• Member Since 4th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 10th, 2023

Blitz the Dragon

A friendly neighborhood dragon who loves ponies; so crunchy!

More Blog Posts32

  • 107 weeks
    State of affairs

    So, I really hate to do this, but I'm going to put Paradise Found back on hiatus.

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  • 116 weeks
    [Political Post] Now More Than Ever...

    I know some folks here are probably sick of me talking about politics, and I can respect that. Which is why you can skip this entry as always. However, I really hope that you do not, as this one is especially important.

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    2 comments · 297 views
  • 119 weeks
    Creative Burnout Sucks

    It's been a while, hasn't it?

    Once again, I'm really sorry that the next chapter of Paradise Found hasn't shown up. I *have* worked on it in fits and starts, but it continues to fight me. I have a general idea of how I want the chapter to go, but I'm struggling to get the words to come together in a way that meets the high standards I set for myself in previous chapters.

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  • 126 weeks
    Happy Hearthswarming!

    Regardless of what everybody listening observes IRL, I hope everycreature among my followers has a Happy Hearthswarming. While I must apologize yet again for my lack of output, I wanted to give you all something for your feed.

    I hope that you and yours had a tolerable year, if not an enjoyable one, and I hope you and the ones you care about stayed safe. My best wishes all around!

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What I've Been Working On · 1:42pm May 25th, 2021

Good morning, dear readers!

Just checking in with you again, this time for a special treat. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I have put writing pony fiction on hold in favor of writing Helluva Boss works. The centerpiece of this effort is my erotic romance novel, Dancing With Fire. It currently has 24 chapters published, and is now slightly longer than The Griffon of Paradise.

The work itself is NSFW, so I am unable to link it directly. However, I will link to my Archive of Our Own profile, where the story is hosted. Anyone who shares my love of Helluva Boss and is allowed to look at naughty words is welcome to check it out.

Lastly, to give you a taste of what the story is like, the following is an excerpt from a (SFW) scene of the fic. I hope you enjoy!

“Alright!” Blitzø said as Loona sauntered in, “Now that everyone’s here, we can get down to business. So, ah, revenue’s picked up a little. We got a few new clients, and that Spring Break Sale got us enough money to run our commercial on more channels. Though we would have more business had somebody not insisted we run it on Channel 666. Seriously, what kind of nerd watches that shit?”

Moxxie stood up, his white hair bristling in indignation. “For your information, sir,” he said icily, “Channel 666 is the largest network in Hell. As lackluster as your commercial is, I bought the ad space on the channel most people watch.”

“Well if you’d have just listened to me even more people would have seen it!” Blitzø fired back.

A grinding sound filled the air. It appeared to be Moxxie’s teeth. “Sir, for the last time. NOBODY watches the Your Pretty Horsie Marathon channel! It’s just a non-stop loop of badly-drawn toy commercials disguised as cartoons.”

“Well I do, and I think Your Pretty Horsie is a timeless work of art.”


Loona glanced up from her phone at Millie. “And they’re off,” she quipped. Millie rolled her eyes and nodded. She scooted closer to Moxxie and put a hand on his shoulder, but he was already on a roll, and Blitzø was only stirring the pot.

“Did you even look at the channel ratings, sir???”

“I don’t need to,” Blitzø crowed, “Folks in Hell aren’t all uncultured bottomfeeders like you, Mr. Fake News.”

Moxxie’s face flushed, and his tiny body quivered. “Uncultured?! You...I...but…” The little imp’s face flushed, and his eyes bulged. A prominent vein throbbed in his forehead.

Before Moxxie could explode, Loona set her phone down and came to the rescue. “Heyyyy, so I got this hilarious prank call before the meeting.” That got Blitzø and Moxxie’s attention away from each other. The Hellhound continued, “Some loser called pretending to be Harper. Acted like he had this big job for us and it was really important he talk to Blitzø.”

There was a long silence, suddenly broken by uproarious laughter from all four demons. It took several seconds for them to settle down. More importantly, it had interrupted a potential brawl.

“Ho-holy shi-hit!” Blitzø said between gasps. “That’s the best one yet. The Builder Baron himself wants to hire three imps and a Hellhound for something? Ohhhh fuck that’s funny.”

“I know right?” Loona said with one last chuckle, “So yeah I told that dickshit to eat my ass.”

“Atta girl, Loonie! That’s how you talk to liars.” Blitzø left his seat and spread his arms out for a hug. Loona ignored him.

Unfazed, Blitzø continued down the agenda for the meeting. Just as he was dismissing the crew, he stopped Moxxie. “Hey Mox, before you go, I just wanna say I accept your apology.”

Moxxie turned and raised an eyebrow. “You what?”

“Your apology for not being able to appreciate true art. I get it. Really I do. To be fair, you need to have a very high IQ to understand Your Pretty Horsie.”

“W-why you...you-” Moxxie’s brow furrowed. He was stopped mid-retort by a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see his wife looking at him with a pleading expression.

The imp took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. “Thank you sir,” he grumbled, “I suppose I just don’t understand it the way you do.”

“That’s what I like to hear,” Blitzø chirped. He then reached into his coat and pulled out a small, brightly-colored plastic pony. He set it on the table in front of Moxxie and pointed to it. “Now kiss Q-Tip and make up.”


Comments ( 2 )

You've definitely captured the essence of the show. I'll have to give this a look.

Much appreciated! Hopefully you don't mind me shipping the titular character with an OC. Though readers seem to find him compelling enough, which makes me happy.

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