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Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

More Blog Posts44

  • 1 week
    Small Announcement

    Hope y'all are having a fantastic weekend!
    I wanted to let everyone know that I've included some deliciously spicy content on a Pride Month Art Pack!
    Six shorts for contributors and an extra big, extra meaty story for those who get the delux option!

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  • 42 weeks

    If y'all have been following me long enough, you probably know I'm not one to make frivolous blog posts - with that out of the way, I'm in a bit of a pickle.

    Before you to getting too concerned and/or aroused, I'd like you to know that there's nothing seriously wrong.

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  • 58 weeks
    Pinkie Art Pack

    To those of y'all who might be interested, I wrote a story for a Pinkie Pie themed art pack

    Artwork included by such talented artists as @Aer0Zer0Ri2k, @DDemon7000, @Elicitie, @Forsaken3d, @Hentype, @Sanyo_2100, @Snudd2, @DibujitoArt, @GodoffuryN, @imaaahorny, @Libido_mlp, @LegendOfLinkArt, @PurpsYoshi, @SpindlesX, @Weloost

    Go to Aer0's twitter if you want the details (@Aer0Zer0Ri2k)

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  • 62 weeks
    Acceptance Details

    So here's the skinny on the story. I'm gonna publish a chapter a week, so the following may involve spoilers. I tried to include the major kinks/fetishes for each chapter, but I may've missed some. I can't understate how depraved this collection is. I regret nothing.

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  • 74 weeks
    Happy 2023

    First and foremost, happy Insert Applicable Holiday Here!

    With that out of the way ~ how are you glorious folks doing?
    Not gonna lie, it's been a relatively rough start to the new year.
    Had various bullshit hitting the fan, the persistent grind of life, and the omnipresent challenge of whatever obstacles fate decides to hurl at me - that said, I've been staying busy with writing.

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The MEATY Post ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) · 9:30pm Jun 12th, 2021

Alright, first thing's first, this might include some ramblings and life experience shit. If you wanna read it, cool, I hope you learn from a few mistakes I've made and maybe save yourself some trouble - if not, it's no skin off my back.

As I mentioned in the last post, I'm what you kids in the fandom would call an oldfag™. I grew up on G1 in the 80s, been watching cartoons for most of my life, and I'm only serious if/when I have to be. With that out of the way, lemme impart a few things I wish I'd known sooner.

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional
Having worked in medicine for well over a decade, I've met people from all ages, races, economic backgrounds, and dispositions, but there's one particularly interesting thing I've noted. The healthier, more long-lived folks all got something in common, regardless of their differences - their mindsets. The older folks I know typically fall into one of two categories: those who enjoy life and stay active or those who just kinda give up and go full couch potato. Take it from me, the latter category usually don't last as long as the former. Having fun and finding enjoyment can and will help you live longer. I shit you not, there have been studies done on this kinda thing. When folks give up, it wreaks havoc on their body and mental health. Whoever you are, please, try to find some joy in the world and know that growing old doesn't mean you have go give up on being a kid at heart.

Take care of yourself and your body
"B...but Leech, you said you use nicotine!" one of you doubtlessly sputters. I know, it's a vice, but it's not the worst thing I could do. Getting to the point here, I wanted to share something. Fifteen years ago, I was a living dumpster fire. I was an alcoholic, smoked a pack a day, and I was over 300lb of Grade-A fat fuck, but I turned it around. I quit smoking, slowly started exercising, and un-fucked my diet. It was absolutely terrible and probably the hardest thing I've done in my life, but it was definitely worth it. I'm healthier, got some self-confidence in my looks, and am in a better head-space now than I was in my teens and 20s. I know working out and eating right ain't the easiest thing, and that losing weight isn't easy, but you gotta think for a second; you didn't just wake up fat and out of shape, so you ain't gonna wake up and be a paragon of health. That shit takes time and effort! Consider this a challenge. If someone like me can get their shit together and lose over 130 lbs, any one of y'all can do it. Also, for the record, I vape; it ain't exactly healthy, but it's sure as shit less unhealthy as smoking.

