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Hello. I'm MisterEdd and a horse is a horse of course of course.

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    "A Pup Named Fenrir" Status + Overall Update

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My Obsession with King Sombra (And Other Topics/Rants) · 5:19am Apr 11th, 2021

Note: This is me expressing my opinion and I have no intention of upsetting anyone that doesn't share my viewpoint. If you don't agree with me, that's fine but please don't start leaving hateful comments just because you don't like what I have to say. If anyone would like to leave comments displaying arguments against my line of thinking, I would be more than happy to discuss this in a calm and rational way so please keep this a happy site, pretty please?

Okay, for starters, maybe "obsession" is a tad excessive phrase.

For those of whom follow that follow my work, I have a tendency to use King Sombra a lot in my stories. Okay, most of them. But where does this come from? Why him of all characters? Is it because he was just so amazing in his debut appearance in the MLP: FiM season 3 two-parter "The Crystal Empire"?

Hmm, yes and no.

I'm not going to pretend like King Sombra was this totally amazing character. He barely had any dialogue or really much of a personality. In fact, he appeared in most of the episode as a big black cloud and then died. Yes, died, not "dispelled into the ether," as the writers would have you believe in season nine. He was blown up into a million pieces, not teleported to another dimension.

Now, the reason that I liked King Sombra was his potential. His design was unique: he was a pony with fangs, a curved horn (which no other pony had until Mistmane was introduced) that was red, his crown and armor, as well as the trails of purple smoke from his eyes. Then, there was Sombra's magic and abilities, being able to manipulate shadows and conjure black crystals that could actually negate an unicorn's power. All-in-all, he had the trappings of a great villain. From what little we gleamed of him, we know that it took both Princesses Celestia and Luna to take him down (whether or not they used the Elements of Harmony is unclear), so he was incredibly powerful and he had the foresight to not only hide the Crystal Heart but to also leave traps in case anyone came looking for it. He also appeared to be quite serious, speaking very little and preferring to act instead of wasting time talking or fooling around.

And then he was killed off, imploded in a surprisingly graphic death for a show that was originally aimed for seven-year-old girls and then forgotten about until season five where, in part one of "The Cutie Re-Mark", he was shown in an alternate timeline conquering half of Equestria despite having mostly crystal ponies in his mind-controlled army. Then, the writers finally brought him back for season nine...and man, did they ruin him. First off, his voice. I have nothing against Alvin Saunders but...really? When I look at someone like King Sombra, both his appearance and traits, my first thought wasn't "oh yeah, the guy that voiced Mr. Popo." More aggravating was his new characterization: an egotistical loud-mouth monologuing about how feeble the other villains are compared to him, how inevitable the heroes’ defeat is, how Equestria will soon be his, yadda yadda yadda. 

When I look at Season Three/Five Sombra and then Season Nine Sombra, they don't even appear to be the same character. If it were Season Nine Sombra in Season Three, he'd never shut up about how awesome he is or laughing maniacally, or talking about how he could finish off the heroes instantly but instead chooses to leave them be like an idiot. In fact, isn't King Sombra in "The Beginning of the End" behaving more like Queen Chrysalis? Think about it: smug attitude, propensity for verbal self-praise, almost bratty, narcissistic demeanor coupled with cliche villain laugh. Sombra, to me, seemed more like the type to go along with Grogar's plan if only to find a way to one-up him and take over. Given the fact that Chrysalis hates working with others, exemplified in "To Where and Back Again" and "The Mean Six", you'd think that she'd be the one to dismiss the idea of an alliance and go off on her own. But no, Sombra threw a hissy fit and once again got killed off in a needlessly gory fashion...just one episode after his long-awaited return.

Pony Ex-Machina does a much better than me in breaking down why the show's writers did Sombra a severe disservice:

There was also another factor that led me to using Sombra in my stories: he was pretty much a blank slate. Yeah, there were the comics, but their canon status with the show is sketchy, especially given Sombra's fate and the on-going Season 10 arc. We don't know anything about Sombra, his true personality, his background, motivations, nothing. I decided to work with this and sort of make him into my own character. This also opened the door to another possibility: exploring themes of morality and redemption. One criticism I have is that the show, and by extension, the writers, has a very black-and-white view on morality. Good is good, evil is evil, and there are no gray areas. The heroes are always in the right and the villains are motivated by petty/nonsensical revenge (Starlight Glimmer), power (Lord Tirek), or unclear reasons that are pretty much summed up as "evil for the lolz" (Cozy Glow). I would've loved to have seen an antagonist who was driven by an understandable reason or who challenged the Main Six's viewpoint, someone who actually had a motivation that was morally gray. Someone who perhaps didn't even view him or herself as a villain or, pfft, I don't know, maybe even thought that what they were doing was the right thing or at least justifiable.

