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  • 9 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

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  • 9 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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  • 10 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

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    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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  • 10 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

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  • 10 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

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Power, and What You Can Do Today · 7:24pm Oct 27th, 2021

Power is not a scary word. Evil is a scary word, but it’s because of decades of conditioning that has led to us associating power with evil, because power is always used against us. Power in the right hands is a force for good, but it must be in the hands of reliable and trustworthy people. So don’t wait for someone else to do it! Make yourself into a trustworthy person and exercise what power you have in order to make the world a better place. It is your obligation as a child of God to prepare the earth for the future.

The future is not a scary word either. Those who are prepared shall not fear. Below, I list practical tips for those who seek to use their power in the world.

  • Be righteous and moral people; this nation was not made for any other kind. When people think of America today, what do they think of? Fat, depressed, drugged-out zombie people, wokeness in our schools and social media, guns, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. America has devolved into a circus, a glorified theme park, and most people who come here seek to scavenge the decaying remains of a once-great nation. As far as I’m concerned, we can survive without a good GDP for a while, but we cannot survive if we do not have dignity, unity, dreams, a common goal, strong families, moral people, self-governance, etc. It is because I love my nation that I am so critical of it. It would be unkind of me to stay silent while it wastes away, drunken with insanity and sewage.
  • Keep food storage to last at least a year, but perhaps you could start with just a month. You guys know about the latest supply chain crisis, fresh off the back of the border crisis, the inflation crisis, the Afghanistan crisis, the gas crisis, the debt crisis, the Covid crisis, and the numerous scandals in the government, business, media, and tech companies. There is more stability in wheat than in the US dollar at this point.
  • Avoid debt, and if you’re in it, focus on getting out of it. I would personally stay away from credit cards. Stay away from gambling. It is false to believe you can get something for nothing. There is no such thing as a free lunch. Develop a love of work, and make sure you are capable of doing all kinds of work. The best remedy for a bad mood is work, specifically hands-on for someone else. Love will be the result.
  • Take periodic fasts from social media, stay far away from especially Tik Tok, and fast in general. It helps reset the body and gives you an appreciation for your meals, and it shows God your devotion. Cut back on fast food, and start running. Your body is a temple, loaned to you by God, and therefore your responsibility. Don’t defile it.
  • Climb something for fun that was not meant to be climbed. Go outside! Have fun! At a certain point, when being locked in your house and out of business, having fun is a demoralizing strategy to the enemy, because their strategy is to demoralize you. “How can you just go and have fun when the nation is collapsing?” Bro, I live in this cycle. Notthebee.com can give you a lot of bleak visions of the future. It isn’t healthy. At some point, you gotta just defy it all and go have fun.
  • Start learning new things, develop new skills and interests. Whatever principle of intelligence we gain in this world, it will ascend with us in the life to come.
  • I would advise against joining the military. Many people wish to serve their nation this way, or to join in camaraderie with their fellow men, or to become stronger as individuals. And those reasons are respectable and understandable. But the military is merely the arm of a regime that is not only spiteful and irresponsible, but unstable. The nation that existed when the Iwo Jima flag was lifted is not the same nation that exists today. I was more offended by the gay marine reenactment of it than I was by the Taliban reenactment of it. Because the gay marine reenactment was not only about the “freedom” of two dudes to have buttsex--because that’s all the flag represents at this point, is just butt sex--it was also indicative of a culture that is far different from the more respectable society we had during WW2. I get that it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t worse than what we have today. Meanwhile, the Taliban was fighting against this drugged-out, sex-flooded, degenerate American regime and our global influence, both of which I despise. I also despise the Taliban. I know what they do to Christians, and they are most definitely our enemies. But we need to clean the inward dish before the outer dish, remove the beam in our own eye before removing the splinter in our neighbor’s.
  • Stop watching porn and start kissing more girls. Stop hanging out with girls and start dating them. Porn degrades women. And there’s nothing epic about degrading women. As a man, your responsibility is to protect and cherish women. Let me be clear: that means women who act like women. I’m not talking about the high-T types who have mental disorders, anger issues, and look like aging, defective Pokemon. No woman is worthy of respect just because she is a woman. That being said, you are not worthy of respect as a man just because you are a man. If you’re not living up to traditional standards of masculinity, frankly, you’re not a whole lot better. “What standards of masculinity?” That’s so rich, because it’s been so whittled down that none of us can remember what it really was. If you want a reference for masculinity or femininity, you can start with the Founding Fathers, with the Pioneers, with the teachers of Western thought. There’s more to men than grills, monster trucks, and six-pack abs, and there’s more to women than shopping, the color pink, and flirting. Cultivate virtue and values, and you will not be shallow. Men are men, women are women, and the two are different. Acting otherwise is to ignore reality. Neither gender can have their cake and eat it too.
  • Remember your history and heritage. Then pass it on to your children. Keep a journal, like a physical journal and not just a blog. Technology is only as permanent as the world permits it to be. But the written word can endure.
  • Actively seek out beauty. Beauty is one of the only things in the world where no other explanation must be given for why men seek it. As authors, we have responsibilities to create beauty. Why would readers seek out ugliness? I understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but ugliness is generally almost universal. Books by degenerate people usually turn out to be degenerate themselves. Books will usually always reveal something about the author, because inevitably he will put down truth in it somewhere. Truth is beautiful, and so is kindness and virtue.
  • Finally, keep your rifle by your side. Better to be a warrior in a garden than to be a gardener in a war. He who does not have a sword, let him sell his cloak and buy one. (Luke 22:38)