Mind your mental health
Occasionally getting depressed is a part of life, if you're a human, but know when to seek help. As someone who was suicidal at one point, I'm telling you this from someone who's been there. One thing I did and continue to do is take stock of the good shit I do have. I can almost guarantee that all of you, each and every one of y'all, have something to be thankful for. If you got a roof over your head, be thankful. If you've eaten something in the last 24 hrs, be thankful. If you have any family or friends, be thankful. Hell, if you have a cat, dog, or goldfish, be thankful. At one point, I realized that I was taking a lot of shit for granted. Does that fix all the problems I had/have? Fuck no, but it makes life a little more bearable.

Never stop improving
Simply put, don't stagnate. There's always some way you can grow as a person, whether it's through fitness, learning, or something else entirely. I can guaran-god-damn-tee you that you're not perfect - shit, nobody is and nobody ever will be. Our time on this little blue marble is finite, but try to spend it wisely. I ain't saying devote every second of every day becoming some GIGA CHAD, but broadening your horizons and honing your skills can't do anything but help you in life. "Leech, I don't know what I should learn?" you didn't ask. Well I'm glad you asked, fair reader! In my 30+ years, I've taught myself: how to breathe fire, lock picking, gold refining, amateur blacksmithing, the culinary arts, bartending, carpentry, e-waste reclamation, and how to write (no, I have no formal training/education on the literary arts). Go learn how to make bread, make soap, or write some dope-ass stories! I believe in you and, god damn it, that should count for something!

In dealing with the sad moments
Sad shit happens. People die, relationships end, and life has a nasty habit of throwing you curve balls that you don't/can't expect. This probably sounds commonsensical, and I'm not downplaying any of the shittier moments folks go through, but you gotta pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and soldier on. I don't really know any of y'all, but I can tell you that you're stronger than you think you are. The only sure-fire way that things won't get better for you is if you give up and stop trying. Also, tangentially, don't dwell on past "what ifs". The past is the past; you can't change it, you can't do anything about it, and it's already behind you. Just learn from the shit you've gone through, try to help others avoid your follies, and keep on keeping on. I really, really mean that last part.

Be kind to folks
Regardless of who you're dealing with, they still wipe their ass like you do. Boomers, zoomers, black folks, white folks, republicans, democrats, people of different nationalities, we're all people. I know the world seems to be getting a lot more divisive, with folks drawing lines and disassociating from certain groups, but please remember that we're all in this together. Instead of screaming at someone and focusing on your differences, try looking at what you have in common. Be civil, treat other folks with some respect, and don't go instigating shit or dumping fuel on the fires indignation. I ain't saying to go sucking folks off, but it really does pay off to be somewhat cordial to everyone - doubly so if you're trying to sway someone's opinion. Screaming at someone and calling them names is a damn good way to tick them off and turn them against you - instead, how about you be considerate and hear what they have to say. Who knows, you might just learn something new!

- There's a very good chance that I'm the bastard child of a slenderman and/or the illusive hairless sasquatch
- I've only set myself on fire twice, concussed myself once, and accidentally exploded myself on one occasion
- I haven't had cable/satellite TV in over a decade and spend more time reading than I do consuming video content
- I used to threaten my German Shepherd with deportation to Germany and I'd often refer to him as my "survival ration"
- I once broke my finger at the 7 mile mark of a 14 mile obstacle course race. Yes, I finished the race with a busted finger
- I have 13+ hours of tattoos on my body, including a Wonderbolt crest on my shin
- Black Walnut husks can and will stain any part of you brown - yes, any part
- I consume an inordinate amount of tea and coffee, to the point where I'm pretty sure anyone who's got a transfusion of my blood has gotten a buzz
- Leech, the pony, predates G4 and was first conceptualized in 1999 or 2000. Honestly, I can't remember the specifics

Report Some Leech · 1,156 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

From one old fag to another your preaching some pretty solid truths here. To the boys and girls that are reading this blog you should really take this advice to Heart they know what they're talking about.

Also, for the record, I vape; it ain't exactly healthy, but it's sure as shit less unhealthy as smoking.

Less unhealthy than smoking isn't exactly a high bar to clear. That said, congratulations on becoming better.

I'll be the first one to admit that, yes, it's a crutch
I don't suggest anyone smoke or vape, but the latter is marginally safer than the former

Leech, the pony, predates G4 and was first conceptualized in 1999. Honestly, I can’t remember the specifics

Well, at least she’s legal! Beral and Mr. I don’t give a shit about Pants don’t have to worry about being Chris Hansen'd!

