• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


A guy. A guy who writes stories. Stories about ponies. (And sometimes robots).

More Blog Posts355

  • 43 weeks
    I still exist!

    Hello, FiMfic.

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    5 comments · 326 views
  • 62 weeks

    Oh hey, I still have a blog thing here.

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    6 comments · 334 views
  • 75 weeks
    River City Equestria Girls?

    Seriously, that's Pinkie Pie on the left, and Rainbow Dash on the right. Tell me I'm wrong.

    I will not write a fanfic about the two of them getting into all the fights.


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    4 comments · 354 views
  • 81 weeks
    An "I don't have livejournal anymore" sort of update.

    It snowed yesterday.

    Which just reminded me how much I don't like winter. It wasn't even a bad snow, just enough of a dusting to linger for a little bit. First one of the season. And I even had the day off from work, due to my schedule, so it's not like I had to do anything ...

    So I didn't.

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    5 comments · 318 views
  • 83 weeks
    Happy Halloween!

    So yeah. Despite various distractions (Steam had Darkest Dungeon for UNDER FOUR BUCKS), I've managed to hammer out a ridiculously shippy conclusion to the self indulgent Rarijack story I started.

    So that's fun? I gave myself a deadline to finish things on Oct 31, so that's what I did, dangit. Hopefully you guys will enjoy.

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    0 comments · 200 views

Various distractions! · 6:50pm Aug 29th, 2021

Oh, hello.

So yeah. Internet. Ponies. Etc. I find myself in a procrastinating kind of mood, which ... is why I'm goofing around on here. Funny how that works.

Goofing around, but not, uh, writing stuff. Even though I have the vague deside to do so-- but if nothing else I'm calling this blog entry a 'warmup of sorts to get my fingertips used to hammering away at the keyboard. Or something. Ehem. See, as I may have mentioned before, I started a new job during the summer. Which I've more or less gotten settled into-- except for the schedule. As, while the new gig pays better, it also means I have to get up earlier than I usually do. Thankfully, I'm not much of a night owl, but while everything was shut down last year, I kinda got into a slower routine, in which I still often got up early ... but had plenty of time to leisurely wake up, take a walk, have some breakfast, and otherwise putter around before going to Do Stuff. Whereas nowadays it seems I have just enough time to drag myself out of bed, get presentable, and then whisk off to work before the caffeine's really kicked in.

And, y'know, when I get home, I have the absolute first-world problem of having a bunch of entertainment at my disposal, and not enough time or opportunity to sit down and be, uh, entertained. Stuff like ...

It's on a console I have now! And it's just as good as people say it is. I am, however, quite bad at it. Which may be kinda the point, but still. The game is really a successor/followup to Transistor (which I also haven't finished yet, but I digress). Though I can't help but admire the game design behind making one of the first bosses (and therefore somebody you're gonna fight a lot) a snarky goth lady with definite dominatrix vibes and ... yeah. Supergiant knew exactly what they were doing here.

Still not sure if I'm thirsty enough for this game. Still, it's compelling enough to hit that skinner-box part of the brain, so I imagine it'll keep me nice and distracted until Horizon: Forbidden West comes out.

Though for the times I don't want to stare at a screen, there's ...

This is a HEAVY box, man.

See, one of the things I did during quarantine was to actually start paying attention to the piles of 40k minis I had laying around. And then I started branching out into Reaper minis, 'cause they offered more chainmail bikini ladies variety, as opposed to just painting more orks or more Imperial Guardsmen. Though I'd still occasionally paint up more orks or guardsmen as the whim hit.

And then GW went and released a new edition of Kill Team, with brand new models for BOTH the armies I collect, and, uh, here we are. It's gonna be a long-ass time before I get all of the minis assembled and painted-- to say nothing of the terrain that came with the box, but still. It's a neat thing to have when I get the urge to make something with my hands instead of just staring at a screen for hours on end.

And then, y'know, there's TV and stuff-- Netflix's upcoming Cowboy Bebop show looks like it'll be fun, and Part 6 of Jojo is also coming to Netflix for all my "people shouting in Japanese" needs. And I'm like two episodes behind on Legends of Tomorrow, and ... yeah.

Still, I guess having too MUCH fun stuff I want to do is better than the alternative? But what about you guys? Anything interesting on your end?

But, having written all that, I ... miiiight boot up the word processor and get to work soon. Any minute now.


Comments ( 7 )

Currently putting off homework by reading your blog post… I am definitely feeling the procrastination.

Yeah, it's a problem I get. When I have a creative itch, I can usually sate it by building another MtG Commander deck. And I have so many things that I want to do, like finish painting models or play through my collection of Final Fantasy games...

Author Interviewer

procrantion :c

If it helps with Hades, you can turn on "God Mode", which gives you a 20% damage resistance which goes up by 5 every time you die, until you hit the 80% cap.

Now? Hades has been on Switch for a good while. But yeah, the game's a ton of fun even if you're mostly in it for the gameplay. Which I definitely am. Ahem. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

looks like those are guard, but not kriegsmarine? Too bad, kriegs have (out of print) gas mask horsies!


Those are, in fact, plastic Death Corps of Krieg! And since the Kill Team box comes with a squad, it's not unreasonable to think that GW might cook up a Krieg Heavy Weapons kit, and a Krieg Command kit, and then boom. Shiny new Guard army to spotlight whenever they drop a new codex.

I think Rough Riders haven't been in the codex for quite some time, though. But Forge World probably makes some, still.


Hey now, not everybody's got a fancy Switch, y'know? I don't have enough friends for Mario Kart anyway.


The funny thing is, while I'm not a 'leet gamzor' by any means, Hades may be one of the first games I've played where I'm perfectly fine without turning on God Mode? Thus far, at least. Like, dying over and over again is baked into the story, -and- the game is different enough on each go-through that each playthrough is interesting. And, y'know, even when you die (repeatedly), you get to go talk to your friends! Dusa is best pony.

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