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Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker, Occasional Singer

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My Little Pony Movie News 02/25/2021 · 1:45pm Feb 25th, 2021

I swear if this pony is a descendant of Scootaloo, all that's missing is a scooter.

GOOD MORNING, FIMFICTION FANATICS!!! This is the Dramamaster829; Critic, Actor, Writer, Motivational Speaker and Occasional Singer keeping you up to date with the latest news for the Generation 5 movie and beyond! In case the picture above wasn't enough to draw a clue, last night we finally received some news about the upcoming Gen 5 movie set to be released later this year. Up till now, we've been hearing rumors, we've seen animatics of scenes leaving us wondering if it connects to the movie, and even a leak of some new merchandise involving ponies we've never seen before popped up on Equestria Daily (Only for the image to be taken off, so don't expect 'that' picture in this post). So today, we gather here to discuss the latest news of what we can expect from this upcoming feature which will hopefully be the movie that MLP fans have been waiting to see... or if this project could be the worst mistake in MLP's unprecedented history.

To get this out of the way, the following synopsis indicates what we can expect to come with this picture:

In the new movie, the pony world of Equestria has lost its magic. Friendship and Harmony have been replaced by paranoia and mistrust, and Ponies now live separated by species. Sunny -- a feisty and idealistic young Earth Pony -- is convinced there’s still hope for this divided world, but her slightly misguided and often hilarious efforts to change hearts and minds have led to her being branded a misfit. When Sunny befriends a lost Unicorn named Izzy, who wanders innocently into the Earth Pony town of Maretime Bay, the town has had enough. Izzy and Sunny must embark on an epic adventure that will include a daring jewel heist, outrageous conspiracy theories, elaborate musical numbers, and the world’s cutest flying Pomeranian. Their adventures will take them to faraway lands and force them to challenge the status quo by facing their fears and making new friends out of old enemies. The world Sunny has dreamed of her entire life could finally become a reality as Sunny and her newfound friends fight to prove that even little ponies can make a big difference.

Just by going off this synopsis piece by piece, the movie appears to indicate a period in Equestria's history where the 'Magic of Friendship' has suddenly stop growing, no longer is there peace and harmony that Twilight Sparkle and her friends worked hard to retain, only paranoia, mistrust, and separated clans leave a prosperous land broken.

Gee, I wonder why that sounds so familiar...

But suffice to say, it wouldn't surprise me at this point that they would go with 'this' particular storyline. From Presidents where one side is happy with and another is not, to a virus that has left an entire planet petrified in fear and forced to avoid one another as if a single touch can kill someone (Sheesh, 'Monsters Inc.' much people?), it's no wonder why most people would rather avoid watching the news because all we are going to receive is the 'bad' news. Now back to the topic at hand, we have no idea what led to this great divide that probably not only left ponies suddenly distrusting each other but possibly ALL the species they started to co-exist with (Provided this is the same universe). And under the circumstances of where this movie stands on a specific timeframe, whether in that same universe or in it's own dimension, either a terrible force led to a great tragedy that left ponies blaming one another over whose fault it was or for all we know it could be inspired by a mere similar storyline from G4 in which there was a period in time when the ponies weren't always 'friends'. Be that as it may, whichever case we choose to stick with, this Equestria has pretty much become a 'shithole' even if it is a beautiful landscape and something must be done to fix it.

We don't have much info on the cast apart from the fact at least two characters have been brought up. First is the Earth mare Sunny, whom as my fellow readers may recall from my last blog that I once went into a discussion of a pony with a 'Make the World a Better Place' outlook and we can confirm that it is this one and the same pony. And much like every other protagonist in these type of movies, Sunny fits the description of being 'feisty' and 'idealistic'... it's no wonder why she would seem 'alone' even amongst her own kind. That if the animatic is any indication, either her father or grandfather or some pony must've believed in a period in time when ponies of all races did things together in harmony that she was brought up to believe that such a world can still be possible and that this world will only stay broken if no one takes the first hoof. Yet it seems despite her best efforts to convince every pony that 'change' is good and that whatever grudge they've been carrying is pointless and stupid, they've all been in vain and she probably doesn't get invited to parties in Maretime Bay. We'll get more on this aforementioned name of her home later.

