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  • Today
    Yearly Contest Schedule

    so i've been running contests for a while now! and at this point i would like to commit to some sort of regular schedule. there are at this point three "main" contests that i would like to keep doing on a yearly basis, and in any particular year i may run at most one more "big" contest, for a total of four:

    • The Science Fiction Contest: Early March to mid-April

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  • Monday
    2024/06/02 Update

    so i've given up on the notion of anything like a regular blog schedule! i'll just post these whenever i have news, as a sort of record for any horsewords-related activities i've been getting up to.

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  • 10 weeks
    Announcing: The Science Fiction Contest III (2024 Mar 25 - May 14)

    copied from the forum thread below the break:

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  • 17 weeks
    ABBS VI: Quiet Days


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  • 18 weeks
    ABBS VI: Comment Exchange Revival


    well, it’s happened again! another very busy week in both the good and bad sense, which really squeezed out any time and energy i had for fandom things. i don’t want to say that i’m definitely pulling back on any plans, but i am more cognizant than ever what the tradeoffs are between what i’m trying to do here and what i’m trying to do with the rest of my life. 

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Blog: Short excerpt from upcoming SunFlower contest entry · 2:42am Apr 4th, 2021

Spoilered after the break, since it is a spoiler for the story.

“And it’s not just not having computers! Even the concept of digitization was foreign to them, much less the implementation! Ha, and no wonder, too. Digitization!” Twilight held her hands in front of her face, wiggling her fingers, then laughed again. Wallflower just looked at her, confused. “Never mind!” Twilight said. “Point is, I had a lot of work to do over these past few years to get them up to speed.”

“Up to speed?”

“Yeah! There’s just so much to be done! Standardization. Building an industrial base. Social engineering.” She put a hand on her journal and smiled. “The other Twilight has been very receptive to my ideas.” She laughed to herself. “Well, duh! She is me, after all!”

This could have been a story on its own, but it's not even a secondary plot of this SunFlower contest entry, just something that is talked about in one scene. There are many things like this that I had to cut down to mere paragraphs or sentences. So many darlings I had to kill. 15 kilowords just isn't enough! :raritydespair:

Report Bicyclette · 82 views · #fic spoiler
Comments ( 3 )

Ah, and so you decided to share the pain my making your readers face the struggle between "But spoilers!" and "But I want to see!", with a victory by the latter presumably then likely leading into "Now I also want to see how that turned out!"? :D
(Sorry about all the dead darlings, though. Still, if you want to, I don't see why you couldn't submit the 15 kw for the contest, then publish more stories in the same continuity later?
...I mean, except for all the other writing you want to do and the resulting opportunity costs, of course. :D)

I was thinking of doing just that, expanding those ideas and scenes for more stories. Of course, if I'm having trouble distilling all this into 15kw, the planned Principal Investigator Celestia that's meant to go over the same worldbuilding and similar ideas at a more leisurely pace will probably end up being 100kw or something crazy once it's done! Especially since I plan to weave it through all of the major canon EqG moments. And how long will that take me to write!?

Hah, sorry. :D
There are worse problems to have, at least! :)

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