• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
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TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

More Blog Posts120

  • 30 weeks
    Collabing with my editor...

    who doesn't want to be anonymous anymore for the foreseeable future. Refer to the new tagged story and go say hi to him.

    1 comments · 339 views
  • 31 weeks
    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it?

    Despite my deafening silence, i still lurk this place... yet a recent proposition from my anonymous editor, who plans not to be anonymous much longer, will have me coming back to this place more and more in the future. What's the deal? You'll see eventually.

    Also are Private Messages broken? I can't PM any of my site friends. :raritydespair:

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    10 comments · 303 views
  • 106 weeks
    Dealing with suicides is never easy.

    It really isn't.

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    12 comments · 897 views
  • 116 weeks
    Taking 2 story commissions (both slots filled)

    Meant to start this last month but never got around to doing such thanks to life being too busy to focus on side projects, however with March around the corner and things easing up, I've decided to open up commissions again. Much like how I usually take commissions, I'll open myself up to writing any genre and/or fetishes my customer is interested in at a rate of $16/1,000 words. I will

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    4 comments · 478 views
  • 117 weeks
    Gift from my editor in regards to Verity

    Sometimes the smallest of gifts are ones that you'll cherish for a long time.

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    10 comments · 633 views

How do we solve a misguided anger problem? · 1:53pm Feb 28th, 2021

Got linked this last night and initially disregarded it as a falseflag/bait attempt in order to stir up animosity in a already fractured fandom. However sleeping on it and realizing it's 2021 where the 'new norm' is to be bitterly angry at everyone who disagrees with you and label them far-left/far-right... I realized that there is a high chance that this actual person is legit upset. How do you address something like this? How do you deal with people who just want to be visibly upset at you, yet make no attempt in order to rectify their anger with you? Why are people so afraid to contact the problem directly, and instead let that hatred fester long enough until it becomes a boogeyman to them? we all know what happens when the boogeyman stage hits; People become radicalized and start to become paranoid to the point that they begin making terrible things up about the person they hate in order to cope with their growing anger issues.

Honestly I think the problem is two-sided. The visibly upset side is acting out, while the receiving side just simply shrugs them off and disregards them as a joke. Maybe changing the way we think is a justifiable course of action. Maybe it takes the receiving side to reach out and attempt to defuse the situation.

I would reach out but that's hard to do when you post anonymously. Instead I'll reach out here and hope we can settle our differences. If you wanna talk, let's talk. If you wanna vent frustrations at me, I got no problem hearing you out. Private messages and my Discord are always open to the public.

Talk to me, I'll listen.

Report TittySparkles · 839 views · #real talk
Comments ( 21 )

If I'm reading it right, Anon isn't upset with politics at all.

Anon is upset that people aren't asking them them to write stuff, while other people are (being asked to write stuff for people, to be clear). Anon's legit upset, probably, but only because people aren't reaching out specifically to him, from the sound of it, and rather than accepting and improving his shortcomings (whatever they may be) decides to blame it all (somehow) on nazis, capitalism and rightwingers?

Or I'm mistaken and he does get requests/commisions, but only very not wholesome ones, but I doubt that.

One of those two can definitely be seen as a wider problem. The other... eeeeeh.

Personally? I'd look at some other things first and suggest a course of action from there:
-time spent on social media, both lurking and posting.
-caffeine consumption.
-sleeping rhythm.
-any history of blood pressure and/or heart rate issues.
-average daily consumption of sugary foods and drinks, fruits included.
-average daylight exposure.
-general rate of drinking water.
-zinc consumption and any factors that might reduce the presence of it.

I've said this earlier and added the caveat that it sounds trite, I know it does, but body and mind do have a significant interplay. Some people are way more sensitive to the effects of caffeine on the brain, elevated heart rate can make you think you're upset when you're not, that kind of thing. Work on those possible problems first and see what happens.

