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BAD news. · 2:27pm Nov 20th, 2021

So thursday morning after I got up for the day, I had a plan. Eat some food, go work out, then do some writing. I've been trying to get something done for awhile now, but keep struggling in different areas, so I thought if I just have a plan, I'll be able to actually do something.

So after not being able to find my mp3 player for a good 15 minutes, I went downstairs to use our gym, and I got a text from my sister, immediately telling me she had some bad news about our grandmother.

I don't really mention my family much here, because a lot of my family is toxic, and drug addicts, but my gram well she was never like that. She and I used to always watch Soap operas, and game shows together. She loved Catch 21, the Young and the Restless, and just overall was a pleasant person to be around. Talked a lot but I'm imagining she was lonely.

WELL, my grandmother is dying and there's nothing they can do. SO I wasn't expecting to have to go five hours south this weekend, but SHIT happens when you least expect it. Due to this it's gonna take a good chunk of my money to do this and holidays are coming up, and I have this worry, I won't have enough funds, or something ELSE will go wrong.

So this is me asking for help and I HATE asking for help.
I've been taught that if you can't support yourself, then you don't deserve things. Some of these things are food, shelter, and just overall happiness. I'm not saying you have to donate to me, but if you want to that's fine. Just general prayers would be appreciated.

My grandmother and me we used to be really close back when I was spending every weekend with her and my grandfather, so yes I'm sad but I'll be alright, this is something I honestly knew would happen but it's just so sudden.

I'll miss you gram, I won't forget you or the memories we shared. RIP.
If you wanna donate to me:
Coffee for Nailah

Report Nailah · 583 views · Story: Passing the Baton · #sad #depressing #life #mlp
Comments ( 17 )

I am so, so sorry to hear about that! I can't imagine how hard it must be for you. She sounds like such an amazing grandmother.

I’m sorry for your loss. Losing someone close to you is the worst feeling in the world. We’re here if you ever need to talk

I'm sorry, Nailah. I lost my grandparents some time ago, and it's never easy. Remember the good times and know that our thoughts are with you.

Oh no, I'm so sorry, Nai. I lost a grandmother I was very close to a couple years ago, and no, it isn't easy. But if she's still with you right now, use the time you still have with her.
I'll pass some gas money your way.

your grandmother sounds like a wonderful person. i'm so sorry Nailah, i'll see what i can do.

We're all here if you ever need to talk.

I'm sorry for your troubles.

OMG, I'm so sorry Nailah. I hope everything works out for you; I'm sending you good energies. I hope her memory will be a comfort to you.

I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, Nailah. My condolences. We're here if you need someone to talk to.

Always here for you, Nailah. :fluttershysad:

It actually took me a while to realize you were requesting help, you're so subtle about it for fear of imposing. Signal boosted and donation inbound.

Sorry to hear that you're losing someone you trust. May she rest peacefully.

May you and your loved ones be well and at peace.:pinkiesad2:

You have my prayers

My condolences, and good luck to all you.

Best of luck I just saw a signal boost about this and hope you can get that help, sorry i don't have money to spare really.

I've been taught that if you can't support yourself, then you don't deserve things.

Fun literary fact: "pulling oneself up by their boot straps" was never intended as an enthusiastic pick-me-up phrase. It was originally intended to describe doing something impossible, because, well, it is.

No person is an island. Everybody needs help sometimes, and anyone who says otherwise is either lying or has the world's greatest selective memory; neither is redeeming. Never be afraid to reach out for help. You might not always get it, sure, but a closed hand can't catch anything.

Chipped in a bit. It's pointless to think about now, so close to the incident, but someone once told me—or I read it somewhere, who knows anymore—that the half-life of grief is infinite. It never stops hurting, but life grows around the hurt and it stings a little less, though you never forget the person you love.

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