• Member Since 26th Sep, 2019
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Hi, my name is Heroic412227, but you can call me Heroic. I'm still learning how to be the best writer I can be.

More Blog Posts203

  • 2 weeks
    Am I a Burden to Everyone?

    Hey, everyone.

    I'm sorry for talking about this again since I know I'm going to get hate for this, but because of my actions that I've repeated again after a long time ago, I've just lost a friend and now I'm starting to think that I haven't learned anything from my past actions and that all I do is hurt others and ruin their lives.

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    10 comments · 79 views
  • 12 weeks
    I've Finally Finished My New Story!

    ETwilight Learns How to Ice-Skate
    Twilight wants to learn how to ice-skate to impress Flash.
    Heroic412227 · 4.3k words  ·  15  2 · 477 views

    What do you think?

    0 comments · 82 views
  • 15 weeks
    My New Song Lyric Writing Style

    Ominous: What are we even talking about?
    Everybody had messed up already
    We threw ourselves down the void without doubt
    This discussion is senseless and petty

    There's no question to be posed
    We're all evil, case closed
    Did you forget everything that we’ve done?

    We all are beyond help
    And that includes myself
    And that's why I’ve got no choice but

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    0 comments · 90 views
  • 18 weeks
    I'm Going to Review OCs

    Hey there, everyone. After some thinking, I've decided that, instead of trying to get my own OCs reviewed by others, I'm going to try something different and review others' OCs. It's a fun idea and I can't wait to see the OCs that others have made.

    If you have any OCs that you'd like to be reviewed, please let me know and I'll tell you about my thoughts on them.

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    4 comments · 164 views
  • 22 weeks
    Which Character Do You Relate To The Most and Why?

    Hey there, everyone! You know? I've thinking about this idea for quite a while, but was too nervous to show it due to being not wanting to create any spoilers until it was fully realized yet. But thanks to a great friend's advice, I've decided to give it a shot to see your opinions on them so far.

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OC Critique Request: Sandra Franklin · 2:43am Jul 9th, 2021

Hey there, everyone. Because I and possibly others out there want to improve on each other's characterizations and writing, I've decided to create a new series that can help with that. It's called OC Critique Request. Either and/or others send our OC's to me and you guys get to critique them if needed. I also did this because I was bored and wanted to know if the OC's hold up. They will be critiqued through any aspect the critic(s) choose: appearance, personality, history, abilities, weaknesses, etc.

Now, before we get started, here are some rules:

  • No personal attacks against the creators.
  • Be constructive and courteous in your critiques.
  • No discriminations of any kind.
  • Have fun!

Without further ado, let's get started with the first character on the series: Sandra Franklin

  1. Introduction: Sandra Franklin is a fan character created by Heroic412229. She is Sid and Rana grandmother and wife of Bob Franklin. She is also the mother of Laurel Franklin and mother-in-law of Stephen Franklin. She's a passionate and nurturing, yet prideful inventor.
  2. Appearance: Sandra is a brown-skinned woman with black and mostly gray hair, and blue eyes. She also wears gray goggles with blue lens on her head. She wears a purple shirt that is covered by a white lab coat. She also wears blue pants held by a black belt and black shoes with long, white socks. She also wears round, purple earrings on her ears.
  3. Personality: Sandra is a smart, overly-ambitious and passionate person with a deep desire to build and invent the best invention possible for everyone. Due to her parents always wanting her to succeed in their field and her constant bullying problem for her previous failed inventions during her youth, she always strives to make an invention that will gain the approval of not only her family, but others as well.

    However, she can also be very prideful and haughty in her skills and talents to the point of lacking the proper foresight needed when her inventions don’t go so well as she expects. She can also feel disheartened when she continues to fail at her dreams and is prone to temporarily quit as a result. Nevertheless, she always picks herself back up with the help of her loved ones.

    Despite her ambition, she’s very nurturing and kind-hearted to a fault. She genuinely cares about her family and others and loves to build for them. Though she can be stern and assertive when her kindness is taken advantage of, she still remains supportive, caring, and overprotective of her loved ones.

    Aside from inventing, she has other interests as well. She loves asparagus and lima beans, but hates chicken. This is because, unlike her grandson, she’s somewhat of a vegetarian. She loves playing chess with Clover, watching movies, and listening to music, though she does tend to cry almost every time she experiences sad ones and become frightened when she experiences scary ones, especially jump scares from the latter.

    Underneath that pride and haughtiness is a woman who hides poor self-esteem issues due to her constant bullying problem. She also believes that if her inventions cause more harm than good for the ones she loves, then she’ll feel unloved and unappreciated.

    Overtime, though, she does learn to be more humble and willing to accept her faults when needed. While her flaws don’t completely go away, they are toned down and are less present as a result.

  4. History: When she was a child, she had a very ambitious and prideful passion for technology and inventing, though she wasn't very good at it at the time. She got it from her loving, yet strict parents who inspired her to keep following her dreams in spite of your hindrances. One day, at a science fair, she had build a new invention for her class, but she got a failing grade for it due to how much it failed to work the way she intended and almost everyone, except for Bob Franklin, laughed at her for it.

    After that event, she was devastated about it, but after remembering her parents' advice, she decided to try and make her inventions the best they can possible be. When she met Bob and found out that he was one of the only ones that took pity for her failure, she fell in love with him.

    Many years after that, they got married and beared a daughter who would also meet a man of her own, get married, and bear their own children as well.

  5. Powers and Abilities: She has a great skill for building and inventing and can make a lot of fascinating creations, though they can go awry at times due to her love of giving them too much personality and emotion. She loves to give her creations a lot of personality to make them seem more whole, human, and unique using AI for them.

    While she's doesn't have powers like her grandson, she can still hold her own and can help using her smarts and inventing skills when needed. She's also really strong in spite of her age and has great marksmanship.

  6. Weaknesses: Sandra's pride and lack of foresight can lead to her overlooking crucial parts of her inventions and other aspects of her life. She also feels uncomfortable around tight and/or small spaces and sometimes doesn't like to be around crowds. Her inventions can have a habit of malfunctioning or developing minds of their own and turning against them. They also can require resources to function when needed.

Do you have any other OCs that you want to show off? What do you think of this OC? Let me know through either reply or PM. Thank you and have a great day.

Comments ( 2 )

Just don't forget add these thing in your fic because many authors write the blog, then they write the fic without description...

There aren't any fics for Sandra and the others to be in. Though, there is going to be a fan-made TV series featuring her as one of the main characters of it. I just wanted to know what others think of her before I get started with the rest of the series on OC Critique Request.

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