• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
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Highlord Langslock

If the darkness grows so deep that we cannot see the light, then we shall rise up and BECOME the light!

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Lets Talk About "True Colors" · 12:31am May 23rd, 2021

Although I wouldn’t have been able to watch the second season finale of Amphibia on the day it aired on account of being at work, I was looking forward to reading about it on TV Tropes and later actually watching it online. Unfortunately, Disney channel had not only decided to cancel airing the episode at the last minute for utterly inane reasons, but they were postponing it for two weeks. Like most of the fandom, I was absolutely livid. But then I discovered that the episode had leaked from iTunes, so I spent my lunch break glued to YouTube. Even when an artist I follow on Tumblr made an impassioned plea for everyone to refrain from watching the leaked content, my only thoughts were “Shove it bitch, I do what I want!”

That said, I had enough decency to refrain from talking about it online. I didn’t even post any comments on YouTube. But now that everybody has finally had a chance to watch the official broadcast, I can finally share my thoughts about this amazing episode. Be warned, spoilers will be unmarked.

It is imperative that we start with Marcy. Oh my gosh, Marcy. I suspected her own goals didn’t line up with Anne’s desire to return home, but I never would have thought that she had deliberately arranged for herself and the to be transported to Amphibia from the start, all because she couldn’t bear to be separated from her friends by state boundaries. As much as she deserved to have Anne and Sasha walk away from her, however, I can kind of understand why she was so desperate. Much like Marcy, I tend to live in my own little world, so I have a good idea of how hard it would be for a girl like her to make new friends. What makes her situation truly heartbreaking is that all of her efforts to keep herself together ended up tearing them apart twice, first when the box sent them to different parts of Amphibia, and again when the others learned the truth. The expression on her face when she desperately tries to justify her actions to her friends, only for them to push her away in shock and anger, is gut wrenching. And then, just when she starts to redeem herself, gets run through with a massive sword. Right onscreen, no less. Granted it was an energy sword, which means it somehow didn’t draw blood, but damn, when did Disney Channel get so hardcore?

Next we need to talk about Andreas. I had been holding out hope that he had a semi-noble cause, but no. The guy just wanted to use the music box to rebuild his fallen empire. In spite of this, I still felt some sympathy for him when he talked about how he lost everything when his friends betrayed him, especially during the brief scene in the flashback where we see him hanging out with a frog and a toad before they both turn their backs on him and disappear, leaving him confused and hurt while his home burned to the ground. I started to think that maybe he was behaving the way he was because he was still hurting inside. But then HE TRIED TO MURDER SPRIG! AND THEN HE RAN MARCY THROUGH WITH A SWORD! The guy is officially irredeemable.

On a related note, I wonder what the specifics of Andreas’ friends' betrayal of him were. Where they just manipulating him to get at the box? Did they ever start to feel like real friends at some point, but still decide to go through with the mission? Or where they true friends from the start, and only “betrayed” him because they couldn’t bear seeing the monster he had become?
All together now: SUPER SAYIAN BLUE ANNE!!! I predicted it from the start. I know you predicted it from the start. I noticed potential evidence for it throughout the series. But as time passed, I began to have my doubts. But it’s true, and it’s here, and I need MORE!

Finally, we got some answers about the music box, which in true fashion for a series like this, only raise more questions. What is the box’s true purpose? Andreas said that he and his ancestors used then for conquest, but what where to originally created for. Also, while I can accept that an source of energy that can power an army of robots can also give a girl super-powers---that’s just how cartoon logic works---how does travel between universes factor into it? My current theory is that the box’s true function is to, in true isekai fashion, summon heroes from an alternate world and empower them to fight evil. Once the mission was finished, the temples would then be used to transfer the power back into the box’s crystals, and the process would be repeated the next time another world was in danger. Of course, this just raises many, many questions, not the least of which is who built the temples and set up the crazy system in the first place?

That’s all for now. This was one heck of a season finale, and I am really looking forward to seeing the crew continue their amazing work in season three.

Report Highlord Langslock · 122 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

Man it was one heck of a season finale for sure. Even more so than the Season 1 finale! :D

And let's hope Season 3 gets here, judging by what we saw after the last scene for Season 2. ;3

You know, the opening for season 3 is already on YouTube.

I know.... but I went with the creator of Amphibia's advice and I saw it following the last scene of Season 2. ;3

Man I can't wait till Season 3 will arrive. IT'S GONNA BE EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X3

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