And maybe the audience could even agree with them.

Enter my head-canon version of King Sombra: an orphan from an extinct race betrayed by those that he thought loved him and, consumed by anger, grief, and vengeance, turned into a dark sorcerer and eventual tyrant. His path to redemption is slow and agonizing, forcing him to reevaluate himself and coming to the realization that neither his crusade for retribution nor his negative worldview are correct. He isn't instantly forgiven and offered a place in society and he doesn't just become a different person *snap* like that. He has to live with the consequences of his actions, fix the damage he's done, and go through a journey of self-discovery in order to earn his happy ending. Tartarus, he might not even become a completely cheerful and lovable member of Equestrian society but at least he will've tried to work towards his redemption.

Which is why I don't like Starlight Glimmer, Sunset Shimmer, or Tempest Shadow's reformations. Redemption and forgiveness aren't as simple as "I did something wrong but since I feel bad about it, I'm now good and can move on with my life." Out of the three, Sunset was the best handled, as she was shown still being (rightfully) despised and mistrusted by the Canterlot High student body and had to work hard in order to prove that she was developing into a better person. However, she was still offered the hand of friendship almost immediately, became the Seventh Element of Harmony almost as fast, and joined a group of friends far too quickly even though she tormented several kids, mass mind-controlled an entire school, and tried to kill some innocent people.

Tempest Shadow, aka Fizzypop Berrytwist (tee-hee), was someone who you could make a case for as an understandable antagonist given her background as a child that went through a horribly traumatic experience, one that left her maimed and no doubt psychologically scarred, and was abandoned by her friends during a time of vulnerability. However, Twilight and the others just decide to let her go despite the fact that she is a terrorist and war-criminal guilty of treason, kidnapping, enslavement, and attempted murder. She should've ended up in prison but because she ended up saving the day, due to the cliched employer-betrays-subordinate/hero-befriends-villainous-subordinate plot line, that automatically means that Tempest is redeemed and free to wander Equestria consequence-free.

Starlight Glimmer is the most egregious out of the three, in terms of forgiveness and character transformation. Her backstory? Her childhood best friend (and apparently only friend) ends up moving away to attend a prestigious school...and she decides that she hates cutie marks and to become a dictator. She somehow learns how to remove cutie marks, something that is never explored despite how important cutie marks are in the show and the powerful magic that such an act would take, takes over an entire town and becomes a ruthless, borderline sociopathic tyrant. Then she somehow gets a hold of a time scroll powerful enough to send her back decades, despite Twilight finding a scroll in the Royal Archives that could only take her back hours, and alters the timeline so drastically that it results in numerous end-of-the-world scenarios.

So how is this resolved? Twilight offers Starlight her hoof in friendship and after setting everything right, Starlight is even given the role of Twilight's student. She doesn't have to go to Tartarus or even stand trial but instead gets to be the Princess of Friendship's apprentice. Okay, she expresses guilt afterwards for her actions and has some difficulty adjusting to her new life but after everything that she pulled and her previously-established personality, it just rings hollow. Now, I enjoy Evil Starlight and I enjoy Good Starlight but if you put them side-by-side, they don't even seem like the same person. I don't buy this transition of petty, selfish, cruel dictator to cute, nerdy ally one single bit. If her backstory were altered, she faced an actual punishment and her redemption were delved into more, I might've actually loved Starlight Glimmer as a former villain.

With my ranting aside, let's get back to King Sombra. Even if the show didn't take the redemption route with him, I still maintain that, with some major reworking, he could've been a great villain. Imagine a serious, running antagonist that doesn't go into lengthy monologues, laugh maniacally, make dumb decisions just because of plot convenience and/or character plot-armor, and has a motivation beyond "just evil". The example that comes to mind for me is Ra's al Ghul from Batman: The Animated Series. He is dignified, intelligent, eloquent, serious, a skilled combatant, and his goal of world domination comes from the desire to aid mankind into approaching an age of justice and societal advancement. Even if you don't agree with his views, you still understand where he's coming from and might even say that his goal is kind of admirable, if extremely misguided, and his methods downright morally reprehensible. My point is, the villains of MLP are much too simple and it would've done the show some good if things were shaken up. King Sombra, at least until his short-lived return in season nine, could've filled this role perfectly.