Now, I can’t tell you all the ways that evil will come at you, or the ways you can improve or use your power as a force for good. But this much I can tell you: you must watch your thoughts, and your words, and your deeds. Keep on the path and press forward, enduring in Christ. Ideologies fail, governments rise and fall, nations collapse, people die. But Christ will last through it all. He is the one sure rock to build upon when everything else is flawed and cracking.

Things are pretty bad right now. And I do not see many trends suggesting it’s going to get better. But this is a side story anyway. The downfall of our culture and society and our country is a side story to the coming days when the work of the Lord is going to be spread throughout all the world like a stone cut out of the mountain without hands. So stand in holy places and be not moved. You will find hope and stability to weather the coming days and months and years. You can do all things through Christ, which strengthens you.

Report BradyBunch · 311 views · #righteous #God #america #2021 #work
Comments ( 30 )

Goddamn, I never heard of Notthebee until now, and it's a depressing site.

I read your post and I do agree with you on some things, I disagree with you on others. It however seems that it was written for only a male audience, like you don't have any female followers. I don't know what the demographics are of your followers but I'm certain you do have female followers.

I know, right? That stuff should belong in The Babylon Bee, but it isn't, and it's disheartening. We Live In A Society, Bottom Text.

I do have a few women followers. I know quite a bit of them. But considering how this is primarily a site for bronies, male fans of the show, and considering how I have a special soft spot in my heart for the boys, I address most of this stuff to the men. I love the boys because the boys are down bad. We're affected by a lot of stuff no one wants to talk about. And society can't last for more than a few generations with the boys being down bad. If women see my posts, so what? They can apply it to themselves anyway.


You say the boys are down bad. Could you explain how? I'm not really seeing it anywhere....well not where I live....then again I really don't pay attention to gender disparities either.

A young boy in this country is taught from a young age to hate the country he lives in, focusing far more on the racism and sexism he supposedly perpetuates than on the society and culture that existed that gave the United States such a positive connotation. This young boy, if he is also straight, white, and Christian, will have almost everything tell him that he is the reason why disparities existed back then.

This country has also made it far harder for him to get a well-paying job without getting tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, to find a moral spouse, to buy property, and to raise a family. This higher education will also act as a Trojan Horse to reinforce the ideas he's been told since Middle or Elementary school that he is the bad guy, that he is a perpetrator of evil, that the people around him are victims because of him. But at least this college education will allow him to get a job become a cog in the wheel for some company that doesn't care about him. Then he goes home, gets high or drunk, and plays video games for the rest of the day, or maybe he spends his weekends doing that and spends the weekdays trying to get lucky on some swipe-based dating app--if he's talking to women at all, since one wrong comment towards a woman at the office will get him fired. If he's been in a previous marriage, he tends to end up with very little, since men are always the greater victims of divorce as far as material wealth and value goes. Why have hope for another woman when virtual women will provide him with all the dopamine he needs to distract himself from his empty life? So instead, he immerses himself in pornography until he becomes even more depressed than he was before, even lonelier, even more of a loser than he already is.

But does he even care at this point? Society will tell him that the reason he feels misplaced, misused, is because of Toxic Masculinity, that he should instead embrace this neo-androgynous culture most men are in now--or maybe he just kills himselff, which is far more likely to succeed for men than women, and gets cited as a statistic in a Vox article about how men need to open up about their feelings, which doesn't really add up, since men have always been held to this cultural expectation to not talk so much about their feelings, and all of a sudden in a few decades, they started killing themselves in record numbers.

