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"... okay, I have another plan!"

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  • 2 weeks
    Fallout Review

    It's been a while since I've done some reviews, so I figure I'm gonna review something that I've been getting into a lot as of late; Fallout! I have finally become integrated into the fandom, and I am happy for it, I've been in love with this series more and more as I get involved with it. I've gotten Fallout 4 in honor of the show (which I intend to review at some point after I finish it) and I

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  • 6 weeks
    Check In

    Afternoon/evening folks!

    Sorry I haven't been checking in as often as I should; rest assured I'm not dead, I'm still here, just been silent as of late. Still working on fics, but also constantly debating with myself on what to focus on next, wanted to make some new stuff that isn't just Shattered or Star Wars. Wanna bring more folks in, do somethin' new.

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  • 21 weeks
    Top Ten Films/Series Of 2023/Reflections

    First off, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

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  • 22 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

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  • 24 weeks
    The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Review

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Top Ten Things I Liked About Rogue One · 2:32am Sep 11th, 2021

I'm really sorry for not posting or updating you all in a while, I've been dealing with a lot of real life work which has been kickin' me down. Rest assured I'm still working to make sure I get some more chapters updated for Shattered's variant of Everfree and Star Wars, I am not dead. I still need to try and make a new one-shot of somethin', anything really just to show I'm not dead, but we'll get there soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to make this post for today. Some of you don't know this, maybe you do... I don't like Rogue One. *places Shoretrooper helmet on my head* Yes I'm a heretic. Now, just hear me out. I understand why people love Rogue One, I hear everything from how it feels much more closer to Star Wars than the other movies when... no. I honestly don't agree. I do understand what Rogue One set out to do, and I can get behind some of it's ideas, but I just don't think it was executed all that well. But you know what, that's okay. It's just me, if the rest of you loved it, awesome, I'm happy for you guys.

And even though I didn't like Rogue One, there was still some stuff I found I liked from it. So to prove it, I figured I'd make a top ten list for all the things from Rogue One, whether they were major, minor, or random things that don't make any sense, I'd share it. So let's begin!

Number 10: Shoretroopers

A new class of troopers are shown in Rogue One during the Battle of Scarif, they are the Shoretroopers. (yes the picutre I'm using is from Mandalorian, I know)

While they're nothing super groundbreaking, I dig the trooper designs. Plus just for the silly image of them kicking back in a beach chair and sunbathing, or running through the waters for fun. Also, cause I love helmet designs, I dig their helmets. Hell I used that helmet template to design one of my own original Star Wars characters for my current work. But that won't be unveiled til the second story. But yeah, I dig the Shoretroopers. Nice designs.

Number 9: Chopper!

One of the few cameos I loved that I found friggin' awesome, Chopper from the Rebels cartoon makes an appearance. I love that they brought a cartoon character to life... just wish he wasn't used only as a background prop and never brought back again. But still, Chopper's appearance is a nice touch, showing the Ghost crew is a part of all this.

Number 8: The Tognaths

Some of you might know, some may not, mostly my friends know; I take great issue with the aliens in the new Star Wars movies. Now let me make one thing clear; I am completely okay with new aliens, it's a big universe, and I'm fine with artists and designers wanting to show there is more. The problem is we only see the new aliens and rarely get any canon ones, which feels extremely disconnected. Sure Admiral Raddus is a Mon Calamari, there's the two drunk guys who tried to rough up Luke in the Mos Eisley Cantina in one passing moment on Jedha, and oh, I remember, there's just one Twi'lek woman who's pushed to the side against a wall in a background and not in the forefront!

And when we do get aliens, most of the time they're either completely bloated potatoes (seriously, there's waaay too many of those) or snout faces. They do not look attractive in the slightest, there's no variety of color, they almost never become characters who contribute to the story, and they're either pushed to the background or used as a joke. Or as it often seems to happen, they'll make new aliens, and then never ever use them or the costumes again, aside from maybe Mandalorian. Am I crazy, or am I detecting a little xenophobia issue here, Lucasfilm? What the hell happened here? :duck:

But in one of the few moments, I honestly think this new species, the Tognaths actually look pretty good. Not super weird, but they honestly look like they'd fit in with Star Wars. Nice design from the department, I like 'em.

Number 7: Continuity

While not a big one, I do appreciate the small pieces of continuity that are shown in the movie. Little things like showing Chopper or the Ghost from the Rebels cartoon (like seriously, that's freaking awesome), Vader having his own castle on Mustafar, the Hammerhead, some minor characters here and there, it just... it feels nice that some things were acknowledged and I do like that they tried to incorporate things from pre-existing Star Wars media that have happened, as if it is all happening together.

Number 6: Scarif

Despite the fact this movie jumps all over the freaking place, I do think Scarif is again, one of the few good things from this movie. It's not a desert planet, it's not forest, snow, it's a nice tropical beach. Aside from the Imperial base being established, Scarif honestly looks like a nice vacation spot to hang out at. Nice waters to walk through, plenty of sand, it's just a nice change from the often repetitive planetary designs we've often seen.