But if it's not physical, my advice is the same it's been for the past year or so: get them to wean off of external validation, start doing things for their own sake. Write stuff with comments disabled (trying that, results pending), and stop fishing for requests when you can write out your own ideas. This person in particular thinks they're so good, but apparently needs others to make requests to them to feel good about their choices in joining the fandom. They have built part of their identity around being a fan, and now that the illusions are broken, now that they realise 'being a brony' doesn't mean what they want it to mean, they lash out at the people bursting their bubble. Beats doing some soulsearching and accepting that what we see and what we want to see are two different things.

There no winning over some people. Some people are beyond reason. You might as well be talking to a Walker from the Walking Dead. Zombie sheep brains exist in real life too. You just have to avoid them to not draw attention to you. When a Walker... or in this case non-dead zombie sees you. The best thing to do wait for someone to make a loud noise some place else, so they can direct their mindless hate somewhere else.

Or simply shut yourself down and avoid talking to people. And simply hide until they move on.

>better then
I wonder why you don't get commissions


This goes down to underlying causes. TL;DR: we've completely lost the plot as far as teaching kids how the world works. We teach them how it ought to work instead, and when they run face-first into reality, they lose their shit.

Look, I get it. Back when I was a wee one, all the books in school were talking about how by 20xx we'd have Moon rockets, and space stations, and bases on Mars, and asteroid mining, and... well, not the clusterfuck we're currently living in. It smarted when I realized I wouldn't get to have any of that cool shit.

Now, take that and multiply by 1000 or so. These people were taught that everyone is special, everyone is equal, everyone is entitled. That's what you're seeing in that screenshot. Angrynon is angry because they're a better person than you, but you get attention and money, and they don't. They can't be wrong, therefore the world is broken. This is unjust. This must be fixed. You're cheating somehow. You must be punished. Then the Good People will get fame and riches, and all will be right with the world once more.

How do we fix this? Well, first off, we need to realize that it has to start young. You can't fix things once it reaches this point. Teach kids about the Gods of the Copybook Headings and maybe the next generation will turn out better. Until then, we'll just have to learn to suffer fools gladly.


That was savage and I love you for it, Shakes.

Titty, I wouldn't worry too much. This person doesn't strike me as the type that can or should be reasoned with.

Looks to me like that person is projecting their personal failings on a scapegoat; a common problem.

I wouldn't tell them the bogeyman doesn't exist because that will just dig them deeper into their position. If approaching at all, be empathetic with their situation that they're not getting good engagement, but point out that all we really have control over is our own behavior and performance. Besides the actual story writing, there's marketing and finding the right audience, search engine optimization, collaboration; all sorts of other things they can do before they hold up their hands, give up and blame someone else.

That said,
Steel's right on this one. Gotta pick your battles and this isn't the hill to die on or anything. We can't help everyone, but we can make the most of the time we have by being selective about where we apply effort.

This is definitely a battle not worth fighting. Like many far leftists, they’re down on their luck, entitled, and very much projecting their failings onto any scapegoat they can instead of looking to the one source they should: their own lousy self.
There is no winning these people over, except by killing them with kindness and refusing to engage them in any of their arguments. Trying to engage in argument or debate will only get them to entrench themselves with a false sense of validation.

some people are just worth even trying to talk too as they just have such a bade case of rectal cranium inversion that they will never hear you.
a simple fix is a block / ban ..

Well...I wonder why he don't get requests. A true mistery. Eyup, not a clue at all. Who wouldn't want a story from someone who knows how to blame everyone, but himself, 'bout everything ? For sure, a mind like that is capable of writing first class rants like no one !

Checked the thread, and he did get one request actually.

People like these make me ashamed to be leaning left in most stances.

Man, even I got a request once and I've only written one green in my life. Anon needs to get gud.

´Till my late 30´s, I was totally a leftist. Not THAT kind of leftist but, still.

"If you were never a leftist when you were younger, you have no heart.
If you are still a leftist when you grown up, you have no brain."

