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SunFlower Shipping Contest Updates! · 1:26am Mar 26th, 2021

Hey all, just wanted to provide some updated info regarding the contest! If you don't know what that is, check out the contest announcement post here for information about submission guidelines, where to submit, and a general FAQ.

Update to Prize Pool and Donations
The original prizes have been bumped up thanks to a generous donation from Dezmo! The contest blog has had the new prize values listed for a while but I figure I'll put them here just so everyone can see.

1st Place: $150
2nd Place: $100
3rd Place: $50
4th Place: $40
5th Place: $25

Judges' prizes are still the same at $5 each.

As for donations, esteemed gay person Fillyfoolish has offered to match Lord Camembert's initial $10 donation per story submitted to the contest. That means that for every story submitted, a whole $20 will be donated to an LGBTQ+ charity of the author's choice! Even if you're not interested in winning prizes or don't feel super confident about a story idea, write it anyway! It'll go to a good cause and you'll be a Super Good Hero Person™ and everyone will think you're really cool and attractive and wonderful and special, and they'll be right because you are all those things 🙏

When you submit your story, please message Lord Camembert about which charity you want him to donate to! The charities you can choose from are:
Transgender Law Center
The LGBT Community Center

FAQ Updates
We've gotten a few questions regarding things that weren't covered in the first FAQ. Here's a collection of our answers.

  • Is it SunFlower exclusive or can it be SunFlower+? This is a SunFlower exclusive contest. Poly stories are not eligible.
  • Can my story take place in Equestria rather than the human world? Yes! Pony SunFlower is just as perfect.
  • What's the policy on OC inclusion? OCs are totally allowed, go for it \o/
  • Just to confirm, can this be an Alternate Universe? Yep! AUs are totally fine.
  • How prevalent must romance and romantic themes be for a story to qualify for submission? Submissions don't have to have tons of smooches or anything. Just SunFlower romance being in the story is enough, even if it's not the main focus.

I also wanted to show off the stories that have been submitted already! The submission window is about halfway through, and based on past FimFic contests I expect most of the submissions to come in pretty close to the deadline. Despite that, we've already had some really good fics submitted. You can check them out below \o/

[Unpublished stories cannot be embedded]

EDeja Vu
Even if your head has forgotten, your heart sill remembers
luckyboys121 · 2.2k words  ·  46  4 · 1.3k views
TNeon and Fluttering Hearts
When the world reflects back at you an all to familiar picture, sometimes a different perspective goes a long way.
Quicksilvershimmer · 12k words  ·  21  2 · 862 views
ELet Me Bear Your Burden
Wallflower Blush and Sunset Shimmer have been dating for a little while, and things seem to be going okay. However, when Sunset accidentally reads Wallflower's mind, she discovers that her girlfriend may not be doing as well as she thought.
Boltstrike58 · 4k words  ·  54  5 · 1.4k views
TLove In Bloom
A fateful meeting at the park draws an introverted artist and a popular schoolgirl together under an unexpected turn of events.
SunTwi06 · 6.7k words  ·  36  2 · 846 views
ENo Time For a Sunset
Even across eons and lightyears, love blooms. But everything beautiful withers away in time.
Thought Prism · 6.6k words  ·  45  6 · 831 views

...plus a bonus SunFlower story by BoredAuthor817 as a practice run!

EWallflower's New Pet
Wallflower adopts a new pet. Sunset is not so sure.
BoredAuthor817 · 2.7k words  ·  56  2 · 1k views

And... I think that's it! Submit your story in the submission group by April 10 at 11:59 PDT and be part of the big gay celebration~

Bless up for SunFlower \o/

Comments ( 9 )

I'm still working on mine, and I'll see if I can squeeze an extra story before the deadline, but I already have some new ideas based on some of these stories. I've loved all of them.

My Equestria Girls binge is on. Hope to have something in time.

I can confirm the gay, but esteemed is a stretch.

Comment posted by Fillyfoolish deleted Mar 26th, 2021

Still working on it! But lovely to see so many good entries coming, and a million more on the way :twilightsmile:

Gretting's Scandy my name is Seth Standmore author of may great story's in this website of which were written by me, I have a curious about my story SUnflower Blooming and Wilting about Wallflower Blush saving her sister Sunflower from a dongerous cult of pedophile's, now I have been told my story has been this koala fried because of it's wrong, now I undersand why that is and will Except it however, I want to ,make sure that my story will still get the donation's for the contest, I am O Kay with my story being not a winner as long as the Gay still receive my donation's as this is what it is all about, I did not write to win I wrote to STAnD MORE with GAY and I want to be sure that will still happen

thanck'xs to you for hostessing this competition and I am Exhibited to see the Result's of your Effort's

Sincerely Seth Standmore

Dear Seth Standmore,

Fear not; your generous spirit supercedes any and all silly submission rules, and as such your story will still count towards the charity donations part of the contest. I, Scandy, am grateful for your contribution to The Gay™.

5484030 thanck'xs you are a nobel spirit

Bah, I'm barely at 1.5k words, I need a writing schedule help please I procrastinate too much

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