Now the second pony who pops up is a Unicorn pony by the name of Izzy (I've noticed the synopsis only gave a 'one' name basis for the cast, rather than a 'Sunny Sideup' or 'Izabella Bethabelle' like we'd expect from G4). We don't really know much about this mare other than the fact she stumbled into the town one day, I suppose either looking for help or was just a drifter passing through, and her presence made every pony go cuckoo. How much am I willing to bet that Sunny did try to make friends with Izzy yet in doing so caused some trouble for a big event that it ends up causing the two to be kicked out of town? Like I said, we don't know much about this pony in terms of personality, her wants and desires, or if she even had hobbies (Matter of fact, we don't know much about Sunny other than what we have) but somehow fate decided to bring a unicorn and Earth pony together and it's up to them to find a means to challenge the status quo and make a single dream a reality. I also understand there's supposed to be a Pegasus pony in this friend circle (As again was indicated by a blanket sheet that was leaked online) but since we don't know much about her I can't say much at this time.

Now this town Maretime Bay... I'm not going to get into too much detail over a town most of us are just introduced to, but intuition tells me it's likely a seaside type of town. For as indicated by the definition of the word 'Bay': A broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward or other words a body of water forming an indentation of the shoreline, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf. Which leads to a bit of speculation to a possibility that the majority of the business in town is likely fishing in a sense though I wouldn't know why ponies would need to fish (Again, I have been wrong before). Still just by judging some of the little Easter eggs in this one picture atop this blog post, Sunny is a HUGE fan of the Equestria that used to be (With Celestia's sun cutie mark and Rainbow Dash's cutie mark poster). It seems she knows for a fact there was an Equestria where friendship has been able to overcome all its problems yet it seems this world has forgotten all about it, with this town being no exception. Hopefully we get more details surrounding the circumstances of this town as further news continues to develop.

It is also important to note there's a few plot devices they mentioned to occur for this upcoming movie:

- A daring jewel heist
- Outrageous conspiracy theories
- Elaborate musical numbers
- The world's cutest flying Pomeranian

1. I have no idea just how a jewel heist connects to the ponies' journey or whether this is truly an important plot device. But assuming that this jewel is an important piece of Equestria history, seemingly a normal gemstone but actually has great power that once altered the course of Equestria history, whomever was gunning for the jewel ultimately set Equestria on a downward panic in some degree. This could mean one of a few things: Either the disappearance of this treasure is what motivates the ponies to go on an incredible journey to reclaim the jewel and return it to its rightful owner... OR, the ponies accidentally got their hooves on the jewel suddenly making them criminals in the entire land and forcing them on the run... OR, it was stolen by a pony actually stating that 'they' are the rightful owner and they were determined to get it back and now they are stuck with these two. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if there were any 'Mission Impossible' or 'Ocean's Eight' references with this scenario.

2. My father has always been a guy who's crazy about making conspiracy theories, going on and on about what people should not know or why the world is what it is. Now when it comes to outrageous theories in this case, there's again a few ways to go by it. Either they are funny ideas of an over-imaginative character or these theories are what is keeping ponies from being buddy-buddy. Just earlier today someone was asking me, "If Discord's immortal, why isn't he making sure the wishes of his friends are retained since storywise this makes no sense?" And I always tell these people the same thing: Nothing makes sense, even Discord would vouch for that.

3. As a sucker for musical numbers, it's no secret that MLP would have a few songs for this upcoming production (Which I forgot to bring up will be a Netflix exclusive, so sorry to everyone but theaters might be dead at this point... thanks to us). We've heard musical numbers from every form of MLP media in existence (Even the crappy Gen3 run, which this film's animation almost made me nervous as at one point we went from hand-drawn to 3D ages ago). We have no idea if these songs will either be 'catchy' or 'cringey' and I forgot if they brought up whomever is going to be the head of the orchestra for this movie. It's not like I'm expecting Broadway style songs, but hopefully fun enough that fan artists will want to make covers out of these songs and at least try to attract a high view count.

4. So we went from a snarky yet witty dragon... to tiny dogs with wings? Because really, it literally says one of the characters is a Pomeranian. Not that I'm against this concept in general, even though I'm more of a cat person than a dog person... not to say there aren't any dog characters I like...

Never going to happen!

