace else.

Because here's a fact of life you're all gonna have to live with just as I do (And it's also something Twilight and friends need to understand as well)

DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis

Mera : [after Siren is banished] I wish I could've made Siren do the right thing.

Wonder Woman : We can't make others choose what's right. We can only hope to set an example.

Hmm... I think I'll sing this song myself soon.


Sing in a soundproof room, no one wants to hear The Melody of a sociopath.

No one gives a damn if I'm a Socoiopath or not.

Face it kid, you may hate Sociopaths, and you may claim they deserve nothing in your view... but in the end... what are you going to do about it?

Comments ( 3 )

3 words. People are assholes. not you obviously but those that kept saying that you bullied people IRL are the assholes.


There's an asshole in all of us (Even me).

Some of the people who bully (I saw it with my own eyes) they admitted, they LIKE being assholes to get their daily laugh at someone's expense. (It's people like them who create people like me... NOT the other way around)

I remember a lot of things I've done... well over 30 years, and I'm haunted every single day by it. Many things I regret doing... many things I regret NOT doing.

No matter how GOOD or MORAL people think it is to not give into temptations. I don't feel good, and I don't feel like a better person... maybe I don't even want to be SEEN as a better person.

I have done stupid stuff as well ngl

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