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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 03/17/2021 · 3:57pm Mar 17th, 2021

Wakey, wakey Izzy! We're back in business!

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker and Occasional Singer keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 movie and beyond! While we haven't received word on any new film news today, we can confirm there are some stirring announcements to declare. In light of all the merchandising released, including the blanket sheets leaked out to the public's eye, a new book has been added to the listing on Amazon. Not only do we have a cover to share for the MLP fans to behold, but a working title (Possibly 'official') has been confirmed for said title: 'My Little Pony: A New Adventure'.

Smile for the camera kids, we got audiences to attract

Before we jump to any assumptions faithful viewers, it is important to note that nothing's been made official at this time (Whether it be the title of the book or the cover itself, in case the little note on the picture did not make it clear). What we can inform you is that the synopsis for the book itself is precisely word-for-word on the description of the soon to be released film, without doubt a novelized interpretation of the upcoming movie (And could 'possibly' offer some additional material likely cut from the theatrical release as we can expect). And we can confirm that the three members of this new group are sporting some cutie marks, even though previous promotion indicates that the ponies don't have their cutie marks. It does lead to some expectation that at some point during the movie, their journey to uncover the answer surrounding the magic's disappearance and the separation of all Equestria will eventually lead to the ponies regaining their cutie marks. But again no official word has been declared at this time, all we can do is speculate until further notice.

So this begs one vital question for the MLP faithful: Why should we the MLP fanbase look forward to a novel that is otherwise an expanded depiction directly involved with the movie? Generation 5 is already on a 'first impression' trial run, and much talk has been granted since news of this upcoming feature has since been declared. And if anything, if in the event that the movie may not meet expectations, we can expect that one half of the fans who find reading the book a more engaging experience (And making it easier to find some lines in the event some fan writers decide to write 'crossovers' based on this movie). And if all else... it's just an excuse for some additional money to be made.

Okay, let's not get too crazy... as accurate as this may be.

But the bigger question remains: What do YOU think?

Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful readers and viewers, this is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

Comments ( 7 )

I think it's something to look forward too, and oftentimes the book will likely have scenes that didn't make the cut in the movie, or maybe even characters that won't be in the movie itself *cough* Harry Potter books v.s the movies *cough cough*

Seems on the nose to be called a new adventure but I can dig it

The most attentive fans would definitely have to look at the book very closely to see if it's word-for-word of the run of the movie or if there are some details that are missing for the time being. We don't know if any scenes will be cut from the movie nor if the book will mention any characters that didn't make the cut. How the book will be depends on its target audience.

You would think they would want to come up with a better title than that, whether it be for the movie or the book. As lazy as it may sound, we can only hope that both the book and the movie are rather promising.

1st, the first picture is adorable :heart:. 2nd, I'm disappointed there's wasn't a Hellva Boss refrance in this not more news as of yet. 3rd, hopefully, it'll spark the Fandom to become... well, alive again if that makes sense.

1. Oh yes, it is a rather enjoyable photo is it not?

2.Yeah this was the most news I can get so far. Until some more details come up, there wasn't much to talk about hence this blog would've been longer. But better to get this bit of news out of the way.

3. It'll bring some spark back to the fandom in some degree. Even though there's still plenty of MLP material as far as fan related stuff are concerned, there's not much to really look forward to MLP wise until the movie comes out and it turns out to be 'exactly' what we want.

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