• Member Since 7th Mar, 2012
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More Blog Posts320

  • 4 weeks
    [FEATURE BOX] Whelp its the AM after I've posted a couple of th...SWEET CELESTIA!!!

    Quite literally I was NOT expecting this! You're all awesome and I can't thank you enough for enjoying my writing this much!

    8 comments · 123 views
  • 32 weeks
    [NEW FIC] Back to writing ponies! (...sorta)

    tl;dr - I put ponies in another fic, but only for a few chapters

    So, real quick, minor confession...this fic is actually one of my oldest, and it's not on this site.

    Hey, easy, easy, let me explain.

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    2 comments · 392 views
  • 54 weeks
    [UPDATE] It's like being nibbled to death by cats

    This chapter is a straight up continuation of the previous chapter, and there's literally zero time skip, unlike most of my chapters in this fic. So much so, in fact, that what had originally been two separate chapters (Gilda fights Sunset, sleepover happens) had to be combined into one because the "Gilda fights Sunset" chapter was going to be too long. It was during the

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    5 comments · 366 views
  • 66 weeks
    [UPDATE] Yes, you saw that right, new chapter

    Not much to say about this one that the notes at the bottom of the chapter itself don't already say. Obviously, my health is much better and my sleep is improving to the point where I'm not having to take medication for it nearly as often. Work is going pretty good (I'll post about that at some point, it deserves its own post) and I've gotten HYPER into The Lost Tomb, which if you haven't read it

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    0 comments · 335 views
  • 88 weeks
    [UPDATE] When you get medical confirmation...

    So I've said in my rather sporadic updates that I've been going through a lot, and I believe I've mentioned that the things that have been happening have been rather more draining on the ol' spoons than I otherwise expected.

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[UPDATE] Time for the "hurry up and wait" part... · 3:33am Aug 16th, 2021

So I hate when life up and says, "Jump," 'cause we're all kinda in Life's playground and gotta do what Life says. :trixieshiftleft:

So my daughter turned 13 this year, which was already going to trigger a re-do of the Parenting Plan and Child Support Calculation that happens when two divorced people share a kid. But my ex decided to add some vindictiveness for flavor, recited a bunch of already settled issues as "evidence" of abuse (for those who've been following my personal saga for a while; yes, again) and trying to remove parental rights from me and get me to pay more child support. Joke's on her, 'cause within 5 weeks of that...loveliness landing in my inbox, I got a notification that the non-profit that I've been working for since 2019 as part of the arrangement for my room-and-board is shutting down the housing program. So I don't have the "second job" that gave me a house anymore, so I have to find a new place to live...in the middle of the economic aftermath of a global pandemic.

So I've kinda put ALL non-housing and family legal stuff on hold (including my emergency fund, which has been liquidated for use in getting ready to move).

That said, the paperwork for the courts has been submitted (which, if things go well, will mean the entire situation with my ex will be turned on its head and we'll be on 100% equal footing for the first time since we moved to Arizona) and I've contracted an agent to find me a place to live, which means I have to wait until they get me a place to live. Soonest I'll be able to move into my own place? Mid- to late-September. :facehoof:

It'll take a little time to decompress mentally from the torture chamber that was the child-support/parenting-plan documentation, but once I've done that I'll be getting back to writing. I'll probably split the time between my entry into A Band of Misfit Losers Hunts the Undead (of course, a prequel to the universe-hopping chapter in Music Box Blues) tentatively titled "On the Subject of Bughorses and Friendship Lessons" and the next chapter of My Empire of Dirt.

Of note, I finally got a chance to present to my daughter a fanfic starring her around the "Into the Spider-verse" movie. I've only got chapter 1 written, but she's SUPER hype and I may have to put some time into that one too before too long. :twilightsmile: (I have not published this and probably will hold off on doing so until I can change names to protect my daughter's privacy)

On a related note, once the move is complete I'm going to focus on getting my writing from the "extremely time-consuming hobby" to the "people actually pay me for this?!" stage. I've begun pondering turning "My Empire of Dirt" into a published book (similar to how Wanderer D published Gunsmoke) and have had some ideas on setting up "sponsored" works. More on that later. If you're on Medium, you'll probably want to follow me there, I'll be migrating to my WordPress site as my primary blogging platform soon (honestly, I should have done that years ago, but Tumblr is just so easy to use and I spent most of my writing time here on FiMFiction anyway...), and I'll be moving more of my fics to AO3 and Wattpad soon.

Report PrincessColumbia · 254 views · Story: My Empire of Dirt ·
Comments ( 1 )

I'll be straight with you, offer to sell me a book, and I will buy a book. Books are important.

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