The writers claimed that Sombra was based off of Sauron, a dark and malevolent presence. And yet, they took him and turned him into the Peter Jackson version of Peregrine "Pippin" Took.

It's one of many missteps, particularly in the last two seasons, that we'll all have to accept as being canon. I don't like how the show ended and if I were in charge, I would've made many, many changes to the show and altered its conclusion. It still rubs me the wrong way the many decisions the staff went with and how I've seen much better storylines on this very site. But hey, it could've been worse. It could've devolved into Game of Thrones season eight-levels of mediocrity.

Anywhoo, to everypony out there, I hope you're all happy and healthy during these uncertain and chaotic times.

Stay groovy, colts and fillies!



Report MisterEdd · 427 views ·
Comments ( 33 )

yeah i agree, they did him a disservice, hell the last season was hot garbage, and the season before that declining in quality starlight get full redemption after enslaving a village with indoctrination and dooming equestria multiple times but a filly get thrown in the worst prison and forgotten about, sombra was literally tortured to death with friendship what kinda lesson is that,

why i like fim so many good portrays of sombra

but said filly did deserve it when she damn near drained all of a precious resource from a country to overthrow said country then WILLININGLY teamed two other tyrants to overthrow the country again, and who knows how many ponies she killed (not that the show would admit it) when she became an alicorn

yet they completely forgive discord who resurrected a tyrant unleashed him oh his former victims, then manipulated his friends into torturing him to death, felt no remorse and carried on with his plan to use the other major villains which almost turned the three tribes against each other and doomed equestria, no punishment, all im saying if he get a chance to be reformed the so does a filly, hell so does tirek. honestly i blame the bad writing then the characters

I honestly think the worst part about Season Nine Discord, apart from his character assassination, is his motivation. Not only does his talk of boosting Twilight's confidence not make any sense given her years of experience, character growth and network of friends and family giving her support, but it's the fact that I don't for a second believe that he did it to help her. Based on his behavior both before and after his confession, which is awfully smug and illogically defensive, it looks like Discord did it more for himself than for Twilight. He wanted to make Twilight look good and then take the credit, having Equestria praise him for doing such a good job as a mentor. His "apology" and continued claims of "I did it due to good intentions" just reinforce this. When Discord apologized after betraying everyone to Lord Tirek, he was uncharacteristically serious and was not only clearly heartbroken but also owned his mistake and admitted to his faults. When Discord revealed what he'd done as "Grogar", he didn't look or sound sorry and it was more like he was apologizing as it was expected of him. He didn't even bat an eye when Fluttershy, his supposed best friend was in tears after hearing this news.

i say it was more for a fix, discord needs to do chaos like a addiction, doing it in little bit was not enough so he did it to unleash massive chaos and get away with it, so basically the true villian of season 9 won, and undermines the whole concept of friendship is magic, like sombra discord was ruined,

That's actually not a bad analysis. It's been shown that without causing chaos, Discord will literally vanish, so he does his schtick out of both necessity and enjoyment. It's just a shame that the "chaos fix" angle was never thought up or utilized and then maybe this could be more understandable. It would've just worked better if Grogar was the end villain like we were promised.

i personally would have ended it with grogar turning on one of the villain trio and the other two come to the rescue finally admitting their friendship and redeemed themselves ending the show on a high note

Now that's what I'm talking about! There's a story there worth telling!

the show wasn't perfect but I do think the punishment suits the crime. Their is a reason why we have child jail in real life after all

if discord hadn't been the mastermind behind them i agree with you, though we have opposite opinions so let agree to disagree if your happy with the ending good for you, hope we both enjoy the next generation, if not here to future disagreements :pinkiehappy:

to future discussions:pinkiehappy:



This is nice. Really, this is heartwarming.

And he basically got revenge on the Royal Sisters due to ruining their reputations too.
If past Discord were to meet his future self, he would point out on how Luna and Celestia look like massive failures on their last days as rulers due to that plan there and essentially congratulate his future self for doing that.