The anonymous OP reminds me of a white supremacist blaming his own miserable station in life on the existence of minorities. Same energy.

We are doing a disservice to the young by not teaching that most people will have an ordinary job and will never be famous, but they will find happiness in family, friends, community, and hobbies. Social media has made the matter considerably worse.
The barrier to success as an actor, author, musician, or athlete was so high that kids who wanted to be one could see they really needed a plan B. But there are now so many streamers, YouTubers, and influencers that some modicum of fame seems like a more reasonable goal. (It isn't.)


The mechanism of anger showed in that screenshot is nothing new. Many people who think they were wronged in some way would rather blame their misfortune on capitalism, Jews, white supremacy, or something than accept the reality that shit happens, and most people have it tough.

In the past, you could find such people drinking themselves to death in local bars, but social media gave them a platform to get their complaints heard and - worse - confirmed and justified by others like them. All that led to the creation of echo chambers where these people get more and more validation strengthening their belief that some 'higher force' is responsible for their misfortune. This makes people angry, bitter, envious, and - in the end - dangerous.

This isn't a political issue. People on all sides that feel hurt do this; the only difference is who or what they blame: Nazis blamed Jews, white supremacists blamed blacks, and leftists blame capitalism/white supremacy/toxic masculinity/etc. It's easier to spot it on the left right now, but that's because saying, 'f*ck capitalism!' will not get you banned, unlike saying, 'f*ck Jews!" for example.

The only real way to deal with it would be to show these people there is an alternative to being angry and resentful and that they can succeed despite the imaginary boogeyman looming above them. But unless someone is willing to listen, this is next to impossible to do on the net. The person in that screenshot is probably lost unless someone helps him in the real world.

That said, if someone is still willing to listen and discuss his problems in a civilized manner, then IMHO, the way to deal with this is to:

  • listen to what he has to say and why he feels the way he does. Assume he knows something you don't. Even if his history sounds silly, there is ALWAYS something behind it
  • try to debunk his points using facts, stats, and readable data if possible
  • but most of all, ALWAYS be respectful showing your POV - don't shout, don't call him an idiot, don't mock him, don't be an ass. And if on social media - don't downvote his answer to oblivion! All of those are real conversation breakers

Unfortunately, the internet makes real conversations hard because many people tend to act here in a way they would never act in real life. But that's a separate issue...

The market for porn art/writing is bigger than the market for those seeking sfw stories.

If you are in it for money, get into porn. If you are in it for attention, get into porn. Not to say you won't get attention outside of porn, far from it. It's just much more lucrative to be a porn artist/writer. And hey, some people like making the horny. I'm sure Tiddy does.

Knowing your audience will greatly help you as a creator, especially if you are in it for commission work.

I love that the author wants "intellectuals" to request stories from them.

Seconded. The potential of commissions is a very nice side benefit, but I just love writing lewds in general even putting aside that.

On the subject of the blog itself -- as others have said, Angry Anon is a classic case of intractable (and at this point, quintessentially American) self-centeredness as a symptom of this era's largely subpar parenting standards. Entitlement and egocentrism are going to tear the fabric of society apart at the seams if we aren't careful. If you look at the dominos already in motion...cancel culture, hugboxing, the mob-mentality and inherent self-aggrandizement that is endemic to social media, the widening gulf of political partisanship between both ends of the spectrum...

These combined factors represent a serious risk of a catastrophic societal snowball of self-destruction, one that we've already seen the beginning effects of:

  • The Capital insurrection, and the frustratingly persistent network of far-right groups in the South and Midwest.
  • The Black Lives Matter movement, more specifically the criminal opportunists who would hijack its positive message with an excuse for thuggish thievery amidst senselessly destructive riots, with the knock-on effect of widening that aforementioned partisan gap. Violence begets violence, perpetuating a vicious and very dangerous cycle.

The term "social media" could not be further from the actual effect it's had on the developed world, and it is profoundly saddening.

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