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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 06/27/2021 · 12:11pm Jun 27th, 2021

Why do I get the feeling she has 'villain' written all over her?

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker and Occasional Singer keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 movie and beyond! You know not even that long ago we were discussing new characters that would be making appearances alongside the 'Mane Five' of the movie (In which case, it was Sunny's father who previously was involved with a leaked animatic). Then while going through some merchandising for the upcoming film, one of these new characters have started appearing more frequently and suddenly we have a whole article dedicated to this one being. While we have yet to uncover a 'name' of this particular character, we are lead to some speculation as to not only 'what' she is as a species but potentially serving an antagonistic role in the movie.

How do I think this character is going to be the villain? Well this photo only more than supports that theory:

The image itself is not of highest quality, but she don't look high quality herself.

As part of the upcoming sticker book set to come out this September, around the same time as the movie itself, it's difficult to determine just 'who' this character is based under the fact they don't tell us much about her. If we were to compare the two images together, we can see that they are both strikingly similar characters leading us to think she's part of the Pegasus nature and given her choice of attire is closely associate with the Royal Sisters who rule over the Pegasus. And if not their 'actual' mother, it's possible that the film could go to one of the tropes where she is actually the 'step-parent' of the sisters, the one who is truly running the show while the sisters are merely meant to make appearances, and is more likely the pony who encourages the paranoia that prevents their race from befriending the other nations. Just by looking at her, you can see that she has those 'Diamond Tiara' vibes especially if we were to reflect on her time as a bully against blank flanks during G4's earlier seasons. That being said, if we're dealing with a character who's not up for world domination, what we are likely to see is a pony who detests the idea of different ponies coming together and just looks like she poses a huge obstacle for Sunny & her friends to fulfill their mission to bring harmony to all the nations.

Oh sure... just because we're royal and look like snobs to you, AUTOMATICALLY that makes us the villains?!

*Pause* I am not just using this reference so my 'close friend' will stop throwing beer bottles at my house...

*Clears throat* Anyways... I'm not just outright saying that this pony 'is' a villain by any means. After all, most of us going into this movie are likely expecting a threat that put all the 'ponies' in so much jeopardy that they blame each other for it. Ideas have been thrown back and forth that the 'Legion of Doom' eventually got free and spread their evil against the nations... or perhaps there was a terrible sickness that took down many ponies (In relation to current events)... or perhaps the 'real' Grogar appeared to cause havoc and either way despite the efforts of the 'Guardians of Harmony' they were eventually overwhelmed. Anyway you slice it, this pony in question may not pose a 'direct' threat to our new mane heroes per-say. But there's plenty of directions to go centered on a character who doesn't even have a name.

For example: The movie can go through a trope where the Pegasus sisters have a bit of a strained relationship with a pony, who may not be a Queen and not just a 'step-parent' but the sisters' advisor who actually uses the ponies as a scapegoat in making the decisions. Either way, we know Zipp's supposed to be the 'rebel' of the two and would likely give this one mare a difficult time over the 'how things are done' motiff whereas for Pipp, all she wants to do is be this pop sensation to her people and is likely oblivious to whatever motivations this one pony has. That one issue that could be going on is that one of these sisters may think this pony is 'trying' to be their new mother yet is just a pony going through the same amount of struggle with current events but doesn't want it to be a problem. The possibilities as to what this pony has to offer our endless.

And assuming that she is a villain, she does not necessarily need to be the standard "I'm going to take over the world, ha-ha-ha-ha!" kind of villain. There are plenty of examples of antagonists who don't have a backstory that suggests 'why' they are what they are. But they are just bad for the sake of being bad. For example:

Yeah... isn't he a charming, understanding character?

Pretty much the Italian, jerk version of 'Urkel'...

Take a good look at these two characters, see what they have in common. There is no question they are both 'not very nice' characters, one of them tortures toys and one goes around thinking he's 'Best in the World' and everyone likes him despite otherwise. But they also serve as a 'foil' to the progression of our main characters trying to reach their goal and they'd both do anything to ensure their own motivations in life are met. And we know they both get their comeuppance at some point in their respective movies and characters like our mystery mare may meet a similar fate (If she's just one of those characters who are 'bad' for the sake of being 'bad'). For all we know, this mare could actually be one of those snobby 'Karen' types who loathes the idea of Earth Ponies and Unicorns suddenly coming to their kingdom and will go through any lengths to convince them that befriending their colony is fruitless and history will just repeat itself. That even though their separation prevents the magic within Equestrian, likely the ability to fly, from working so long as this pony uses it as an advantage to give her own kind an 'edge' then it fills their heads with the belief they are still a higher nation of ponies.

Overall, this tidbit of information surrounding this character are very small given what we already have to work with. But as more and more information are slowly coming together in light of new characters introduced, the more of an idea we receive as to what we are dealing with. After all, it took us some time to get to know some of our 'mane' cast for this movie (Including the fact that Hitch is a Sheriff and that the two Pegasus ponies are not only sisters, but 'royalty'). Just as we got to learn about a new character on Sunny's side of the spectrum of pony-kind, eventually we'll determine if there is a connection between this 'questionable' mare and well-established characters like Pipp & Zipp (At least, established 'so far'). But the bigger question still remains:

What do you think?

Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful viewers, this is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

Comments ( 9 )

I think...this new villain should be named "Diamond Skies". She really looks like Diamond Tiara, similar color scheme and even a similar crown

Diamond Skies is actually not a 'bad' choice for this mare, as it does have a nice ring to it. I mean, when we think about it, the similar color scheme... the crown... though technically Diamond wears a Tiara, but why be specific... they are practically similar. It's the most we can work with right now until the team starts throwing names around.

But so far that works because 'maybe' Diamond Tiara eventually has a descendant and she looks like she fits the bill.

I'm hyped:pinkiehappy:

Also I love how you use the Helluva Boss Gif

True. Now all we need is a sidekick that either resembles Grubber or Silver Spoon

It's a miracle I got the wording to match the gif. I try to use these images as much as I can because they're some of my favorite online works. And with as much chance at uncovering some news in light of the upcoming feature, they provide as much opportunity to blog about the project.

No word yet on a side kick just yet. But if there's a couple things to note in storytelling, almost 'every' villain has that one sidekick. It could either be the comic relief sidekick... or that one sidekick who 'acts' loyal to the head honcho, but is just waiting for an opportunity to stab them in the back as part of their 'own' agenda.

That Toy Story face. It uh... it scares me :fluttershyouch:

Well Sid Philips is not exactly the most welcoming character in the movie. He barely has a connection with Andy other than the fact they are next door neighbors. He's like this one kid with a sociopathic nature who likes to torture, blow up, and arrange different parts together out of utter enjoyment. Some say that it might be just a phase as he's just a kid. But then again, kids with some tendencies lead on to a belief over a possibility they could end up being worse when they get older.

After all, this is a kid who personally ordered a rocket (Even though it's not safe for kids) just to blow up a toy.

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