I feel the same way about Chancellor Neighsay. I could post a blog in the same vain as this one explaining why.

But for now I'll leave it with this: Wasted potential; Could have been an interesting idea; Feels like he was unlikable for it's own sake; Feels tacked on because even though Thorax says ponies see changeling the way Mr N. does, we never see it; changes his views right away without confrontation; my idea was better (even if it was boring).

Neighsay was nothing more than a straw man argument against bigotry and a false antagonist. What if, in his first appearance, he was just made to look intolerant but then it's revealed that he's actually a good guy that's just looking out for the students? Suddenly, it's not so black and white.

Or he could keep his bigotry, but it's not entirely unreasonable. After all, in the words of Strebiskunk, Equestria has an unfortunate history of being invaded. And up till now, every tribe has either been openly hostile to ponies or unhelpful to them (which is something a lot of reaction channels seem to forget).

My original idea before the airing of the Season 8 finale, was that Neighsay spent his entire life in his office, and only understands current events from an outside perspective (like an ivory tower).
Twilight shows him the Journal of Friendship, which has recorded the events leading up to season 8: Opening their borders to the yaks; helping save Gryphonstone; thus proving to him that relationships between ponies and other creatures are getting better.
He doesn't change his views right away (because Ember is the only reason dragons aren't attacking, etc.), but he does allow Twilight to continue running the Friendship Academy with limited intervention from the EEA.
At that point, Nieghsay now understands that while times may have been hard before, change is not impossible.

That works too. He could bring up the fact that the non-pony students could potentially harm the pony students based on their track record. Yaks are destructive and prone to violent outbursts, griffons are typically abrasive and selfish, hippogriffs were isolationists and don't have a full grasp on Equestrian social norms, and dragons are callous and aggressive. His viewpoint, while small-minded, wouldn't be entirely unfounded.

Comment posted by Xanatos Speed Chess deleted Jun 22nd, 2021

I like Sombra as well, although unlike most others I was honestly more content with his portrayal in Season 9. Before “The Beginning of the End” ever came, there was a comic called “Siege of the Crystal Empire”, which openly had the nerve to reform Sombra despite how cliche the move has become. The way they were also portraying him as a tragic figure was cringy. When the episode eventually came, I was glad that the comic was retconned since it was garbage on paper anyway.

As for Starlight Glimmer...yeah, I honestly disagree with you on the character. The same with Tempest. I love both them and Sunset a lot more as reforms than as villains, and I thought their reformations were nicely worked.

If you ask me, the worst reformed villain was Vignette Valencia. She was infuriating, and her characterization and reformation were weak.


I like Sombra as well, although unlike most others I was honestly more content with his portrayal in Season 9.

Eh, whatever floats your boat. If you liked it, that's cool. I just don't.

Before “The Beginning of the End” ever came, there was a comic called “Siege of the Crystal Empire”, which openly had the nerve to reform Sombra despite how cliche the move has become. The way they were also portraying him as a tragic figure was cringy. When the episode eventually came, I was glad that the comic was retconned since it was garbage on paper anyway.

I never read "Siege of the Crystal Empire" but I am aware of it through the My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Wiki and, yeah, it sounds lackluster. I didn't really have an issue with having him as a tragic figure since the show didn't really do that with any of the villains but the actual writing behind that could've been better.

As for Starlight Glimmer...yeah, I honestly disagree with you on the character. The same with Tempest. I love both them and Sunset a lot more as reforms than as villains, and I thought their reformations were nicely worked.

I felt Starlight's backstory and motivation were weak. So her best friend gets his cutie mark and moves away so she grows up to become a fascist dictator and enslaves an entire town? That's it? Okay, I could buy that Sunburst was her only friend and him moving away would be upsetting but it feels as though she blew it way out of proportion. Did neither of them ever attempt to write each other letters? Starlight even says, quote: "His family recognized his magical talent and sent him off to Canterlot." So Sunburst's mother never wrote to Sunburst telling him about his best friend or taking it upon herself to check in on Starlight? Starlight's father, who is presented as being overbearing to the point of treating his full-grown daughter like a filly, didn't notice her being upset by this? All I'm saying is that Starlight's reason for being evil was weak and she needed to be written better.

If you ask me, the worst reformed villain was Vignette Valencia. She was infuriating, and her characterization and reformation were weak.

