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Andrew Joshua Talon

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Plot Bunny Theater: A Naruto Crossover · 4:09am Jan 28th, 2021

Kakashi, Sakura and Sai all trooped out to Naruto's apartment when the blonde didn't show up for their usual meeting. Kakashi could hear the sounds of loud, riotous laughter and party horns, as well as music. Sai raised an eyebrow, as Sakura growled.

"That stupid idiot! He missed our meeting because he's partying?!" She demanded. She strode in front of Kakashi, and ripped the door open-Nearly off its handles. "NARUTO-!"

A creampie hit her right in the face. She fell backwards in shock, arms waving about. Naruto appeared, laughing hard. He brightened as he saw his team.

"GUYS! Come on in! Come on in!" He cheered. "Oh hey! Sakura, you got my aunt's prank! HA! Isn't it great? Her pies are amazing!"

Sakura got the pie off her face. She was enraged, yes, but the pie was delicious. Then her brain caught up with what Naruto had said, at the same time Kakashi voiced it.

"Aunt??" Kakashi asked. Naruto nodded eagerly, and took their hands. He pulled them into his apartment.

"Come in, come in! Meet them, meet them!" He cheered. "You too Sai!"

Sai walked in, wearing his usual bemused smile. All of the ninja made it to Naruto's living room. Their reactions were varied at what met them.

The floor was covered in balloons and streamers decorated the walls. There were cakes and pies and other pastries all over, as well as ramen-based pastries. And in the center of it all... Was a bouncing pink pony with a poofy mane and huge, blue eyes. Next to her was a purple pony with wings and a horn, looking a bit nervous. The pink pony grinned widely and leaped over the table.

"HI! I'm Pinkie Pie! It's so nice to meet you! Here, have cake!" She provided slices to each of them, and licked all the pie from Sakura's face. The pink haired girl had chosen a bad time to gape. "Mm! Key Lime!"

"... Naruto," Sai began, "there are ponies in your room."

"Yep!" Naruto said happily with a nod. He hugged Pinkie Pie, and then dragged her over to hug the purple one. "This is my Aunt Pinkie and my Aunt Twilight Sparkle!"

"We were bestest friends with his mom when she jumped into our universe," Twilight explained. "It's taken us a while to re-establish the link, but we managed to do so and found Naruto. So we've been catching up."

"I even got to go to Kushina's wedding!" Pinkie said cheerfully. She gasped, her eyes widening. "KAKASHI! IS THAT YOU?! I didn't recognize you with your mask! Is it a new one?"

"Yes," Kakashi deadpanned. He sighed heavily as Pinkie Pie bounced up and hugged him. He patted her on the head. "Hello Pinkie-san."

"Silly, I told you! Pinkie-chan!"

"Your mom," Sakura began, "was friends... With talking magic ponies?"

Naruto grinned broadly. "THE BEST OF FRIENDS!"

Sakura very slowly sat down in the nearest chair. Or tried to, hence why she ended up on the floor. Twilight gave her a smile and patted her on the palm with her hoof.

"Don't worry. You'll get used to it," she said gently.

Comments ( 13 )

You have my attention.

Don't start without me. *runs off to make popcorn*

I am more surprised that Pinkie didn't try to keep in touch with Kakashi, to at least ask about Naruto.

I'd prefer a raised-by-ponies fic, rather than a reconnection fic.

That's just me though. I'd still read this.

Yes please...

This story needs to Happen 😃🤟


Figures David Bowie is on good terms with ponies.

"I told you. I'm not David Bowie!"

This remind me the fic with the name of summoning contract.

I dunno what happened to the author, but if you're looking for a good crossover of Naruto x MLP, that is a good choice.

There are two, that I know of.

Your Summon is Pink, by 5007. Author was most recently active about 5 months ago, but apparently stopped all writing long before that point. So further work is highly unlikely.

And then there's Friendship Contract, by Demeristraz. I'm pretty sure that this one (the story, hopefully not the author) is dead and gone.

Authors just going dark like this is the one thing that I really don't like about fanfiction. If the story's good, you get invested in it and--since I personally believe that good stories always have some of the author in them--in the writer as well. So there's always that niggling worry that something bad happened to them when they just go silent with no warning.

... I know the series got steadily more ridiculous over time, what with blowing holes in the moon and suchlike, but I didn't realize Naruto's mother was a planeswalker.

Thanks, now to seek for the author page.

You're quite welcome, I do so love to share stories I enjoy when there's a chance to do so, especially oldies like these two.

Friendship Contract at least cut off when it wasn't right in the middle of a particular Naruto arc; it got just a bit past the "Rescue Gaara" segment and into was looking like a brief filler arc.

We know dimensional travel is already a thing in Naruto because of Kamui (it's default carrying space is confirmed to be an alternate dimension when Obito is able to use the same technique to open holes to Kaguya's other dimensions), and we know Kakashi acquired Kamui before Kushina died, so it's very likely Kushina was able to study the effects of Kamui and create a seal that could do something similar, at least in the setting of this fanfic.

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