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Lord King Cocoon

I am the lord of the changelings, King Cocoon!

More Blog Posts52

  • 37 weeks
    Correcting the Critics #2: "Save MLP"

    It's been a while since I did my last part in the series. But recently, I saw something that encouraged this installment. A tweet pointing out what someone said 10 months prior. On November 25th 2022, Fluttercheer made a blog post on this site about Save MLP and sent a message about how supporters of that

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    9 comments · 265 views
  • 51 weeks
    ChatGPT came up with AU fanfic ideas

    I'd say that the title of this blog post says it all, but I'd be lying. I'm not the type who would rely on ChatGPT. But I would certainly consider it once in a while and would most definitely recommend it, especially if you have writer's block.

    Some of these ideas I may use sometime. Or anyone reading this blog can use them for their own inspiration.

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    2 comments · 175 views
  • 55 weeks
    Great Stories Done Better #2: The Music of Ponyville


    If you haven't read the original story and do not want to be spoiled, visit the link here and read it. The Music of Ponyville

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    0 comments · 104 views
  • 70 weeks
    Great Stories Done Better #1: Project Ascension


    If you haven't read the original story and do not want to be spoiled, visit the link here and read it. The Music of Ponyville

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    4 comments · 163 views
  • 72 weeks
    Correcting the Critics #1: "Why Couldn't MLP been more epic?"

    I've chosen to begin a new blog series where I look at the claims of trolls, haters, and ignorant people and pick apart their claims. I can't promise how regular or frequent this series will be. But I wanted to make a proper series with a straight-to-the-point name. In this series, I will also avoid actually posting any links or saying names. I don't want to give the people or groups any

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    6 comments · 224 views

"I call it the DRAGONBALL FACTOR" Debunked · 12:13pm Dec 16th, 2021

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Constructive Criticism of One Last Hearths Warming to bring you another Debunk.

I originally wanted to wait until I finished reviewing One Last Hearths Warming before making this. But this topic has been knawing at the back of my mind for a while now. There won't be much of the usual copy/pasting and replying because, for the most part, he's just saying the same things over and over.

This is Mykan's "I call it the DRAGONBALL FACTOR" Debunked.

Simply put, if I'm not mistaken, Mykan's "Dragonball Factor" is comparing his Space Ponies in relation to Equestrians with the mane cast/villains of the Dragonball Franchise to other humans in the series. Or as Mykan specifically put it, he used the analogy of Cell vs Mr. Satan.

The reason this is a debunk is because the "Dragonball Factor" doesn't even apply to the Dragonball Franchise.

First, I will debunk why it doesn't accurately work in Mykan's Starfleet series. If you want to make a proper comparison, Equestrians would be analogous to Earthlings, and the Space Ponies would be analogous to Aliens. Now that we have a proper comparison, let's point out where the Mane 6 would stand in this comparison. The Mane 6 would be among the likes of Yamcha, Tenshinhan, the Ox-King, Grampa Gohan, Master Roshi, and Krillin (I suppose Chi-Chi and Bulma would also be included). However, let's not forget the Androids, since they're technically Earthlings too. But for the sake of keeping it organic, let's only include Android 17 (Lapis), Android 18 (Lazuli), and Android 20 (Dr. Gero). 17 and 18 are just Cyborgs, Humans with cybernetic implants. And 20, even though he's mostly just an Android, he also has an organic component, that being Dr. Gero's brain. I'm not including Cell because he has alien DNA.

To put the Earthlings into perspective, they make up half of the entrances for Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power. Even if you don't want to count the Androids as Human, Krillin, the strongest Human, is stronger than even 17 or 18. In other words, Krillin is stronger than any of the Saiyans in their base forms. Krillin is on par with SSJ Goku.

So in comparison, the Mane 6 would be among the Humans in the tournament of Power, who can potentially overpower Saiyans in their base form.

Why the Dragonball Factor doesn't even apply to Dragonball...
The answer is Goku himself, as well as Piccolo. For a while in Dragonball during their childhood, Krillin was on par with Goku. Whenever they came across a villain, that was always a challenge to overcome, even into Z and Super (and GT if you want to get into that). This also applies to Piccolo. Yes, he's also an alien, but he too had challenges to overcome to become as strong as he is now. And any of the aliens are not as strong as they were by default. They had to work to get where they are, with the exception of Frieza I suppose.

I did say there wouldn't be much copy/pasting. But just to be clear so that Mykan can't get on my case for it, I never said there wouldn't be any.

