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Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest — Charity Results! · 3:26am Apr 20th, 2021

I'm thrilled to announce that, with a whopping 41 submissions to the contest, we've raised a f*ckload of money for charity. How much is a f*ckload? Go ask your bio teacher man, this is a SFW blog.

But for real, how much money did we raise? A grand total of $820 was donated!!! That's hella money. Hella.

She's so proud of all of you!

For those of you who may have missed how this worked, Ally of Homos Lord Camembert and Esteemed Homosexual Fillyfoolish generously offered to donate to charity for every story submitted, totaling at $20 per submission. We asked the author of each submission about their choice of charity, and the final donation tally is as follows:

Also, for the sake of transparency, we feel it's important to include the donation receipts so everyone knows where the money went:

Again, a huge thank you to Lord Camembert and Fillyfoolish for being so amazing and generous. I suspect this contest wouldn't have been nearly as successful without them stepping up :heart:. And of course an extra special huge thank you to everyone who submitted! Because of you, vulnerable LGBTQ+ people have some more support at a time when they desperately need it. Y'all done did a good deed 🙏

Bless up for charity and bless up for SunFlower \o/

Comments ( 18 )

Yes, I did too donate $270USD to TLC "in honour of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fandom". With the receipts to prove it.

Totally awesome!

Here I am kicking myself, thinking, It should have been $840, you slacker, Kwirk, but I did make an honest effort of around ten hours trying to put a story together that just never cooperated.

Building on the 'there's so much more to me' line in Invisible, I still think there's a workable idea around aspiring-clarinetist Wally having a situation when auditioning for the CPO (Canterville Pops Orchestra) leading to 1. revealing to Sunset that she plays clarinet and feels shame for specializing in such an 'uncool' instrument, and 2. requiring/relying on support from Sunset as she recovers and moves forward.

"But it isn't a sexy instrument like --"

Sunset slapped her palms on the armrest, nearly erupting from her chair. "It is too a hecking sexy instrument!"

very cool and gay!

Yo that’s fucking awesome

Gay agenda wins again


It should have been $840, you slacker, Kwirk

Write it at any point in the future and I'll drop the $20 for the donation.

Clarinet Wally intrigues me.

ok but if you don't write this eventually I will fill a clarinet with glitter and blast it in your face

Oh my god that's friggin awesome

Also hella gay

Fuck yeah

That's just in time for 420 and it's basically twice as much! Poggers!

Well this brightened my day. I'm happy the contest was so successful.

Woot wooot nice job scampy

That's definitely a feel-good thing!

That's just incredible, really is. Silly magic horse girl romance words, and almost a grand raised for charity.

Massive kudos to Lord Camembert, Fillyfoolish, everyone who entered (with one exception, obviously >_>) and, of course, you, Scampy, for setting this whole thing up and getting people to get stuck in in the first place. :heart:

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