*Pause* Anyways... I'm truly feeling this 'Disney' vibe of the protagonists having a cute furry sidekick tagging along for the adventure though they mostly serve to make audiences go wide-eyed over it's dangerous levels of cuteness. But my idea when it comes to a furry sidekick is that at the very least not only do their personality speak volumes, but they prove useful so they're not just running across the screen doing something silly. Again, we don't know much about this movie but hopefully this dog is a memorable addition to the film's cast still under development to this day. Course, and I'm just spit-balling in this case, this whole 'world's cutest' façade may indeed just be an act and deep down this little dog could end up being a vicious monster. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that won't happen... because it 'has' happened many times before.

Overall, the synopsis of this movie has that familiar vibe most of us have seen in almost every movie: A world whose magic is lost, society falling apart, and a rag tag group of protagonists journeying to faraway lands, challenging the norms, and confronting their fears in pursuit of building a world where even old enemies can become great friends. There is still so much about this movie we still don't know in terms of whether we'll get any further references to MLP (Which earlier reports said 'could' happen), what dangers the cast will uncover, or even if this leads up to a rumor television run that is said to follow 'after' this movie. At this point, I'm not having 'too much' high hope that this is going to be 'The Greatest Movie I've Ever Seen In My Life' because I know going in there's no telling if it's going to be good or if it's going to be poor or even if people are willing to pay just to see this movie or even if they'd risk charging into a theater, holding the entire staff hostage, and forcing the camera guy to play the movie just so we can have that movie going experience we craved...

Ya'll need some serious help...

But under the circumstances, I am willing to give this movie the benefit of a doubt. After all, we've been talking about this project ever since news of it first came up. And even to this day, folks are still pouring in with votes over how much time this movie is set to take place after Gen4 (A poll you can find on Equestria Daily). I've always been one to give 'any' movie a chance if it's worth my time or if it sparks the slightest keen of interest. And given the fact these movie news have unleashed this urge to want to know more, hence with all these posts, it's safe to say I've found a certain 'calling' in a sense. And depending on how well this movie turns out, let's not be surprised if there's more fanfiction centered on the characters this movie brought to life or even if they end up involved in 'crossover' stories that have grown so popular in the MLP community.

Yet the bigger question still remains: What do YOU think?

Be sure to leave a comment below at your earliest convenience.

Until then faithful readers and viewers, this is the Dramamaster829... signing off!

Comments ( 26 )

This is gonna be interesting

I'm hoping that's not the actual animation for the movie, it's a bit unsettling to me. Otherwise, it seems interesting

I wonder if those "jewels" are actually a cleverly disguised way of stating "Elements of Harmony"...but then again there's apparently only two main characters in the synopsis, so that probably wouldn't make sense

Interesting indeed. Granted, not much material to work with right now. But once I get word of any future news regarding the movie, I'll be sure to set a new blog.

Who knows for sure if this is the official animation at this time? Until we either get a teaser or a full-length trailer within the next few weeks, all we can do is say that this is likely just a preview image.

And 'technically' the blanket sheet I mentioned indicated 'three' protagonists, but then again... who's to say there is just three? Thus far the synopsis only went into detail about 'two' of the protagonists as if the movie is just going to center on them, while all the other characters are supporting characters. If the jewels are the cleverly disguised 'Elements of Harmony', and they require a team of 'six', we might get to meet the rest of the cast as the movie progresses.

In all honesty my curiosity is peaked.

Though I still have my doubts about whether this is going to be set in the same universe as FiM or not....

At this time, we cannot deny or confirm that this movie truly takes place in the same universe as FIM. It's one thing to call the landscape 'Equestria', but no two Equestrias are ever exactly the same. Although the less than subtle nods to Gen4 in this one particular image would say otherwise (Let's not forget the recent animatic that did pop up). I'm just saying that if there is any form of connection at all, it would be vital to go into this with a slightly open mind.

It’s a real wait and see.

But my genuine curiosity wants to see what this new setting has in store for us.

This Maretime Bay is definitely as new as we can get at the moment. We don't know much about the place other than its name and I've been speculating based on the term 'bay'.

I was talking in a more broad sense, as in the whole of this new Equestria. But yes, you’re right.

I can’t wait for this

So they were true. I really am behind on G5. Speaking of, don't think i didn't notice that Loona picture:moustache:.

Neither can I. I'd have to be crazy to miss out on this feature.

Yep. Word of this project continues to build up. More blogs surrounding this movie will soon follow in due time.

And yeah... it's no secret she's my favorite character in 'Helluva Boss'. You should see all the pictures of her I save on my DeviantArt page.

A man of culture I see, Viziepop is truly a master. Gave us one of the best original works we’ve seen in years.