She was pretty weak. Wow, I actually forgot all about her. That should tell you something.


All I'm saying is that Starlight's reason for being evil was weak and she needed to be written better.

Well, everyone has their own different opinions on something. You and I are no exception.

Agreed. Perhaps I'm looking too far into it but that's the way my brain works.

I agree with you on all this. About everything. And Sombra.

Great to hear! I may still have my gripes about the show but I still enjoy the good aspects of it.

You’re not alone here. I’ve lotsa to pick and grits about the show, LOTS. They did him dirty. And I’d like to think he would’ve been kickass had he returned with a vengeance. And properly handled in an actual consistent storyline and role that didn’t have so many loopholes unexploited and gaps that made it look like hodgepodge.

I really wished he had a good time and wasn’t a onetime archetype villain. Plus I kinda was looking forward to a romance between him and Luna or Chrysalis at least. Or bring Radiant Hope into the show.

I’vea really good type of background headcanon and somewhat canon-based background for him leading up to him being a REAL antagonist. Fleshed out and incarnated.


I'm a big-time Twibra shipper and have incorporated that into my head-canon universe, just because the idea of the protagonist or a main character in general being with a reformed villain/anti-hero is very intriguing to me (Buffy Summers and Angel being the primary example). However, I know that it would've been more likely for Sombra to have ended up with someone else and I am open to other ships. I really like the idea of him being with Luna or Chrysalis, mainly Luna as it's a good guy/bad guy relationship and because the two would compliment each other so well. Plus, I have a soft spot for Luna and I want to see her happy. Chrysalis and Sombra is also a good concept for a couple, as they're both wicked royalty and their duplicitous and strategic natures would work well together.

SAME! 🤩 (save for TwiBra; reason being... well obvious really: She’s young, TOO YOUNG), and sounds more like a teenager tbh. No offense.

But I’d really like to see Luna happy as well, so I’m onboard with that.

Same thing with Chrysalis, all that jazz. 😏

I’d like to share with you a view of how I see Sombra in portrayal; as a bit of a mix with Lord Garmadon, Shadow the Hedgehog (from Sonic X), Pitch Black (Rise of the Guardians (Dreamworks), and Darth Vader and Count Dooku (Lucasfilms)

Powers: Garmadon and Pitch for their powers along with Shadow because he actually CAN RIVAL AND DO/CONTROL CHAOTIC MAGIC (in some stories I remember reading; whose names I’ve unfortunately been unable to find or remember), and both aforementioned above Shadow being capable of wielding similar powers of umbramancy (magic of darkness and shadows) and other wicked dark magics. Shadow simply for being relentless as well as powerful in his own right, seemingly almost nigh indestructible and stronger with the capability of wielding far much more power than the other characters in Sonic X.

Violent, destructive to the brim of being enraged and wanting to see an end to a fight, or confrontation, like Vader, Sombra will lose his temper and create mass destruction all around him with telekinesis, and durability while on the much cooler side, he is calculatedly fluid in close quarters combat (physically speaking) and a brilliant mind in the art of War. And with any power of evil; HE’S GOT LIGHTING FROM HIS HORN! Eh... in second thought... 😒 nah. Scratch that.

Personality wise:
Simply put: Garmadon and Pitch Black based; cleverly cunning with a lifetime of expertise as well as experience from his unexplained (‘cept in the comics) past; and in fairness, kinda consider him to be Twilight’s maleficent darker counterpart as he is (to me at least) super intelligent, like polymath level, and knowledgeable in skill without needing to use intelligence.

Vader based: Can utilize and let loose hellish wrath the way a Sith does, and can become really violent when infuriated personally by failure; but again experience prevents making the same mistakes and be given the edge of preparation beforehand to a plan. What makes him unique is that his sins are a sorta purgative for his life before, as it is more tragic.

Dooku based: Methodically pragmatic, manipulative in nature, and ruthless to an extreme the same way as Vader; he is calculating and all based on belief as well as being dissatisfied or disillusioned. But also knows how to conduct matters of business in a charismatic and industrious statesman type way. Lol 😝 Is very well determined to succeed.

Above all else: Shadow based: ISTJ

Summary view: A seasoned warrior as well as a natural leader, he would be able to persuade or coerce others into his bidding. A/N: I’d imagine him being the creator of the Crystal Empire after being defeated as a tyrant when he falls from grace, with the Empire being the last piece of his erstwhile mighty kingdom which was like a nomadic nation (based on the Mongol Empire).

