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Interview with Scampy · 2:06pm Feb 8th, 2021

Snow Heart

1. How did you get into mlp?


ok so waaaaay back in the day, like 2012, I played TF2 using my brother's copy of the orange box and was super into it, and I found this video online that was like a character from the game singing a song about making a sandwich and in the description was a link to the song Cupcakes from MLP season 1 and I saw it and was like, "This is the cutest and fluffiest thing I have ever seen and I will now make it the foremost focus of my entire life"

Snow Heart

2. Who is best pony?


Best pony, specifying pony, is Scootaloo cuz she's smol and loud and remains adorable despite her best efforts to the contrary. Best character is Wallflower cuz she's so sad and pure and just such a wonderful representation of what a cycle of depression and self-loathing and self-destructive behavior can do to a person, and to top it all off she's frickin precious (and also she's Sunset's future wife so y'know bonus points for that )

Snow Heart

3. What inspires you to write?


It used to be that I'd look at all the amazing writers on the site (notably shortskirtsandexplosions and tell myself "I wanna be like them," but of course I was never really good at it. I was trying to match the styles and narratives that I didn't fully understand. It was only a couple years ago that I stopped trying to be better than them and started trying to be better than me.

Nowadays a lot of my writing is drawn from personal experiences, like honestly lol 90% of the stuff in my fics is stuff I went through. As for what makes me want to write about that stuff, it's a mix of wanting to process my own experiences/traumas/angst/whatever, writing the stories I want to read because I can't find them otherwise, as well as this level of spite when I see the hundreds of stories on the site that treat the things I've lived through as shallow plot devices. Kinda like this "Screw y'all, I'll do it myself and do it right" vibe idk

Basically I'm petty and I have a huge ego

Snow Heart
There's nothing wrong with that. I must confess, I looked up to Monochromatic, but I always knew I'd never be as good as her. So I like didn't try to compare myself to her. And just try my best to write something.

4. What advice would you give a new author?


oh I love mono!

I sat next to her at lunch once, she had a cool pikachu hat and it was rad
Write what you know, honestly

Don't just write what you think others want to read, or even what you want to read. To me, writing--especially about serious or sensitive topics--is about sharing experiences to others who might not otherwise be able to understand those things. Everyone in the world has their own completely unique experience, and writing is an amazing way to share your experience with other people. It lets others connect to you in a way little else can. Also, be emotionally honest with your audience and yourself, that's the key to handling more difficult subject matters imo

Snow Heart

I totally can get behind that, but no one wants to hear a sob story about how much life has **8* me.
5. What do you do when you aren't writing? Any hobbies?"


no one wants to hear a sob story about how much life has *8 me.
I feel like it's worth responding to this.
I don't think this is a very healthy mindset to have. Everyone has bad things happen to them, and you have every right to be open and honest and share those experiences. If some people don't want to listen, that's their loss, but I think you'll be surprised by just how many people appreciate the bravery it takes to open up like that, and oftentimes they reward that bravery with their attention, compassion and support

No matter who you are or what you've been through, you deserve to be heard

as for the actual question...

I read sometimes? Not as much as I should admittedly. I've been super into cooking and baking lately. Mostly I hang around and pet my cat and be useless \o/

oh and I just beat Dark Souls 3 so i'm officially a Pro Gamer™️ now

...not sure if that's something I should be proud of but imma be proud anyway

Snow Heart

Hey I hear that series is very HARD, so that's awesome.
6. Is there anything about the writer behind the pony, you'd like to tell us?


I have the cutest cat in the world and his name is Riley and he's huge and fluffy and perfect and I love him more than anything ever

I'm sure there's a better answer to that question but that's the one I'm stacking' with

Snow Heart

Hey it works!
7. If you could recommend an author you love, who would it be?


The really hard part is picking just one author, lulz. Honestly, I'm gonna say Posh. Not only is he an all-around cutie patootie (some might even say the patootiest), he writes really thought-out, intricately woven narratives about all kinds of things and he doesn't get nearly as much attention as his work rightfully deserves. Also he has an amazing story about Wallflower and Everyone Who Reads This Should Stop What They're Doing And Go Read It Right Now (Or Else)

Story recommended.

Snow Heart

Oh, I recognize that name. They commented on one of my stories that wasn't so great. (stress writing)


he's an english teacher IRL so he can be a little hard in comments.
but he means well, he's also just a total sweetheart

Snow Heart
Number 8. Is there anything you'd like to ask me?


What gift are you bringing to Sunset and Wallflower's wedding?

Snow Heart


maybe roses

classic, nice

Snow Heart

I am a simple mare with a simple desire for headpats
Number 9: Is there anything else you'd like to say?


All y'all should make an effort to go read (or write!) some good Wallflower stories, she's one of the most interesting and deep and stupidly cute characters in the series and she deserves more love from the fandom. (platonic love, the only acceptable romantic love for her comes from Sunset )
Also if you wanna be shocked and made super sad go look up the original ending to Invisible cuz it's hella dark and rounds out Wally's character perfectly and gahhhhh she's just so pure i love her so much

"If you want Snow Heart to interview you, get in touch - and be sure check out Nailah's Reviewer Mansion"

Comments ( 7 )

I'm always impressed by how adorable Scampy can be.

I would like an interview if possible, sounds fun.

Hey that's me she's talking about!

This was a bunch of fun, hon, thanks for hanging out with me last night :heart:

That Posh guy sounds like a real asshole.

Hi Posh! <3

5450485 rabbits.

Thank you for interviewing Scampy. She is a good writer/pasta dish.

Posh sounds posh

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