Men have nothing nowadays to fight against except themselves, and their own terrible lives. Even just achieving the norm is a major win for him. As a man, the only feelings he's allowed to talk about pertain to, frankly, inconsequential things. "I'm sad because this thing happened." "I'm anxious because this thing might happen." But if he dares embrace his masculine drive and say, "I'm angry about this thing, and I'm going to do something about it--" "Whoah, whoa, don't go there, that's Toxic Masculinity." Traditional masculinity has officially been labeled harmful by the American Psychological Association. Don't believe me?


I'm guessing our age disparity may be part of the reason why I'm not seeing what you see, well that and I don't have children so I don't see it going on. Pretty much everyone has to dig themselves into a huge hole of debt to maybe get a job. Here is the reason, universities continue to jack up tuition, the government hands out student loans like they are candy. The way to stop that is reform the department of education where they'll stop doing that.....hell put it back in the hands of private sector banks, you'll see tuition rates drop rather quickly if you do that! It ain't just boys who fall into the student loan trap.

Things must have changed over time because I was never taught I was the reason of problems in the past, not in school, not at the university....hell even a women's studies course I took didn't take an anti-male direction like that. Ok, you bring up the man who has been divorced....there is this song by Weird Al called "Alimony" and it is rather funny yet all too true in the same way....it is a parody of "Mony Mony."

Regarding dating apps, they are a predatory bunch when it comes to men. There are plenty of men out there who use them and you want to know something, a lot of those female profiles aren't real, they are bots and men so foolishly part with their money to use those. When I was in my 20s I used one of those....actually hooked up with a real girl, nearly married her. I say nearly because she was a disloyal bitch who I caught cheating 2 days before we were to go before the JP. That is pretty much a sign you ain't going to find good women on those sites. Where people even meet good women is beyond me.

What is troublesome is that a lot of men are taught that it isn't ok to seek out therapy because it is "unmanly." It is no wonder male suicide rates are so damn high and they become nothing more than a death notice in the paper for creditors to go after their estate. Of course I tend to think that men need to just say "the hell with what society thinks" and go get the help he needs. Of course I was taught growing up that it is vital to seek out help if you need it....screw societal expectations....question, what is neo-androgynous?

I see nothing wrong with being angry and going to do something about it......as long as it doesn't involve committing a violent crime or breaking the law in one way or another. Ok, you say you have a soft spot for the boys. My soft spot is for the elderly and disabled....the groups that have always been shit on.


I semi-agree but also strongly disagree with both of you. And I'm scared to post why without a warning that I'll probably come off as rude :rainbowlaugh:


Hey, it is words on a computer screen....how can those possibly hurt us?


It ain't just boys who fall into the student loan trap.

This is very true. But since men are the breadwinners who need these degrees to get supposedly better-paying jobs, they feel an obligation to get them more than women do. Yes, some women want to get them so they can live on their own for a bit, but in that case, why not just learn how to do plumbing or work at the car wash? Blue-collar jobs are still dominated by men, and I don't see diversity quotas for plumbers, garbage workers, or janitors.

What is troublesome is that a lot of men are taught that it isn't ok to seek out therapy because it is "unmanly." It is no wonder male suicide rates are so damn high and they become nothing more than a death notice in the paper for creditors to go after their estate.

This is very true, and I agree with you on that. It's a terrible thing we do to young boys, conditioning them not to cry or reach out for help. Even when I recall times when I've cried publicly, I feel ashamed and embarrassed. The reason I want to become a therapist is because there's a wide open market for it. People will be traumatized fifteen years into the future, because nowadays people can only conceptualize reality in terms of trauma. "Um, sweetie, who hurt you?" "Who radicalized you?" I'll give you a hint: you did!

But the suicides are a symptom of the problem, not the problem itself. Why are men suddenly feeling discouraged, dismayed, empty, shallow? There are a multitude of factors I'd love to talk about that may be probable causes, but overall, men's hearts have failed them. Men's testosterone and sperm count have been dropping for decades, and most of the food and drinks we consume are laden with chemicals and artificial ingredients. Combine this with the terrible rise in internet pornography, where it's easier for an eleven-year-old boy--that's the average age of exposure-- to access hardcore pornography in his own home than to sell lemonade in his front yard, and all of a sudden, things start to make a lot of sense.

Neo-androgynous means to basically have the characteristics of both men and women. I have no other words to describe this phenomenon other than the tired words Simp and Beta Male.

Where people even meet good women is beyond me.

The most secure spot for me is in college or at church. Since my college is a church college, I believe I have a wide variety of options when I return. Good women are out there, but they won't be on Tinder, they won't be posting Thirst Traps on Instagram, and they won't ever perform this strange mating dance called twerking.

