• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

More Blog Posts308

  • 16 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

    6 comments · 201 views
  • 22 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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    2 comments · 144 views
  • 40 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

    It's as good as possible. You cannot do such a goofy anime any better than this, and it's GREAT! I friggin LOVED it.

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    10 comments · 238 views
  • 41 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items Sept 1st to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP!

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    0 comments · 118 views
  • 47 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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    0 comments · 152 views

Let's make illegals rich! · 3:32pm Oct 29th, 2021

So the Biden regime wants to give ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS about $1 million per family... most of whom are unvaccinated... while this same administration CELEBRATED nurses, doctors, scientists, police, military and many many MANY others being fired for refusing the same vaccine; completely in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which has been upheld and made even stricter against employers who wish to fire employees by 3 Supreme Court rulings.

While millions of ACTUAL CITIZENS in this country are in poverty, this A-hole puppet and his cabal of string-pullers can throw billions at people who are aggressively invading the country, demanding they be handed things after trashing their own countries by voting for the socialist governments that ruined them in the first place.


This is what we call the 'last straw'. Enough is enough. It's time for battle.

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." -Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence

Comments ( 4 )

this A-hole puppet and his cabal of string-pullers

It's solely the puppeteers; the puppet can't say or do anything of its own and if we're going to burn effigies we should at least admit we're doing that.

How shall it be done? Well I'm glad you asked voice in my head... yes I agree they do all look the same, and I'll get to the furries eventually.

Anyway, how it shall be done: they plan on taxing people for money they will make as opposed to the inferior system of only taxing you for what you have made. Oh sure its being phrased as "only the rich", which went so well the last few times this has happened.

The citizens must organize and arm themselves. Then they need to hold a few "mostly peaceful protests" in areas infested and/or controlled by the enemy. The only good thing about abolishing the police force is: Who are they going to call?

Just a suggestion.

Conspiracy theorists are fun to watch. Not so much fun to talk to.

BTW, didn’t you say you were abandoning this site some weeks ago?

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