Number 5: Admiral Raddus

I'm not real fond of most of the characters in Rogue One, aside from one who's gonna be much higher up on this list, but one that I felt I kinda liked, that frankly got wasted too soon... was Admiral Raddus. A Mon Calamari admiral who helps lead the Rebel fleet to the Battle of Scarif. Maybe I like him because he reminds me of Admiral Ackbar, maybe it's cause it's oddly nice to see someone who's not a goddamn human taking center and doing something. But the animatronic work on him was solid, as well as the voice actor playing him. Kudos to both of those. I'm kinda sad he doesn't make it out (this movie unfortunately wastes everybody so he's in the same boat as our main characters), but you know what, it was nice seeing someone who's acting wasn't completely monotone and dead.

Number 4: Hammerheads!

During the Battle of Scarif, we see these Corvette ships called Hammerheads. And I love them :rainbowkiss: They're a solid design, and I especially love their usage here. It's one of the few times where our main leads are not the ones who help save the day, and I like that touch. Without the crew on board that Hammerhead, the Rebels could have never gotten the secret plans out. Wish these things were brought back and used more, they're solid ships.

Number 3: The Battle Of Scarif

This might be one of the only times where I was actually satisfied with a battle from Star Wars currently, aside from stuff in the cartoons. This is what a Star Wars battle should have had, lots of excitement, lots of recognizable ships working together, getting that feeling of camaraderie among the characters. Arguably the battle in space is the best part, and that's the only scene aside from one much later on that I rewatch.

It follows one ship at a time, making you feel like you're part of the action, and it delivers amazingly. Not only are there recognizable ships from the OT here, but we get an awesome cameo from Rebels, and someone other than our main characters ends up being the heroes saving everyone. Once again, bravo to the Hammerhead crew.

Number 2: K2-S0

If there is any character I will happily take away from this movie, it's K2-S0. A snarky reprogrammed Imperial droid who will basically call you an idiot and mock your choices and actions, and yet he'll still have your back. This is arguably the best character, and I think everyone seems to agree, I still see people quoting him here and there. And he's funny; something that honestly gave me a few moments of relief in the movie cause most of the time I was bored. Whenever K2 is on screen, he's got my attention. He's a deadpanner, but he's a funny deadpanner.

Frankly I think we all could use a K2-S0 in our lives, just like how I think we all need a Derpy Hooves in our lives as well. :3

Number 1: The Darth Vader Scene

This was arguably the absolute best scene in the movie, period. There are no words to describe how awesome this scene is, and in a movie that was boring me to death, this was an absolute sweet relief aside from the space battle.

After the Rebels get the plans, everyone tries to make their escape and leave as the Death Star rises over Scarif. Some of the ships escape, until a Star Destroyer arrives and starts to open fire on the Rebels. We see some ships bite the dust, until a shuttle approaches Admiral Raddus's ship. The Rebels get the plan to make a run for it... until Vader shows up and all hell breaks loose.

I don't care what Linkara says, this scene is frickin' amazing. This scene exemplifies why Vader is terrifying, he's not someone you screw around with. Think about this, say you're just one of these troops. You hear stories about the one, the supposed one that leads the Empire under the Emperor's command; never seen him but only heard of him. You're ready to escape and you realize that the stories and legends about this terrifying man, this absolute robot of a beast, are completely true. This is the equivalent of watching a man using a simple sword deflecting bullets from a gun, it's not something you'd see often. Especially since this is in an era where the Jedi have been killed, obviously this is going to be completely horrifying for these troopers.

And then to see them escape onto the Tantive IV with the plans as Vader watches them, knowing full and well they're not going to escape... it is a perfect set up for A New Hope. This to me, is the best scene in Rogue One. If there's anything to take away from this movie, it's this scene. This one scene that shows why Vader's one of the greatest villains in Star Wars, period.

And with all that's said, thank you for reading and I hope you all have a nice evening. If you guys want me to make more positive top ten lists, I can give it a shot. :scootangel:

Comments ( 4 )

It's good to have a list of things that you *like* about something, I've found. I too, am not really a fan of Rogue One, but I've put off ever writing up a real thorough list as to WHY because I've found that usually, I can get rather worked up about it. :twilightsheepish:

But yeah, I definitely agree, K2 was a real highlight of the movie. Alan Tudyk is always a gem of an actor. :ajsmug:

Another nod to the Rebels cartoon is a call for 'Captain Syndulla'. Hera is the one known as she leads a group in the show

General Syndulla. Hera got promoted. Speaking of whom, I really wish they could convince Vanessa Marshall to reprise the role in live action.

And personally, I feel this was the best film from Disney-era Star Wars. Sure, we already knew how it was going to end, but it was great seeing the details be confirmed on-screen.

The point still stood. I forgot the new rank

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