It's kinda funny to think that Leech Pone is older than some bronies

Thank you for sharing this information.
As a pretty young man myself(20 years old), I always seek any form of advice from older individuals and learn from their life experience and wisdom so I can improve myself, AND as you mentioned in your post, avoid mistakes and traps that life throws at us.
Thank you again.

Dude, any time

Bonus fact:
If you start getting emotional with a situation, it might not be a bad idea to disengage, calm down, and reevaluate

For all the lardass oldfags and recovering lardasses: the popular sorts of exercise are all high-intensity (running, powerlifting, etc). Don't worry about any of that shit. Your body won't thank you anyway. Instead, do endurance exercise and slowly work up. Instead of taking up jogging, try urban hiking: walk a route along your local roads at a speed you can keep up, and throw some hills in there. Slowly get faster and go farther over time (it's time to make it harder when it doesn't suck a little bit anymore). Buy a couple cheap free-weights at the local big-box store, find someone who can show you some simple exercises you can safely do on your own (or ask an online friend to point you at some videos), and slowly increase the number of reps instead of increasing the weight. Your joints will hate you a lot less that way.

(Seriously, used to have some cranky-ass knees. Dropped some fat, built some muscle, gained some endurance. I do an 8-mile hike on serious hills almost every morning now, and they don't bitch at me anymore. Fix your shit!)

I'm also a person in mid 30s, and can atest that this is some good wisdom :eeyup:

It's all about baby steps
Gotta crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run

From another oldfag, here's to ya, and I hope you find a supermarket that plays all of your jams, like I did. :twilightsmile:

Black Walnut husks can and will stain any part of you brown - yes, any part


Thank you for believing in us Leech. I won't let you down. Its time to Trudeau!

Wise beyond your years! I'm in my sixties and still say I'm a 10 year old with a great disguise and some awesome toys. I too vape due to 30 plus years of "smoke em if you got em" , the only break you could get that Uncle Sam's flying circus didn't get too shitty about. Old school military teaches you if you can walk away you may not die. Arthritis has a way of slowing a person down and when I retired, I let it do just that. Recently I've kickstarted my old arse back into gear, joined a gym, fixed my bicycle, joined the water aerobics gals on Thursdays ( and they kick my arse! I haven't been this sore in years!), and my wife is working out too! I've lost ten pounds (I'm not a big person, but I'm getting back to fighting form.) I'm a former Jet engine technician, so I tinker with everything, but with age comes wisdom and if the task is outside my knowledge I will study it and then I take it to the right people. Two expeditionary tours, three combat tours, PTSD? Oh hells yes. Well over 200 mortar attacks in our sector over the two tours in Iraq will make anybody a little jumpy. Has it stopped me, no. How long did it take for me to be able to go to a fourth of July party? About ten years and I still have to be very aware of my mindset. (When things go bang, I don't drop and look for cover. ) My friends and family got me through this and I communicated with them. That's the point, I communicated with others and they helped me! Well I've rambled on enough...again I will say that as a young man you have a good head and heart, stick to your plan, share it with others (as you have done here), and yes "Friendship is truly magic "!

This post is nothing but the good shit.
I need to exercise more.

This was a good solid.

Very wise insight, thank you for sharing! This will make a fine addition to my 'Daily Dose of Life Advice' collection.:pinkiehappy:

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

As one who just passed 33, I tell this to myself and others often.
As they say, taking the first step is always the hardest, but damn if it doesn't feel good once you get going.
Wise words Leech. Be good!

Go learn how to make bread, make soap, or write some dope-ass stories!

Honestly, some great advice. It's always fun to learn a new skill or write from your heart...or other parts.

I ain't saying to go sucking folks off

Aw, you're not? :rainbowlaugh:

Far be it for me to judge how you spend your time - heck, if you wanna hone your oral skills, go nuts!

- Leech, the pony, predates G4 and was first conceptualized in 1999 or 2000. Honestly, I can't remember the specifics

That sounds like an interesting story. What was MLP even doing back then? Doing the math, my sister would've been in the target audience for whatever it was but she was an amateur fencer the last time I checked and we were dirt poor anyway.

I was born in the early 80s and grew up on G1. Leech Pone was conceptualized in high school, in the late 90s

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