• Member Since 29th Apr, 2020
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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:

More Blog Posts126

  • 13 weeks
    Hiatus For Now: Phoenix and OHS Both

    Hello my lovely readers,

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  • 17 weeks
    Small Update: State of Dewdrops

    Hello my lovely readers. I'm sure you've been waiting for the next Phoenix, as well as other things from me.

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  • 24 weeks
    Phoenix Update: Set a New Record!

    Hello my lovelies. If you've not already seen, Star Trek: Phoenix has released its latest full chapter, episode 7 for season 3, "Under the Sea." As you might surmise, it involves hippogriffs, and was a huge ton of fun to write.

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  • 25 weeks
    Update for Phoenix Plus Other News

    Hello, my lovelies. If you've not yet seen it, we have an interlude up for Star Trek: Phoenix written by my editor, Vic Fontaine. It features a couple of characters we haven't seen for a long while.

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  • 27 weeks
    Commissions Open! -- See Details Inside --

    Hello, my lovely readers! Last week or thereabouts you saw me explore the idea of commissions, which I am now opening! I will have a limited number of slots available; once those slots are filled I will close commissions until I have fulfilled them. This post will be regularly referred back to for the commission rules, which are as follows:

    Last Updated: 11/22/23

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Season 2 Episode 2 Up! (June 21st) · 9:22pm Jun 21st, 2021

Hello my lovely readers! Today’s post marks the second episode of season two!

Season two, as stated elsewhere, is going down the more typical Trek style of adventure, albeit still with serialization. So think less TNG and more DS9 to get an idea for the kind of stories we’re going to be telling with it. Because it’s set in the backdrop of the Dominion War, a lot of it will deal with the war in one way or another, but just like DS9 we’ll have times we step away from that.

Most importantly however, as a reminder, we will be spacing out each episode in two week posting schedules rather than one week. But fear not, we will have content in-between. Since the story thus far and especially season two is so jam-packed full of characters (and we may or may not be adding to that roster as time goes on :raritywink:) we’ve got what we call mini episodes that’ll post every Friday and Wednesday between the two episodes. So you’ll get a main episode on Monday, first mini that Friday, next one the following Wednesday, and then the next episode the Monday after that.

Each of these mini-episodes will be written in third person and come from a perspective other than our two protagonists. So even if one of our protagonists features in them (and they will a few times, as appropriate) they won’t be the viewpoint character. This is to let us build up some of these characters that might otherwise not get enough time in a traditional episode, and to let us do a few things we couldn’t do otherwise with our focus squarely on Twilight and Sunset. Maybe some people would call that cheating with the format of the story, but it’s not like this is a story meant to be published on the New York Times best seller list and win all the Hugos and Pulitzers. It’s a fanfic. You should really just relax.

Speaking of relaxing, as you undoubtedly already saw from Blue’s AN and from the content of this episode, this one, and the following one, aren’t perfectly scientifically accurate. This is one of those cases I described before, where we would bend the rules to fit a good story. So hopefully none of y’all are astronomy PhDs with a focus on black holes and if you are, my apologies.

In any event, thank you for reading. Y’all are amazing and wonderful and every last one of you is appreciated immensely. Have a nice day my lovelies, and don’t forget: first mini episode this Friday, June 25th! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 3 )

. . . Are we not calling them Short Treks?

Technically Short Treks is the name of an actual series. So that's why I'm not using the term.

Don’t sweat the scientific inaccuracies; it’s not as if Trek has been particularly meticulous in that department either.

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