If you want, I can tell you more about this awesome potential about him.


SAME! 🤩 (save for TwiBra; reason being... well obvious really: She’s young, TOO YOUNG), and sounds more like a teenager tbh. No offense.

None taken. Honestly, I viewed her and the rest of the Main Six as being at least in their early twenties, especially since most of them lived on their own and Rarity was running her own business. None of them struck me as being teenagers, except for maybe Spike but yeah, I can see how the age gap could be an issue. If people saw the Main Six as teenagers, then I won't argue with it.

If you want, I can tell you more about this awesome potential about him.

Please do! I really like what you've described so far. In my head-canon series, I depict Sombra as being the stern, silent type, watching events unfold with a near-perpetual expression of either nonchalance or disapproval. He doesn't talk much but when he does, its in a very dry, sarcastic manner, making very as-a-matter-of-fact remarks and, for the most part, maintains a very calm, stoic air of control, sometimes lashing out in explosive bouts of rage if particular buttons are pushed. This Sombra seems to have "god-bug syndrome", paradoxically possessing feelings of both superiority and inferiority as well as PTSD and possible borderline personality disorder. He's learning how to try and adjust his old-world view of "an eye for an eye" and rise above his feelings of revenge. I like the idea of the Main Six having a sometimes-ally that uses dark magic and can thus help them out due to his knowledge on the subject. Plus, there's the fact that he's an anti-heroic love interest for Twilight that tests her modern black-and-white morality and pushes her to expand her worldview.

His primary power is umbrakinesis, transforming himself or parts of his body into darkness and manipulating it to form solid constructs. He can form whips, claws, tendrils, swords, etc. and can even alter his size and shape to resemble an ordinary shadow. Similar to the Sith, maleficium (dark magic) users utilize their rage and hatred to power their spells and display more control over their emotions. We see Sombra use an array of spells not seen in the show, like exploding concussive orbs and energy-based weapons.

Unlike Starlight or Sunset, Sombra starts to better himself not because he feels pressured to do so but because he realizes that he's not a good person and wants to make his life better. That being said, he won't completely alter his personality or become a "good guy" but he will do his best to try and work with others, while also doing his own thing. Sombra is an anti-hero with a more loose code of honor and flexible morality; he will learn to fight for non-selfish reasons but will still use methods that are not quite acceptable. It just sounds way more interesting that way.

Overall, same view. :rainbowdetermined2: I’ve always seen him as the silent type; cause I believe personally that the show creators could’ve made him a literal dark character by being a Palpatine or Tywin Lannister behind the scenes. Villains with dark powers such as his and the others I’ve aforesaid are usually portrayed as being sinister and calculating by working in the literal dark shadows. LITERALLY IN THE DARK. They did him injustice really.

Besides that i like stories that portray him more realistically and more tragic than being a caricature of a despotic dictator, wacky cartoon character, or underplayed as less-intelligent or clueless and inferior in power; believe that it’s a buncha bullsheet that everyone says Alicorns are omnipotent and rarely did we get much action from Celestia and Luna save Twilight (who’s not really much of a veteran in regard really). Don’t get me wrong, I like (and RARELY LOVE) SOME of those kinda stories. But there’s one thing I REALLY HATE AND DESPISE WITH A PASSION!... is Sombra being seen as less powerful than formidable. 😕 😑 😒 **cough cough** I HATE THAT STORY. Makes him looks weak and not like a enjoyable character, and the Sombra I usually see as more stoical. And being comic relief, on humiliating levels. He IS DIGNIFIED WITH RESPECT!

As for the Mane 6, I kinda realize that yeah... they have to be at that age at least; I’m new here so... DON’T JUDGE ME! But TwiBra is my least favorite but other than that, I really love your view of Sombra in that regard. Both of them being the polar opposite of one another.

And don’t worry, I plan to. On telling... 😏


I’ve always seen him as the silent type; cause I believe personally that the show creators could’ve made him a literal dark character by being a Palpatine or Tywin Lannister behind the scenes. Villains with dark powers such as his and the others I’ve aforesaid are usually portrayed as being sinister and calculating by working in the literal dark shadows. LITERALLY IN THE DARK. They did him injustice really.