There also used to be both these men-only spaces like fraternities where men could bond and create lasting friendships, but also communal societies and organizations where you used to meet new neighbors and discover opportunities. Now, it's like we catch ourselves thinking, "When was the last time I did something with my neighbor?"

That's the price we pay to live in a free ("free") society. Say what you want to say and let the words fall out.


Ok, you must have been reading my mind. I honestly think men would be better off if more of them learned a trade. Go to a school that specializes in plumbing, electrical work, welding, mechanics, etc. There will ALWAYS be a demand for those types of jobs and yes, they are heavily dominated by men. Yes one may have to take out a loan to attend a trade school but they'll be able to pay those loans off quicker. Hell if one becomes a very good welder, they can live a life without too much in the way of financial problems as long as they live within their means....not to mention they don't blow four years or more of their lives taking courses that won't help them in the slightest.

I didn't know that about testosterone levels or sperm count, hell those are things that I didn't even think about. I'm pretty sure most people don't think about it, don't know about it, don't think it will affect them or they simply don't care. You know energy drinks will kill your sperm count, right? My advice, if you don't already, when you meet the right woman, you marry and decide you want kids, avoid them....I used to drink diet ones until I discovered the taurine makes it more likely I'll have a seizure (I suffer from epilepsy)

Yeah porn is a big problem and not just because men so foolishly pay for images on a screen but it tears down women into being nothing more than objects. How ANYONE could take part in a porno, man or woman, is beyond me. I always think, "Don't you have an ounce of self-respect, dignity or pride?" Yes I know pride is one of the seven deadly sins but sometimes it is necessary.

Tinder and Instagram? Never used them. Twerking? What the bloody hell is that? I know it ain't good but that is all the more I know. When I first went to college, I was popular and there was this one girl I was crushing on but I was too scared to ask her out. Yeah I was popular but I had this fear of rejection that was pretty much programmed into me in my hometown....not by teachers, by my simple life experience. I really dropped the ball there for sure.


Ok, you must have been reading my mind. I honestly think men would be better off if more of them learned a trade. Go to a school that specializes in plumbing, electrical work, welding, mechanics, etc. There will ALWAYS be a demand for those types of jobs and yes, they are heavily dominated by men. Yes one may have to take out a loan to attend a trade school but they'll be able to pay those loans off quicker. Hell if one becomes a very good welder, they can live a life without too much in the way of financial problems as long as they live within their means....not to mention they don't blow four years or more of their lives taking courses that won't help them in the slightest.

I agree basically 100%. This and basically everything else you said.


I agree basically 100%. This and basically everything else you said.

I think a bright sun just rose in Tartarus! This pretty much never happens! :scootangel:

I know, right? We agree on a lot, once you look past the political differences and such. We don't need less manliness, we need more of it, and authentically, too.


Politically we'll never agree on things but if we don't discuss that, we get along quite well....and yeah, genuine manliness....not fake manliness.

I firmly believe that genuine masculinity is essential to real lasting change. Strong men built this country, and if there were any breed of men who could sustain it, it would be strong men. But things are just so far down the rabbit hole that I'm afraid there will be nothing we can do in ten years except rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic. The very concept of man and woman is being distorted and warped, and mental illness is being bred at an astonishing rate. Satan reigns, and so I hope to accelerate the work of the Lord and cut through all the white noise.


"Don't you have an ounce of self-respect, dignity or pride?"

I know, right? Highly-married religious people consistently have the best sex, and they don't need all these elaborate accessories and fetishes and stuff. Nothing any of these performers, these slaves, can match it. They lower themselves in hopes of rising above the highest benchmark.

"I'm so confused! Why didn't the guy who I let use me for my body care about my sexual experience?" Well, honey, he didn't care about your experience because he has no respect for you--because you have no respect for yourself, dummy! You played yourself, hole! Now nobody wants to marry you, oops! You're like the last slice on a loaf of bread: everyone touches you, but no one wants you.

I’m gonna stop you right there.
1: If constantly having great sex is crucial to your idea of a healthy marriage; then you damn well better establish that as early as reasonably possible when you get into serious dating.
2: If you aren’t going to take care of your wife’s wants and needs: you have no business asking about your wants and needs.
3: If you’re gonna harp about how a steady diet of sex is important in a relationship: you have no business kink shaming. Regularly expected sex, even if it’s always vanilla sex; neatly falls into fetishized sexual servitude. Saying it’s just to honor God’s laid out structure doesn’t make it less kinky; you’re actually adding to it; you dirty, dirty boy.
4: I’ll never go on record criticizing couples who don’t engage in bondage play in the bedroom: but I will absolutely testify that it requires a lot of mutual respect and restraint, more so than without the illusion of giving up agency over your body.
5: And this is advice: Real men finish last. You’re old enough to know what I mean.
6: Been married since 2011. I’m in a position to talk about this. You can absolutely argue and/or disagree with me as you wish, but keep in mind that I’m speaking from experience. And bonus: I’ve only had sex with one woman.