Well I don't know about culture. I just find a perspective of Hell and its denizens rather intriguing. Sure the majority of the population are far from saints, some can only think about sex, and they have graphic means of solving their issues (Mostly murder). But, at the same time, the show inspires us to believe that just because it's the worst place on the map that they have intriguing qualities that make them relatable to our own lives. And while it's true we initially did not get much of Loona's personality in the pilot, mostly seen as the only Hellhound in I.M.P. with a bad attitude, I loved that we slowly got to see a bit of her personality by the next few episodes.

A girl who has a tough time adjusting to the idea of having a family and not a bunch of imps to serve as per Hellhound culture. That she spent seventeen years as an orphan until Blitz finally decided to adopt her and we can see how socially awkward she truly is as she's never had friends outside of work. Though I felt dreadful for her when she had a crush on a fellow Hellhound (While they were disguised as humans) only to discover that he has a girlfriend (Friend zoned flat).

5461430 I feel as im partly responsible for the latter

Well I do believe there was that one time you had Loona as an avatar. So I suppose that may be partly true.

I am very curious about this film cause this one takes place the same continuity as G4 but set in the near future.

What's interesting about the film the most is Equestria lost their magic and causing them to be divided even more. I wonder how Twilight and others deal with this?

I wonder who was the one who took the magic away?

After all the hard work, someone ruined all the hard work that Mane Six and Spike did to make Equestria peaceful world.

Supposedly that's what the movie is making it out to be.

How Equestria lost it's magic either in a metaphorical or literal sense remains to be determined. And if this movie is supposed to take place in Equestria's future, this must be long before the time of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Which also depends if Twilight Sparkle is still the ruler of Equestria during which time, even though Tara Strong made it clear Twilight would not be coming back. So under the circumstances, it seems more than likely Equestria had a new ruler in time.

Whomever took away the magic in Equestria and causing this great divide must've had quite an influence on the popular to drive fear and paranoia. Kind of like this virus that's spread across the planet.

Either someone disrupted the peace the Mane Six and Spike worked hard to make... or for all we know, it could've been an accident and didn't mean any real harm. More details soon to follow in due time to determine if we can confirm these theories or not.

Sounds like a beach town. kinda like heartlake city at least to me anyway. i cant wait to see it but i am slightly dissapointed that its just coming to netflix. The cgi looks pretty unique.

Can't believe i didnt see the parellel between raya and the last dragon. that makes alot of sense as both films have kinda similar plots in a few areas.

It would sound like a 'beach' town or maybe close to a lake... but definitely a seaside area. And as disappointing as that may be, most of the states have their orders. We're lucky that there are 'still' movie theaters that will even permit people to attend with the limited amount of seating they can offer. But it should be noted that by keeping people out for 'safety', it will be extremely difficult to make the money they need to keep their businesses running. And for thousands of years, we tried to keep ourselves safe from every means of hazardous measures that can and will hurt us. But the fact that we've survived it all... 'at all'... is a miracle. There are thousands of ways humans can die in the world... we forget that 'this' is just 'one'.

As for the CGI... oh yes, it is very detailed I'll give it that.

There are plenty of parallels to the recent Disney release, isn't there? I don't know if the movie will be entirely similar, probably won't get a nomination for the 'Best Animated Feature' award. But until the movie does come out and if we can determine if the MLP feature will either be as Dark in certain areas as 'Raya and the Last Dragon' or if it can determine a means of standing out on it's own, all we can do is hope that this movie is one that can still feel worth the price of an admission ticket (Even if it never goes to theaters).

Fair rules are rules for a reason and as much as i love cinema and movies getting released in these times they are not worth jepordizing your health over. So i can see why the producers went digital. But yeah now that you mention it the look does seem rather disney esque.

Buddy, I agreed to go with a friend to see 'AEW Revolution' when it was at the Cinemark two weeks ago (The worst part was that it lagged a bit). I practically wore a mask the entire time and I'm still fit as a fiddle. Just because I don't agree with certain rules doesn't mean I won't follow them and only because I'm not doing it for myself. I just want to be able to 'live' and not stress so much on 'surviving' that I might as well not ever go to work.

Now back to the MLP project in general... it does seem like something Disney would do. Then again, FIM made several nods to Disney too (Especially during the first season, for example). And if it's anything like Disney, I hope any musical numbers involved with the movie will be catchy (And not so cringe, not even karaoke singers will do it).

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