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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 09/10/2021 · 1:38pm Sep 10th, 2021

Deploy 'The More You Know' jingle here...

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, and Occasional Singer, keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 Movie and beyond! And if the header above me is no further indication faithful readers, just the other day some MLP Gen 5 facts have been posted on some of our local social media sites. Now granted, most of the facts we have to go over for now (Whether it has anything to do with the cast or whatever lore we have for the movie in general) some of this stuff we already know moving forward. But that being said, this blog is a means of coming together to discuss all the facts they've laid out for the movie in an effort to uncover some hidden meaning in the project itself.

And now let's refresh ourselves...

Ooh... kinky!

NOT LIKE THAT!!! *Clears throat* By taking up on what little we've already learned and yet determine if perhaps there's more to the story than what we think. And of course, we do kick things off with (Again) the header up above (Please pay attention, there might be a test).

Now as we all know, 'Ancient' Equestria (Which is the nicest way of referring to 'G4') had Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns living together in friendship and harmony. Next thing we know... POOF! One little incident later and suddenly ponies are driven about by paranoia and fear. The real question we have to consider is... 'Why'?. What could've been so terrible that ponies are blaming each other and not wanting to be friends as they used to be? And thus leads to the question: Did their disdain towards each species ultimately drove away the other creatures of Equestria too? Given the fact that this is just the movie, there's no guarantee that 'all' our questions are bound to be answered. What we do ask for, however, is that we get at least a 'general' idea that something 'terrible' must've happened at some point following the years of Twilight's reign.

I mean, it's not like they went through a pandemic like we have or some form of 'Purge' run by homicidal Angels and shit...

Don't tempt the storm 'mortal'...

*Pause* Anyways... these next two facts connect to one another in some degree. Bridlewood, Home of the Unicorns, glows with a gorgeous light from gemstones and bioluminescence. And they speak of luminescence being their 'sparkle', the happier a pony is the brighter it shines...

Wah... wah... waaaaaaaaaah!!!

As far as what we know about 'luminescence' in general, it refers to the emission of light by a substance that has 'not' been heated. Whereas 'bioluminescence' refers to the emission of light by 'living' organisms. Which when looking at the scenario we see of this new Equestria, specifically with Bridlewood (Interestingly enough the one name mentioned in the first few facts), we can determine that the dissention amongst the pony kinds not only stripped away of the magical power source that would've made this land beautiful and prosperous but some ponies are actually 'unhappy' about the circumstances. Add to the fact we've seen 'tons' of gemstones and crystals surrounding Bridlewood, we can speculate that at a time Bridlewood was one of the central landmarks in terms of magical prose and if these 'unicorns' were as part of the 'bioluminescence' that made the land a sight to behold, without the magic we can only imagine just how this portion of the 'New' Equestria was able to thrive. Which all the more makes me wonder if Izzy wandering away from her home was an accident or something on a whim, or if deep down she knew that if it were 'possible' to bring the three ponies back together as much as Sunny wants to it would restore the magic to her homeland and ergo restore happiness amongst her kind as well as every pony else's.

Speaking of the ponies in question, we can now dive into a discussion surrounding the 'Mane 5' who will play pivotal roles for this upcoming movie:

Gonna be gonna be my day...

Now obviously we know that Sunny's home is Maretime Bay, as it's been confirmed several times through every trailer we've seen (Add to the fact our 'mane' heroine practically lives in a lighthouse). And of course we've seen that her favorite hobby is 'roller skating', as we've seen her do in some prior scenes. Though in a way, given that Sunny shares the same mane and fur coloring as let's say 'Scootaloo' but without the wings, it almost leads fans to wonder if perhaps Sunny shares a slight descendance probability that she was related to the one Pegasus in Equestria history who couldn't fly. And of course, we all know Sunny's passion is bringing magic and harmony to all ponykind. But suppose she does manage to pull this off by the end of the movie... what'll happen next? Will she be content knowing she achieved her goal? Or does this mean she pursues her own dream?