Twilight's magic is ineffective against Lightning (Even without his armor) because Lightning's body is so tough and solid, the magic can't get in (Much like how germs can't go through your skin without an open wound)

Aside from the fact that there's no evidence that that's how magic works, even if it did work like that, Lightning's body isn't immune to Twilight's magic. And Twilight is smart enough to figure out what I have. But I'm going to be petty. I won't reveal how Lightning is not immune to magic in this blog, because I'm not gonna let him BS his way into fixing that loophole and claim it was that way all along. But if anyone wants to know what I figured out, I'll gladly DM them about it.

Rainbow Dash dive bombs at Lightning like when she destroyed Applejack's old barn (LESSON ZERO)

1: Lightning will just stick out his arms, pushing against Rainbow's head, stopping her dead in midair, preventing her from finishing the attack.

2: He'll just stand there, get caught in the explosion... he may end up and little dusty, but there won't even be a scratch on him.

There would most certainly be a crater though. Even MLP has to follow the laws of physics to some extent. Even with the first scenario, the momentum of the attack would've pushed Lightning back.

Lightning could circumnavigate the entire planet 100 times before Rainbow finishes ONE LAP (That's just a fraction of how fast the space ponies are with the DBF)

That's BS even with the Dragonball Factor because that's another case of something that you never actually see in Dragonball. Your reasoning suggests that Lightning is significantly faster than even Goku.

She's only 5 inches tall or so, and even though she IS equipped with the DBF, even without it, she was already strong enough to lift over 750 pounds (Warping Fairies are able to lift 3000 times their own weight)

First of all, that is not without the Dragonball Factor. I know this because they are a race that you created. Your intent on making her as strong as she is means you're using the Dragonball Factor.

Secondly, I actually did the math, and Krysta is dangerously overweight. If Krysta can lift 3000 times her own weight, and she can lift 750lbs, then that would mean that Krysta weighs 0.25lbs. I did the math to determine how much she would weigh if she were 5'9". So, 0.25lbs multiplied by 13.8 (the multiplier to calculate her height to 5'9"), then using the inverse square law since we're increasing her proportions in 3 dimensions, that would make it 0.25lbs multiplied by 13.83, that makes her weighing in at 657.018lbs.

In other words, Krysta would look less like that...

...and more like this...

I know my point about Krysta's weight is unnecessary. But I couldn't help but do the math to satiate my curiosity. So to anyone who wants to make their own versions of Starfleet, you can either make Krysta extremely fat, or divide her weight by 4 if you want to take it seriously. Or you could change her form 5 inches to 10 inches, then make her 0.5lbs (I've done the math). So if you make her 5 inches and weigh 0.0625lbs, or you make her 10 inches and weigh 0.5 lbs, the result would be the same (at 5'9", she'd weigh 164.2545lbs).

So that's why the Dragonball Factor doesn't work, and why Krysta should start losing weight.

Your Changeling Lord King Cocoon has spoken.

Comments ( 8 )

You forgot to add something about the Dragonball factor and comparing humans to the other fighters. If Krillin is the strongest human, then we can see how little power levels matter in just Tienshinhan. Remember a certain even involving the strongest villian at the time?


Yeah, this is a normal human, unleashing the power of his ki, and keeping 2nd stage Cell at bay. The same Cell who beat Piccolo like he owed him money. Hell, I can go further than that, in super at least three of those humans (Muten Roshi, Tienshinhan, and Krillin) were considered good enough to fight in a multiverse tournament with other fighters outside of their wieght class. And this isn't getting into Revival of F wich showed how well these humans fared against Freeza's goons.

His 'dragonball factor' reads like he had only seen that clip of Dragonball Z and thought that was how it all worked. When DB has always been about pushing yourself and breaking your limits.

Then again, the Starfleet ponies always sound like a DBZ villian.

"The way we train, you have no chance to be able to scratch our armor or surpass us."

That usually leads to a butt pounding by Goku.

Then again...I prefer to be a jojo, Naruto, One Piece, and Ruroni Kenshin factor. Also, this ignores one thing, Magic is not just a pircing attack. There are other magic spells and tricks out there. If you think magic is just what you see on Yugioh? You lack imagination.

Will you relax?! I just CALL it "Dragonball factor" because that way I can link people to the blog and explain how the Space Ponies have DRAGONBALL LIKE powers without having to type so much.


So if you make her 5 inches and weigh 0.0625lbs, or you make her 10 inches and weigh 0.5 lbs, the result would be the same (at 5'9", she'd weigh 164.2545lbs).


