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Admiral Biscuit

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Signal Boost: Ground Coffee · 12:17am Mar 24th, 2021

Celefin wrote a new story!


The newfangled FCEMFMW ('enhanced focus-crystal emitted magic field modulation wave', we pros call it FM, because... seriously?) is a brilliant invention meant to 'carry the magic of friendship everywhere'. Or so I'm told. It definitely carries something.

Y’all may remember him from the Track Switch stories:

TTrack Switch - Frankfurt Calling
Railway stations are strange places to be stranded in late at night. Sometimes they even contain unicorns.
Celefin · 5.9k words  ·  294  4 · 3.9k views
TTrack Switch - Steel Dreams
Modern just in time supply chains require arcane logistics. The people I work for specialise in that special kind of magic. Me? I just make sure stuff gets from A to B. And I'm good at it.
Celefin · 12k words  ·  189  3 · 2k views

Fantastic characters, fantastic worldbuilding, brilliantly written . . . ‘Charged crystal powder’ is great headcanon, and Øpdraft is a fantastic brand.

Here’s where I’d put a link, in fact, but it’s rated Mature so I probably shouldn’t to avoid the ire of the mods.

That having been said, I highly recommend it.


Comments ( 13 )

Behold, the mature-filter-respecting linkey box:

[Adult story embed hidden]

Don't forget to also ask Celefin for more Double Traction chapters, everypony! :pinkiesmile:

Field Modulation is dangerously close to Frequency Modulation, wonder what the local equivalent of Amplitude Modulation is.

Already heard about it from their own blog post, but thanks. :)

Thank you, Admiral. Made my morning. :heart:
The Track Switch stories got a lot of extra reads. :b
Øpdraft is the kind of thing that happens to me at 1am while feeling sad and drinking whisky. Then I spent a minute or so laughing at my own joke, felt weird about that, gave up and went to bed. Where does Equestria's flatpack furniture come from?

Narrative imperative demands it be 'AM' as well, obviously.
In this case, that stands for Æther manipulation though - Twilight experimented with that first but gave up after one short and round and one tall and thin Luna wearing matching dark sunglasses admonished her for messing up the dream realm. Therefore it remains a tragically underdeveloped acronym.

Great thing about FM with crystals, is that if I could find that article describing direct down conversion using beat frequency modulated lasers on a TV Yagi antenna, but suggested instead using the gain control or feeback in the solid state laserfibre amplifiers, we have something similar already?

The really weird thing with FM is when you do a 12 khz deviation from carrier to encode a 20 khz signal etc. The resulting spectrum analysis goes nuts.

Theres far weirder stuff, like chaos codes back in 2000s, and ELF in 2020s.

The weirdest thing about late night radio phone ins though, is the phone ins.:pinkiecrazy:


Don't forget to also ask Celefin for more Double Traction chapters, everypony!

Consider it asked and taken notice of. No promises though. :trixieshiftright:


The Track Switch stories got a lot of extra reads. :b

Huzzah! All those people were in for a treat!

Øpdraft is the kind of thing that happens to me at 1am while feeling sad and drinking whisky. Then I spent a minute or so laughing at my own joke, felt weird about that, gave up and went to bed.

I try to avoid that . . . both those things, honestly. (the first two; laughing at my own jokes is a particular pastime of mine.)

Where does Equestria's flatpack furniture come from?

So in my search of a topical pony image, I got this:

(and also THIS)

and I found out there’s an IKEA pony because of course there is.


The weirdest thing about late night radio phone ins though, is the phone ins.:pinkiecrazy:

I used to catch some late-night radio shows on XM . . . weird stuff.

5482885 I immediately went to Art Bell back in the 90s, and some of the late night radio I used to listen to after 10PM back in the mid-70s. I swear there were only like 12 people who called into that show, but they were coast to coast. And of course there was Wolfman Jack, broadcasting from Mexico with enough power to reach all the way to Australia.

Yeah, I heard some of the Art Bell show and there was definitely some nutty stuff on there. Would have been the early to mid-2000s, before I really knew what conspiracy theorists were ‘cause I didn’t spend much time online back then. I think he had some ghost hunters on one night.


A decade earlier, I had an old Olds with an in-windshield antenna and it had the worst FM reception, but I could pick up AM from all sorts of random places at night. I delivered pizzas at the time, so the radio was a nice companion, and it was weird to be listening to whatever station I could bring in, the commercials, and not always know where they were broadcasting from.

I can never decipher your comments.


Im relatively old and have been picking up junk for a few decades, usually remembering it wrong as well.

Theres a Lot of extremely weird stuff out there that never ends up being used, or brought back out to be used years, decades or even centuaries later. So called Lost Tech of Aincients it might be called.:trixieshiftright:

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