For me it's going to be one thing that Sunny is able to bring all the ponies together, just the way her father 'Argyle' told about in all his stories (Though I'm still leaning on the idea he passed away prior to the 'mane' portions of the movie). But a pony with that much enthusiasm to bring back the Equestria she grew up listening to is bound to have more questions. 'Why' did the ponies break apart in the first place? 'Why' couldn't they be friends anymore? And 'why' is there this not-so-subtle hint that at some point whether during this movie or the upcoming specials and episodes that they are promoting the idea that we may have a new 'alicorn' in our Equestria family?

Still this image is so cute I could have a heart attack.

*Clears throat* Next slide, if you please...


We now move on to possibly the 'fan favorite' of the Mane 5 thus far. The unicorn hailing all the way from Bridlewood, meets up with Sunny right as the story opens up, and next thing we know... chaos. Now as far as what we've come to know about Izzy, given the nature of her 'cutie mark' she is a crafter with a passion for... Uni-Cycling? *Looks up notes* Apparently it's a term for Unicorn 'Upcycling', which turns out to be the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality.

Well to be fair, I'm sure this could make a few couple bits easy...

We know for a fact that Izzy's passion is creating beauty out of ordinary things. But then we really need to stop and thing about those choice of words for a moment. It's easy to state that Izzy can 'literally' take any every object and transform it into something beautiful like the artist there is. But suppose we were to step back and find she can envision beauty in a world despite the fact every pony is paranoid and 'scared stupid'...


*Pauses, opens the window...* Hello?

Hey Vern...

You got the wrong house, dude... *Slams the window... on Ernest's hands*

Offscreen: "Vern! Vern! My hands, Vern! Vernon!"

Sorry about that... NEXT!!!

*Fan girl screaming* Donut Lord!!!

*Shakes his head* As the only 'male' character in a cast of women, we know for a fact that Hitch is supposed to be the 'Sheriff' of Maretime Bay. And as Sheriff, that makes him a stickler for the rules or to some extent a 'by the book' kind of pony. Gee, now where have I heard that before?

Make sure to do things by the book now...

If he sings that song, I'm going to throw up... *Straightens up* Anyways, we know that with Sunny running off with her new unicorn friend, for Hitch that's going to be a big 'no-no'. Of course, initially he's going to follow the girls to wherever they go just so he can either put Izzy behind bars for strolling into a town where unicorns are strictly forbidden... or likely have Sunny jailed for even consorting with a pony they are not supposed to talk to like a real stick-in-the-mud employee...

Headaches... you give me HEADACHES!

That being said... most of his facts carry on this fact that Hitch is a total 'Chick' magnet...




Hitch is a 'critter' magnet?


*Checks the photo*

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho! It's home to work we go...

Huh... lemme just switch it up a bit... apparently the running gag for Hitch Trailblazer is that critters follow him wherever he goes. But as it seems, not only is Hitch a pony passionate about helping ponies... but he has a soft spot for animals. Are we sure that Hitch is simply not the gender-bent version of Fluttershy in Earth Pony form? Because he is clearly more outspoken and confident than the lovely mare I'll say this much...


*Frowns* Okay... 'maybe' I can see a bit of Fluttershy given her timid nature. But I'm sure this pony will be a barrel of laughs... in a good way... maybe... NEXT!!!

HEY, HEY!!! What's up every pony?!

We continue by going over the 'Pop Star Princess of Zephyr Heights', the stylish and talented pony who's stolen a few hearts from some of our 'male' fanbase (You know who you are...). Among other things, she's a triple threat in her home kingdom: Singer, Dancer, Influencer... very heavy on the social media thing. As far as her character goes, her one passion in life is entertaining ponies. Which yes a ton of pop star celebrities we do aim to please their fans at all costs, even promoting themselves heavily on social media to get the word around. Though often times, we see that 'social media' tends to have a rather negative influence all the same. Taking everything a person says is 'Woke' or something (Don't argue, I barely know the terminology) and we've seen what happens when it suddenly weighs heavily on talented celebrities who end up going to rehab...

Oh, sit on a *BLEEP!* Dramamaster...

