• Member Since 10th Sep, 2015
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The name's Animatorsnake or short for Anim, welcome to my realm the Living World. I'm a writer and storyteller and I hope you enjoy my content of the world of Equestria & Anim's journey in Equestria.

More Blog Posts202

  • Tuesday
    Late May Update & Update for 2024 and the future

    So many of you may or may not had noticed, but for an entire week I have been somewhat "off-the-grid", I was off with family for a vacation, and during that time some thoughts and plans have come up that may delay or bring a lengthy hiatus in the future.

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  • 7 weeks
    You know what time it is?


    (New chapters for IANG & Guidance here & here!)

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  • 14 weeks
    Story Update 2

    So I took a short pause on writing to make a list of characters in IANG - named characters by the way, I'm not including unnamed or background characters that haven't been mentioned/speaking role/appearance in any of the current chapters - for future reference or not... this includes characters that are deceased too - dead characters and characters from the past who've died already.

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  • 15 weeks
    Story Update

    So back around November, I wrote that I post a new chapter for IANG... I forgot about it, but while I'm thinking of posting along with some new chapters - not soon sadly - I'm thinking of making a list of all the characters in IANG. I have to keep a list of characters from now on as I plan to use any old characters mentioned in previous chapters, this includes characters that one appearance or

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  • 15 weeks
    Feb 2024 News

    Sorry for the lack of activity here, I got distracted by Genshin Impact - wanted to play it after having taken a pause on it several months back - but I might pause it to get back to other stuff. Nothing much or different now, might be busy for a week or two with personal duties, but besides that hope everyone have a grand February and a lovely Valentines. Peace!

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IANG S2 Opening Chapter Sneak Peak · 4:11am Jun 7th, 2021

This is a small portion of the opening of first chapter of the S2 of chapters for IANG, hope you enjoy and can't wait for the full release!

(Warning Spoilers ahead)

(You have been warned)

Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Throne Hall; 11:15am

It was almost noon in another glorious day for Celestia, she sat at her throne reviewing some recent reports across the various cities, towns, and settlements within her fair nation. She levitated a teacup to her and took a sip, until she felt an eerily familiar presence, one she hasn’t felt in over a millennia ago.

No, it can’t be…

Before she could order her guards to respond fast, appearing with a loud pop and a flourish is Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, opening his arms in a wide arc in some over-the-top entry within the throne hall.


Celestia quickly rose from her throne, her magic flickering on as it took a blazing golden glow, while the guards stationed within the throne hall took ready stance and pointed their spears at the sudden new threat. Celestia’s secretary, Raven Inkwell hid behind the lower steps of the throne, watching the sudden confrontation with trepidation.

Discord took a look around at his new surroundings, until his jovial look transformed to a bored frown, crossing both his elongated limbs across his chest, still staying afloat without a care.

“I see you still haven’t change much in this bland of a castle, I mean seriously you could add a little more color, would make this place much more interesting,” said Discord. Taking a look around, he floated over a mural of Twilight and her friends defeating Nightmare Moon, though Discord gave a weird look at this mural which Celestia took a few steps down her throne but kept a close eye on the draconequus.

“What are you planning Discord?”

“Not much… yet, though if I’m honest here, this mural isn’t you being really honest her Sunbutt, I mean really now, you’re going to give your little pony student here take the credit for something she nor her little friends even did, for shame,” said Discord, tutting his claw at Celestia.

Celestia eyes widened, while Twilight and her friends never used the Elements on her sister, Celestia didn’t want news that someone or something easily defeated Nightmare Moon and reverted her back to Luna without the use or assistance of the Elements. This knowledge was kept hush-hush to herself and selected individuals, as well as the Elements themselves though their knowledge on the situation is based only on perspective alone and never speculation.


“Oh come now, just because I was a statue doesn’t mean I couldn’t hear things… and no I don’t know who did ounce that sister of yours, I may be powerful but I’m not all-knowing.”

Quickly dropping the subject of the conversation, Celestia’s horn glowed brighter until Discord vanished again, reappearing before one of the guards, until he reached forth and plucked the pegasus’ helmet which he took a firm stance and held his spear at him.

“Though, that doesn’t mean that those six mares are a threat to me and I have quite a long list of things I want to do before you sic em on me,” said Discord. He held the guard’s helmet on his lion’s paw until he snapped with his free limb to turn the helmet into some sort of creature with four stubby legs, a tongue that came out where the guard’s snout would come out of, and a floppy length of hair on the top and a tail wagging at the back of the helmet.

The creature hopped off Discord’s paw and began barking and running around the throne hall, both the owner of said helmet and his fellows chased the now alive helmet-dog around the throne hall. Discord watched with amusement before facing Celestia and with a wave and wiggle of his paw, he vanished once more.

Celestia’s glow of her horn began to lessen a little, until she watched the group of guards chase – and fail miserably – to catch the helmet-dog. With a deep sigh, she turned to face the one guard to not follow along his fellows to chase the chaotic creature, but watch them with a stoic gaze.

“Sergeant, please report to Captain Shining Armor and Captain Lilium Nix that Discord has escaped his imprisonment, that they are to prepare and sent messages to all other stationed Royal Guard and Lunar Guard at all major cities and towns. They are to secure and evacuate all citizens to magical emergency bunkers until the situation has been handled, you are then to,” said Celestia.

She faced the guards who chased the creature until they managed to dog-pile the thing… until it wiggled out and began to run rampant again.

“...Then you’re to secure both the castle and city of any of Discord’s creations, do please do all this post-haste and at that order, please.”

The sergeant saluted before barking at his fellow guards to do what the princess ordered, until he used his magic to levitate the helmet-dog and leaving with both the creature and the guard that the helmet belonged to before it turned into… whatever it is.

While the whole throne hall was emptied of guards, Raven approached behind her princess with clipboard in hoof and quill in the other.

“Raven… cancel all my schedule duties for… today and possibly tomorrow, I have a feeling we’re going to be busy with this and the aftermath for awhile.”

Report Animatorsnake · 125 views · Story: I Am (No) God · #preview
Comments ( 3 )

When release of S2? Also can you please put the season number in the chapter titles?

No, mostly because majority of the chapters don't take place during episodic moments related to the show, and at some point the story will completely diverge from the material from the show. The older version of IANG would had used mostly stuff from the show but I changed that due to personal reasons and the flow of the story not working out so well.

Also chapters for the second season of IANG are coming out slow but surely, I'm going through some other stuff right now and having some writer's block doesn't help either.

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