• Member Since 5th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 8th, 2023


27, Female, Iowan, College Graduate. Favorite Pony: Celestia. Favorite Not Pony: Discord. Yeah, I like Equestria's Gods, so that's what most my fics are going to be about!

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Sunset Looms Sequel · 10:51am Feb 18th, 2012

I wanted to say this quick about Sunset Looms to answer anyone who may have the comment about the abrupt ending: Yes, there will be a sequel to it, and yes, I actually know what the story is going to be now, instead of just vague ideas.
I'm just sorry to say that it might be a while. I'm working on Steadfast Sky, which will have some setup for the plot of the Sunset Looms Sequel. but don't worry, the sequel can be read and understood without plodding through Steadfast, and oh my god, I just realized, I'm using so many titles with S words in them.
Dont worry, the title of the Sunset Sequel will have no S words.

In other news: Wow. I'm on the wheel banner o.o
Honestly expected to just put these up there for archival purposes, and have them fly under the radar.
Thank you, whoever I should be thanking. Knighty? Thank you, Knighty 8I

Report Greytercakes · 234 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Dear GreyPotter,

Well, I'm definitely looking forward to it, whenever it my canter on by :twilightsmile:

I assume you'll be keeping with your first person narrative; but will the focus be totally on Celestia again, or will you be switching like with Steadfast Sky? Also, I noticed that you tend to get a bit warped up in monologue (At least in Sunset Looms, I haven't finished Steadfast Sky yet). Nothing wrong with that, but if you left a bit more open, instead of explicit I think it would add a lot to the story. Eg have Twilight reminisce on day's events but don't have her analyze them, just react to them.

Your faithful reader,

16044 Yeah, Sunset Looms is a bit monologue-heavy. First three chapters are literally telling the story... but its no excuse! It was how the story was conceived, so it kind've stuck like that... Definitely not going to keep that up as the main part of the narrative, not in Steadfast, and not in Sunset Sequel.

As for the focus, it is going to be in first person, and it's going to switch between Twilight and Celestia. Maybe Luna, and maybe more of the cast, but those two will still remain the focus.


>> In other news: Wow. I'm on the wheel banner o.o

We have a magic algorithm that puts the most popular new stories into that gadget, no sentient interaction involved. Congratulations ;)

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