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Debunking Mykan's Debunk · 6:53am Nov 6th, 2021

Again, Mykan is on a rampage of spreading his cult of hate over a Children's Television Show and now his new hate target: The website TV Tropes because the users there pointed out tropes in his fics, mainly in this case: Ace Ray.

In Mykan's Story; Ace Ray was once a member of the famed Wonderbolts until Grand Ruler took over and turned Equestria into a Military Junta, that was when he started turning to protests, which were of course xenophobic and not so peaceful in nature. But in the eyes of Starfleet, any protest was an attack by enemies of the state and Ace Ray was now the enemy. Also Ace, in a fit of anger threatened to murder his own sister, who had sided with Starfleet.

In The Orginial version, Ace was Brainwashed into worshipping Starfleet, but in the rewrite Mykan later did, Ace was locked away in an Insane Asylum for the rest of his life.

In the story, found here, we have in fact a deep dive into Mykan's thoughts on protests.

One thing, Ace Ray is a Strawman for many of his critics, who he views as bullies and thugs because of his own problems back on fanfiction.net (so he claims.) Buy yet Ace is also a Strawman of himself, his anger at people siding with those who are is critics, shown by Ace Ray's Anger at his sister for turning on him when one of his protests turns violent. In fact in his story he says this....

It was suggested he take courses and seek professional help for his unbearable attitude, but he refused, and instead of getting better, he grew worse!

Ace Ray is just the same as Mykan in terms of him refusing help for his problems. While he is trying to work out his problems with writing, he tends to use it to attack critics and those he views as enemies and views all the deconstructions and reconstructions of his works as protests against him.

Which comes to the one thing Mykan shows: hate for protests.

He has shown a dislike for Democracy and protesting in general, even one time saying protesters should be shot by the military back in 2020, when Anti-Masking and The BLM protests were in full swing in the United States. In Mykan's home in Canada (which he claims is his home nation.) he watched with disgust and hate.

As stated in his latest rant:

He broke the law severely, and as such he is paying for it.

I realize a lot of people won't accept this, but I thought I'd make it anyway.

In United Equestria, Protests are evil and a sign of disloyally to the state and punishable by lobotomy or locked away in a cell for the rest of your life.

Yet Ace was not just a symbol here in the bigger story of Starfleet................He is a warning of doom.

Ace Ray's group made way for Brass Bolt's Break out, Windy Bag's Terrorist Group and to "IDIOTS" own terror campaign. in short one Protest failed thanks to the heavy hand of Celesto, those against Starfleet had no choice by to go underground and turn violent. But thye are still the warning signs, as more United Equestria tightens its rule, the more ponies turn to rebellion and if this is happening in United Equestria, then Celesto's Empire is also starting to see acts of rebellion.

Only Civil War will follow.......

But these are my thoughts, what are yours?

Comments ( 2 )

There are so many republicans here in the USA who are too chicken shit to admit that they don't actually support Trump. Mykan is the reverse side of the coin. He claims to oppose Trump because he's too chicken shit to admit that he's a Trump supporter. Mykan clearly doesn't oppose Trump. It's just that Tara Strong opposes Trump, and Mykan just worships the throne she shits in. He doesn't oppose Trump, he's just too much of a coward to admit that his views may clash with Tara's.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was an anti-brony. It would make sense considering that Obama was a Brony, and Trump is the anti-Obama.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Trump was an anti-brony. It would make sense considering that Obama was a Brony, and Trump is the anti-Obama.

Good one :pinkiehappy:

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