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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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Monthly (?) Sneak Peak 1: How to meet the parents chapter 4 · 3:09am Nov 8th, 2021

Sooo... Yeah. I'm still busy, so is my Fiancee, but I am still writing.

Unfortunately, while I still don't have a full chapter to give you all, I decided to try something new by creating a (possibly) monthly sneak peak section where once a month I will try to give you all a small peak into new stories that I am working on. Note: most of these story segments will be rough drafts, and will be subject to changes, deletions, extensions, spell checks, rearrangements, and having funny things added because my fiancee gave me a comment as a joke and I took it seriously (that also applies to comments left on this post, so if you have advice or think something would be hilarious, let me know. It might just make it's way into the story). So without further delay, lets get a little sneak peak at Flash's mother.

Any second now…Flash thought as he slowly approached the front door. He saw a flash of white in one of the upstairs windows. Here it come—
Without warning, the front door exploded open, and Flash could do nothing but wheeze, the air forcibly leaving his lungs as he was tackled by what he would always describe as the world’s most muscular teddy bear. His back collided with the soft grass as the squealing blob of fur did her best to unintentionally crush his wind pipe in her diamond grip.
OOOHHH this is so exciting! WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD A MAREFRIEND!? Oh this was the BEST possible news we could have gotten after such a wonderful third honeymoon and—WHY DID YOU WAIT SO LONG TO TELL US!?!? According to Velvet it’s been three and a half months, THREE AND A HALF MONTHS!!! Do you know how long that is, young stallion!?”
Is it three and a half months, or is that a trick question? Flash thought as his eyes remained buried in the mass of light blue fur. Rather than answer, which wouldn’t have done much good as his mom had already started talking again, Flash instead did what he always did and grabbed the blob obscuring his vision and gave it a good squeeze.
“It’s nice to see you too, mom,” Flash said, smiling as the pegasus still sitting on his chest squeaked. “How was your trip? Did you and dad have fun?”
“Don’t try and change the subject, young stallion,” his mom replied, quickly returning the hug before sitting up and allowing Flash to see again. There, still sitting on his chest, was his mom. A pegasus with a very light blue coat, a white puffy mane almost as fluffy as Pinkie Pie’s, piercing blue eyes, and a cutie mark of a blue and gold shield with a gust of wind as the coat of arms.
Though his mom was different from most other pegesi in two distinct ways. First, she was unbelievably fluffy, her coat being almost four times as long his. Even now Flash still smiled as the touch of her coat reminded him of all the cold nights he had curled up with her, burying his muzzle in her soft, warm fur.
The second thing that stood out was that, despite being most certainly stronger than him, his mom was also undeniably short. Even standing at her full height, Flash’s mom would only come up to the bottom of his chin. At best. Flash could still remember that one Nightmare Night when someone had mistaken her for a teenage filly rather than his mom. The look on that ponies fave when she then promptly picked said pony up to show her strength.
“Are you listening to me?” His mom exclaimed, causing Flash to blink and chuckle sheepishly at the unamused look his mom was giving him.

Comments ( 10 )

Yay! You're still writing Flashlight words!

Congrats on the engagement! When's the wedding?

I shall never abandon flashlight :twilightsmile:

And we’re not sure yet. It may take some time, but I’ll be sure to make a post once we decide on a date

Dios estoy tan feliz por estoooo!!! No había revisado! Y siempre procuro mantenerme atenta a una actualización tuya amigo. Ok no me tomé el tiempo para traducir esto pero me alegras te mi noche!! :twilightsmile:

Flashlight is the best!
Are you ever gonna write stuff for your other shippings?

I do have plans for at leas tone story for my shippings of applejack and rainbow that take place in the same universe, but I want to at least get to the wedding story between twilight and flash before I take a swing at them. Though their relationships will be mentioned a bit more in the next major story (or at least rainbow and pinkie’s will be)

That’s understandable. By the way, a few other things.
One, do you ship sparity?
Two, does Twilight and Flash’s wedding take place BEFORE or AFTER Twilight becomes Queen of Equestria?
And Three, I don’t suppose you know about a certain character from Equestria Girls that we flashlight shippers absolutely LOATHE, do you?

Sparity will be a part of this universe, but it won’t start until after the wedding happens.

Because I started writing this universe before season 9, Twilight wont actually become the sole ruler of this version of Equestria. She will take on more roles and responsibilities, but the princes wont leave like in the main universe. The wedding will take place after the movie but before the school of friendship is formed.

I think I know who your taking about, but EQG isn’t really in this universe, so I don’t have any plans to include him in this world.

If EQG isn’t part of your stories’ universe, does that mean Sunset Shimmer doesn’t exist?

I haven’t decided yet. If she does exist, she has a different role than in EQG

Comment posted by EverythingGuy deleted Jun 16th, 2022
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