1: If constantly having great sex is crucial to your idea of a healthy marriage; then you damn well better establish that as early as reasonably possible when you get into serious dating.
2: If you aren’t going to take care of your wife’s wants and needs: you have no business asking about your wants and needs.
3: If you’re gonna harp about how a steady diet of sex is important in a relationship: you have no business kink shaming. Regularly expected sex, even if it’s always vanilla sex; neatly falls into fetishized sexual servitude. Saying it’s just to honor God’s laid out structure doesn’t make it less kinky; you’re actually adding to it; you dirty, dirty boy.

I know that. I've seen enough sex to last me a decade, and I know my position on how and why it should be done. I'm grateful that you want to teach me and prevent me from straying. But all of this is stuff that I learned from experience.

The best sex is naturally done. Here a little and there a little, according to each other's will and pleasure. It's a way to keep control over yourself and get satisfying payoffs when it does happen. If regularized and put into a schedule or something--sex on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:00, be sure to dress up!--that just feels like a stuffy and controlling terms and conditions agreement, and the magic is lost very quickly. That's the worst thing you can do. Spontaneous acts are far more likely to succeed than planned incidents.

And while it is true that not every happy marriage has to have sex regularly, it's a component that we have permission to take full advantage of when sealed in marriage. I don't want to make such a big deal about it before marriage, because with luck, she'll be on the same wavelength as I am, and she'll be more than happy whenever the opportunity arises, so to speak. She doesn't have to, but if she wants it, there's typically nothing stopping her.

I legitimately agree with you on basically all of this; you're just reading waaaaay too hard into what I said. The fact that highly religious married people have the best sex is just an observed tendency, not an expectation. It feels like you're accusing me of things I didn't say, or even really insinuate. When did I say that I care about my needs before that of my partner? It's a bonding experience, not masturbation that just so happens to involve another person. One of the biggest reasons why I want this in the first place is to show in a measurable way how much I love a woman by making her feel amazing the way she wishes. It makes me feel competent in my skills and worthy of her choice in a husband.

And when did I insinuate that it was to honor God's laid-out structure or something? There's no one God-appointed way to have sex, and it doesn't have to be vanilla. I talked with my parents and bishop about this, and as far as they're concerned, as long as it's legal, private, and agreed upon by both people, anything goes. If my wife really wants to have friggin' nipple tassels, it's totally fine. For me, I like the dress-up element and some roleplay, but once pain in the form of whips and pinchers and choking and gags emerges, you start to get into risky territory. Even if it's agreed upon, even if it's "safe," I couldn't bear doing that stuff to my future wife. I'm not sure I have it in me.

Think of it more as I’m over explaining to cover all bases. :derpytongue2:

Admittedly, I could have done a better job at making that clear. I gambled heavily on poking you in bit #3 and the entirety of bit #5 establishing that this is a light hearted ribbing at worst.

So…agree to write this off as a misfire?:twilightblush:

Hmm. Often, people like to retract statements as just a joke, bro, just a joke, don't look too hard into it, bro, can't you take a joke? But I know you well enough to know you're being sincere. I just couldn't let anything you said go unanswered. Hope you understand.

Misfire. All is forgiven.

Have you ever known me to say anything along the lines of “Just a joke, bro”? :twilightblush:

First time for everything.

That’s what she said, bro :trollestia:

Aha, ahahaha.

Gonna be honest, perhaps the best roleplay would be with a schoolteacher. "We're going to do this over and over until you get this right!" A nurse is going to be too focused on the scientific anatomy and how everything needs to be sanitary, sanitary!

This was much different than the other things you've posted, I respect it. Your tips for the boys are genuinely pretty positive/helpful, I can see this helping somebody out. You don't miss Brady.

Thanks! It's always encouraging to know I'm objectively right. And people like you who give feedback and support only bolster my mood for our circumstances. If everyone was like you and me and the role models we all have, then maybe, just maybe, we'll make it out okay.

Thank you! It's reassuring to know that I encourage you. If I'm being honest I've had a slight feeling that I annoy you somewhat, with me constantly commenting on your blogs as of late. But regardless I agree, hopefully things will brighten up in the future.

On the contrary! Please comment as much as you can. It really helps, and it lets me know about feedback and what you like. It's one of the only forms of vindication and validation you get on this site.

Thank you. I'll keep that in mind :twilightblush:

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