RUDE!!! *Clears throat* Pretty much in a way, I see Princess Pipp as kind of the 'Rarity' of the group. At first, she's going to be lucky to have a few fans with barely much character to work with given she's this girly-girl pony with only 'one' characteristic and/or hobby compared to the Pinkie-Unicorn rendition in Izzy for one... but that may just be the case. Like Rarity, no doubt we'll start to see that perhaps there's more to Pipp than we give her credit for. True the movie may establish her as that 'one' pony of the group, but as more and more material gets released there's a chance of exploring any layers in her own story. Like let's say she gets a post on her account, a criticism of her work, and suddenly... we see her taking it so personally she'll do anything to prove otherwise. That is a relatable narrative to those who have social media, especially those who take a dislike or argument with their critique so personally. That maybe it can inspire audiences to learn there's a better way than stooping to the level of those who have nothing better to do than making others miserable for their own benefits. To make someone look themselves in the mirror one day and ask themselves... 'Is this really the kind of person I'm destined to be?'.

You're making this way too real now, Dramamaster...

And last, but certainly not least...


Aside from what we know of Zipp, how her favorite hobbies are science and athletics (Which makes her a... 'TwiDash' hybrid?), apparently her full name is 'Princess Zephryin Storm'... wow, that is a mouthful. I'd wager that the one pony who actually calls her by that full name is her mother, Queen Haven, and she probably hates the name so much she converts it into something 'cooler' (Which is conveniently similar to Pipp). I would beg the question if that means Pipp has a 'full name' too... but it seems Pipp got the bigger stick in this relationship...

Yeah... we can see how Zipp contrasts with her family entirely...

The bottom line is how Zipp's passion is merely to be 'true' to herself, to encourage others to do the same. That maybe deep down she wants to be able to 'fly' like her ancestors did in the old ways, but until the magic eventually comes back she resorts to more 'scientific' measures to make it possible to fly... even if it's more like 'gliding'. Then again, in early games Spyro doesn't really 'fly' so much as he glides about to get to certain locations...

Really dude?

Overall... we are blessed to at least be given the 'basics' of what there is to know about the cast and their world thus far. It's natural to treat this like reading the 'bible' for an upcoming show, a straight narrative of what to have our audience expect from the cast before we take the measures in determining whether there's more to establish as far as character development goes. I believe in my heart that each of these future best friends have layers within them to suggest there's more to their story than the movie can permit in the span of 90 minutes. Depending on the success rate that this movie aims to achieve, any upcoming YouTube specials or Netflix episodes may provide an opportunity for stories centered on some of these ponies with hopes of learning if they can 'stray' from the stereotypes of their initial character and explore what many of us deem 'impossible'. Perhaps for certain, whatever didn't work or get incorporated into G4 at the time, these ponies have as much chance of carrying those unwanted tales and making it their own. And who knows? Perhaps we may learn a few secrets about these ponies that none of us have ever expected before.

Like suggesting the idea that Loona is secretly in league with Stryker and may ultimate betray her loving fans when it turns out she's working for Stella...

Say that again...

Umm... Which leads to the big question: What do 'you' think? Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful readers, this is the Dramamaster829... and I gotta run! *BOLTS*


Comments ( 15 )

Well I love the Japanese Dub of the Trailer that they did!

Ah yeah lots of fans loved that one. I wouldn't be too surprised if Kimiko threw some 'Japanese' into Izzy's character in later portions of this series.

Thank you very much! Just a little something I put together myself.

We both know what we know
(Hamilton reference lol xD)

I think Hitch with critters is adorable

Especially that brief scene with Hitch and those rather odd looking bunnies during that one scene in the trailer. Almost makes me think of what'll happen when Hitch is just trotting along only to have an army of bunnies marching behind him like that one episode of 'The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh'.

Hmmm, there's a lot to look forward too and these characters have a lot in common with the Mane 6 from G4, loving all the new info Drama, countdown to Gen 5........14 days XD

Two more weeks to go... it's definitely going to be worth the wait. I intend to see the movie first chance I get.


Eat your heart out Fievel Goes West!



HAH!!! Oh yeah I totally get that reference. Imagine Hitch out in the old west fighting the Cactus Cat gang.

I hope we get information on what happened with the changelings, griffins, kirin, hippogriffs, dragons, and other non-pony beings in this film.

If not during this movie, we'll be lucky if we get a revelation of their fate during the events of the upcoming series.

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