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  • Sunday
    My Review of Transformers Prime Beast Hunters episode 4 Rebellion

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    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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  • Saturday
    My Review of Spider-Man Unlimited

    My TV Show Rating Score:

    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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  • 1 week
    My Review of Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 Prey

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    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    My Review of The Big Bang Theory

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    5/5: It is an awesome show!
    4.5/5: it is a great show albeit not perfect
    4/5: It’s a good show with minor flaws
    3/5: It’s overall okay/guilty pleasure

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    My Review List For June

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    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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What is wrong with people?? · 6:44pm Nov 23rd, 2021

I really need to vent this.

First off, I normally don't have problems with people who love shipping characters especially in a cartoon show. People have every right to ship whichever character they like as long as those ships make sense and don't disrespect a character's canonical sexuality (gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc.). However, what really pisses me off is most toxic fans attack other people who don't ship the same characters they love so much. For fuck's sake, not everyone has the same opinion that you do. For example, if someone doesn't like the LuzXAmity (Lumity) ship from The Owl House for whatever reason, respect that. If someone doesn't like the DiscordXFluttershy (Fluttercord) ship for whatever reason, also respect that. Nothing can be more toxic than ship wars in any fandom.

Secondly, there are several users I've seen on Instagram that actually post sexualized pictures of underage cartoon girls. What the FUCK is wrong with people?! Those guys need to be reported and banned from any social platform. Are men seriously that perverted that they need to resort to such disgusting things? Pedophiles and perverts deserve no mercy, folks. IT IS A YOUNG ANIMATED GIRL IN HER TEENS/ PRE-TEENS.

For idiots who say, "It's JuSt a DrAWing!!! IT's NOt ReAl!!!!" No shit it is not real, sherlock. If you honestly think it is perfectly okay to make sexualized fanarts and NSFW drawings of underage little cartoon girls to satisfy little fantasy fetishes of yours, you are fucked in the head and need to seek professional help.

I just wanted to let off some steam here. Seriously, I just hate people sometimes. *sigh*

Comments ( 19 )
Comment posted by Ocellus The Changeling deleted May 27th

I couldn't agree more, buddy.

What the FUCK is wrong with people?! Those guys need to be reported and banned from any social platform. Are men seriously that perverted that they need to resort to such disgusting things? Pedophiles and perverts deserve no mercy, folks.

Permission to share some anxiety I get over topics like this?

Lord this guy will become the hulk or Zarathos he finds out about MHA

Either form is bad.


For a while now, one of my most recurring anxiety-induced thoughts is that I'll turn out to be like this (or that I am like this). And it sucks. I've never done anything, but I sometimes feel like I am. I sometimes have trouble saying no to negative thoughts whenever I'm unsure of them.

I don't want to be someone that deserves be scorned or shunned by media or people.

Look I totally get it. It's sorta "fine" if you make the canon kid/pre-teen characters all aged up in your stories. ( Over 18, and older ).

What is NOT fine, is making sexual stuff anyway when they are still kids/pre-teens. :facehoof: :pinkiesick:

I appreciate your honesty, my friend. Your self-awareness is definitely the first right step to make. If ever you feel troubled by ANYTHING, please don’t hesitate to talk to someone.

Thanks, man. Anxiety's screwed with my mind plenty of times.

I don’t even know who that character is, but I don’t like the way that’s drawn.

I might be a huge Fluttercord shipper but I also understand if that isn´t everyone´s cup of tea. But anyway toxic people exists anywhere, even in shows that are the opposite such as MLP.

Secondly, THANK YOU. I´ve always wondered why people sexualize literally everything even underage girls. This is a huge problem in our society, how we sexualize girls that begin their puberty. Sadly, there are plenty of stories of girls getting cat called at 10 years old. Yikes.

Hi! Maybe Mr J has already helped you but I also want to do my part. Those thoughts are intrusive thoughts, which means that they come to your mind without you wanting them. You are not a bad person for having them nor you deserve to be scorned or shunned. In fact if you worry that you´ll be that way, then you´re not like that!

I know that sometimes it´s difficult identifying intrusive thoughts (in fact I also struggle with that!) but if it makes you feel bad and it´s about that same topic then they´re just intrusive thoughts. What helps me to relax is doing an activity or anything that distracts me. I don´t know which are your coping mechanisms but I leave mine if it helps.

And most importantly, if you feel like this is hugely interfering with your life, never be afraid of seeking professional help. It might sound scary at first but a diagnostic can improve your life and symptoms. And if you already have had professional help but you feel like you need it again, don´t doubt to come back.

Hope this helps.

I hate people who try to defend that sh*t.

Agreed, I unintentionally caused a bunch of people to quit an MLP RP by standing up to the owner who said that by making the canon characters lesbians, that I was disrespecting Faust's work. I stand up and say that it's just a shipping, and the owner still disagrees, so I openly quit the RP, and at least half of the other role players quit as well in a manner of protest. I'm not against shipping characters in a homosexual or bisexual relationship, but this guy was an ass about it, even going as far as to say that anyone who approved of homosexual/bisexual MLP shipping is disrespecting the creators of the show

What’s wrong with Mha?

But isn't the Aj & Rd ship canon?

This was before the finale

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