Krysta DOES weigh 4 ounces (0.25/One quarter of a pound)

So according to MY calculations, as well as an OUNCE to POUND calculator.

4 ounces (0.25 lbs) x 3000= 12000 ounces (750 lbs) Period!

And also... 10 inches would make Krysta taller than a baby-- far too big to perch herself on your shoulder.

Also... Krillin is NOT stronger than Android 18, and he cannot hope to beat Goku at all.

There would most certainly be a crater though. Even MLP has to follow the laws of physics to some extent. Even with the first scenario, the momentum of the attack would've pushed Lightning back.

The point still remains... Lightning may have been moved, and dirtied from the dust, but he is completely unharmed.

To put it in a different way (The Digimon Way)

Twilight and her Friends are CHAMPION Levels, while Lightning is a MEGA, and even 6 Champions can't take on one Mega.

Or even in Terms of Pokemon...

A level 1 Pikachu VS a Level 100 Squritle. The type advantage does not help in the least. (Squirtle wins easily)


Will you relax?!

Will who relax? I am relaxed.

Krysta DOES weigh 4 ounces (0.25/One quarter of a pound)

Why are you gonna reply to my blogs if you're not even going to read them? I'm not arguing that that's not her weight. Like I said, I did the math, that you specifically saw. My point was that if you scale her up the the size of a normal human, that would make her severely overweight 657.018lbs (10,512.288oz). 0.0625lbs (1oz) would be more accurate to her proportions.

And also... 10 inches would make Krysta taller than a baby-- far too big to perch herself on your shoulder.

A baby what? Because it ain't a baby human. A newborn human averages at 20 inches, not under 10 inches.

If you want to keep her a 0.25lbs, then perhaps you should make her about 8 inches instead. That way you won't have to change her weight.

Also... Krillin is NOT stronger than Android 18,

Krillin eliminated a combatant from the Tournament of Power that was stronger than 18. He's at least on par with 18.

and he cannot hope to beat Goku at all.

I never said he could because I never said Goku couldn't go past SSJ1. I simply said that he's on par with SSJ1 Goku. Then again, there's more to strength than just a power level.

To put it in a different way (The Digimon Way)

Twilight and her Friends are CHAMPION Levels, while Lightning is a MEGA, and even 6 Champions can't take on one Mega,

Now you're relying on a completely different power scaling system. Is this the "Dragonball Factor" or the "Digimon Factor"?

Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Dec 17th, 2021

I deleted Mykan's reply to be because it's just spam at this point. But I will point out a few details.

  1. Mykan is ignorant to the fact that the word "argue" has more than one usage.
  2. Me showing the math doesn't in any way imply that I have an issue with something.
  3. Krysta's skills have absolutely nothing to do with the math I provided, so pointing out her abilities means is just a waste of time.
  4. Magical or not, Krysta is still a humanoid, therefore unless you want to argue that her bones are composed of tungsten, using math to compare her to a human works. That's what it means to be a humanoid.
  5. How I did the math was along the lines of a "Fun Fact". It's just that most people wouldn't have needed to be told specifically that it was a "Fun Fact".
  6. If you're going to rely on something called the "Dragonball Factor", you need to take into consideration that the series doesn't end with Z. It's apparent that you haven't watched Dragon Ball Super. Where the series is currently at, Krillin is on par with SSJ1 Goku.
  7. You can't use different power scaling systems if those systems don't work together (one of the flaws that the Death Battle series has is not taking this into account).
  8. Mykan's Death Battle fanfic of Twilight vs Lightning means absolutely nothing since it's clear that he doesn't actually know how to power scale, or just doesn't care.
  9. Power levels aren't the only thing that matters.

To address that last point about power levels, here's Exhibit A. Why was Kid Buu the most dangerous version of Buu? It's not his strength. Kid Buu is in fact the weakest of all the Buus. Kid Buu is the version before he had absorbed others and added their strength and power to his own It's not his intelligence. Quite the opposite in fact. Like his power, his intelligence is tied to those he absorbed. What makes him so dangerous is that he is feral, chaotic, and unrestrained. That's why Kid Buu would be able to defeat even the strongest version of Buu.

Exhibit B...

Sometimes, what makes someone powerful isn't a power level, but the abilities they know. That clip demonstrated that Tien's ability was able to do what Super Saiyan Grade 2 Vegeta and Super Saiyan Grade 3 Future Trunks couldn't.

Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Dec 17th, 2021
Comment posted by Lord King Cocoon deleted Dec 17th, 2021
Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Dec 17th, 2021
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