Couldn't agree more, which is the same reason that I loathe what was done with Grogar in season 9 and the whole convoluted twist regarding that. I think I might've gone over all the reasons that I hate what the writers did there in a previous blogpost but I'll keep it brief:

1. Discord's plan made zero sense and had way too many variables that could've and did backfire (thus making him look stupid)
2. It negated six seasons of character growth for Discord (all for the sake of a half-baked plot twist)
3. The writers tricking fans with the return of a classic G1 villain and the wasted potential of using an antagonist who patiently observed things from the shadows and decided to use the Main Six's teamwork against them
4. The odd obsession with using Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow-three villains who'd been previously defeated and thus lost their intimidation factor-as the final bosses, with the justification being that they were characters that the audience was used to and would have a natural grudge against the heroes (even though none of them started out as being known to the audience or having a grudge against the heroes).

Also, this is a side-note but I really, really despise Cozy Glow. She just sucks.

Besides that i like stories that portray him more realistically and more tragic than being a caricature of a despotic dictator, wacky cartoon character, or underplayed as less-intelligent or clueless and inferior in power.

I actually wrote a short essay that briefly talked about Sombra's downgrade on DeviantArt, which I dubbed, "The General Grievous Effect." Basically, it's where a villain that was previously presented as a serious, genuine threat is subsequently turned into a goofball for the sake of making way for a new villain or to make things easier for the protagonists. Examples include Grievous from Star Wars, Carface Carruthers from All Dogs Go to Heaven and King Sombra.

believe that it’s a buncha bullsheet that everyone says Alicorns are omnipotent and rarely did we get much action from Celestia and Luna save Twilight (who’s not really much of a veteran in regard really).

Oh yes. I love Twilight and Luna but I'm admittedly not a big fan of Celestia, just due to her actions over the course of the series, how she's never called out for it, how she gets a happy ending of no responsibility and how people just overlook her various missteps. The issue with having two powerful beings like the Royal Sisters is having to invent ways of keeping them out of the story so they can't just show up and fix everything. I believe TV Tropes calls it, "The Worf Effect".

Don’t get me wrong, I like (and RARELY LOVE) SOME of those kinda stories. But there’s one thing I REALLY HATE AND DESPISE WITH A PASSION!... is Sombra being seen as less powerful than formidable. 😕 😑 😒 **cough cough** I HATE THAT STORY. Makes him looks weak and not like a enjoyable character, and the Sombra I usually see as more stoical. And being comic relief, on humiliating levels. He IS DIGNIFIED WITH RESPECT!

I've read that one and yeah...sadly, there aren't a lot of Twibra stories where the two get a happy ending together so we Twibra shippers have to work with what we've got.

But TwiBra is my least favorite but other than that, I really love your view of Sombra in that regard. Both of them being the polar opposite of one another.

Thank you! I actually wrote a page for my version of Sombra on the Friendship is Magic Fanon Wiki. Since my head-canon series is still ongoing, I'll have to make periodic additions to it. I think Twilight and Sombra work as a couple since they are both powerful magic users and I'd assume that Sombra is a bookworm so they'd have that in common. I don't like Twilight being paired with Flash Sentry or Timber Spruce since Flash is pretty much the generic nice guy (and a once-off cameo in the main series that is never used) while Timber is basically Flash but with a different appearance. Twibra is just way more interesting as a ship.

And don’t worry, I plan to. On telling... 😏

Reeeeeally? Color me interested...

I will... 😎

We’ve so much in common you and I, though I actually meant to apologize if you’re a fan of that specific STORY aforementioned. 😷 cough... sorry if I offended. (Sombra wasn't done well imo and naturalbornderpy really did him dirty). SO MUCH RAGE ON THAT ONE!...

Anyways, yeah Celestia needs a reality check in all that. As for the rest, I can agree with you on all of it, again, simply too much to put into words since you’ve practically covered it all up with your own that just came from my own mind. We can relate on a LOT ABOUT how our boy needs proper caring and attention.

I know i say the same things and all but... you’ve really taken the words from my mouth. All of it is relatable. ALL. OF. IT. ON. EVERY. SUBJECT.

And I really like to look into your head canon universe as well as disclose that from my own as well.

Sounds great! Here's the link to the first one. I hope you like it.

When Darkness Falls

Ah thankee. And i will enjoy! 😊

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