• Member Since 30th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2021

Sarah Dino Runnerhoof

Hello everypony! My name is Sarah Dino Runnerhoof! I LOVE reading stories about MLP, loves cats, dinosaurs, chocolate milk, being cute, kind, and silly! I am on a robotics team.

More Blog Posts82

  • 134 weeks
    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night!

    Happy Halloween and Nightmare Night Everypony!
    I hope everyone is having a great night and staying safe.
    I am having a great time as well. I had a few trick or treaters. I am currently hanging out at a Halloween party with my family so I can't be on here for long.

    I hope you all enjoyed all the music blogs that I did.

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    3 comments · 237 views
  • 134 weeks
    Just Halloween Music! Plus Ponies!

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Halloween and Ponies one!

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    0 comments · 190 views
  • 134 weeks
    DOOM and One winged angel (A Re-do)

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's DOOM and One Winged Angel edition! This has to be my favorite one!

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    0 comments · 203 views
  • 134 weeks
    Halloween Music: Requiem For A Dream

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!

    Here's the Requiem For A Dream edition!

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    0 comments · 141 views
  • 134 weeks
    Halloween Music: Rock Edition

    Hello every pony! Halloween is tomorrow and I thought I would be doing some blogs on different Halloween music! I am super excited about it!
    Here's the Rock Music Edition!

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The End of an Horrific Nightmare Year and a new beginning of a New Year · 8:37am Jan 1st, 2021

Hello Everypony!!:pinkiehappy:
I hope you all had a happy Christmas or Hearth's warming day! I sure did because I visited with my Grandparents and spent it along with my Aunt and Uncle. I was very happy about some other things as well because... (DRUM ROLL!!!🥁) I got Final Fantasy 7 remake and The Hobbit 4K Ultra HD all six dics!!!! I was a little sad because my Dad wasn't there but he would have wanted me to be happy because he would have told me to look forward to the rest of my life and don't think about the memories but think about the happy ones.

(Before News Years Day began)
Tonight is New Years Eve so that means this one hell of a year is coming to the end and, hopefully, 2021 will be better.
Cov-19 has changed the world quite alot in ways that has affected everyone on some level.  People have been mostly following the safety guidelines but others have been defining them, either because they had enough or they don't believe in it. I hope those defining people get their act straighten out because the disease will only get worse if they don't follow the guidelines, but we do have a vaccine for the disease now so thanks goodness for that.
I hope the transition of power is successful between Biden and Trump because Trump is acting like a foolish spoiled brat that needs to learn that he will not always have his way and just accept his loss. Sorry for sounding a little harsh on that note because people have had enough of his lies and his rude and childish behavior. It's their opinion and they're gonna stick with it, wether anyone like it or not. Everyone is entiled to their opinions and it's their choice. Sorry if I offended some of y'all for saying that and I am NOT trying to start an argument about it because I was just stating my and other people's feelings.

This year has been really rough for everyone, particularly for me because back in February, March, or April, school was forced to do school at home because of Cov-19 and that messed me because I wasn't seeing my friends nor teachers and I had to do my school work at home. In April, I became single (GOD, I HATE WRITING THIS PART!!:fluttercry::flutterrage:) because Bradybunch broke up with me and, telling you the truth, I became really upset and depressed and I was under alot of stress already so that didn't help at all. Hence, that's amostly the reason why I wasn't back on until Halloween. 

(After New Years Eve and on New Years Day!)
On June 14th 2020, my Dad Died in a fucking drowning accident because he got caught in a fucking rip current and that devastated my whole entire family. I really miss him so much because I was hoping that he would get a better life because people treated him like shit and he didn't have a lot of money. He wanted things that he could use to improve our family and make some money with to provide for our family. I wish he didn't die because we had alot of plans for the future that I was really looking forward to. I was hoping that he would live long enough to see my children and make his life a lot better. 
My Dad noticed my depressed behavior when the break up happened, which happened on 17th of April on Friday and I, which I wish I had told him the truth but I was scared that he would get upset, lied to him because I didn't want to get into big trouble. I kept my relationship under wraps from November even to now because I am not ready to talk about it to my family and I didn't want them to find out about it and then, possibly, get upset with me.  Only my closest friends in school knew about it.  I did have a few close calls along the way and I don't like being in trouble but I or anyone else can't avoid that. Well, I have learned some new things from the relationship so that I may apply them to other relationships for the furture. I might use source material from my conversations from our relationship to help with some stories that I am thinking about writing.(Some of the source material is, umm, you know.:raritywink: It's for some OC X my crushes stories that I have been thinking of.) Looking though the conversations will be very diffcult because memories will be coming back. 
My Dad was always good at finding out the truth because he could tell just by my change of tone in my voice and sometimes, how I acted. I was very close of telling him a few times but I didn't tell him and I wish I had told him the truth. I was surprised that he didn't find out the truth because he would not stop until I would spill the beans but he probably knew something was up but decided not to press me for any more info. It's something that I will live with for the rest of my life for not telling him the truth. I hate myself for not telling him because he could have given some tips and tricks or gotten mad at me.

Anyway, I have been writing this blog post since 11:00 pm sharp and it's New Years Day already. I just hope this year is much better than last year.
I am still working on gathering character info for my major crossover story because I have a been little lazy, busy, thinking about it alot, writing down some facts/lore about the characters, and some writers block as well. I am still gathering as much info about the characters as I can possibly can because I want to get the characters right and close as possible to themselves as possible. I have been reading AAA LOT of reader X male character fan stories, lore, and watching videos about the different characters because I could get some ideas. I have been thinking about adding two more fandoms to my crossover story so there might SIX instead of FOUR different fandoms and some more characters might be added, depending on how I am feeling about it.

Well, here's some songs that I listened to while typing this blog up. The song "Meltdown" to me represents what 2020 was and it also makes me think what my Dad must have been feeling when he was drowning. Before his death, I listened to that song quite a lot.
I do NOT own these songs because they belong to their respective owners!!!

Happy New Year's Day to Everypony!! Let's hope this year will be alot better than 2020!
I'll try to be back on here soon, depending on what's going on.

Comments ( 2 )

Happy new Year! Also hope you had a Merry Christmas

It sounds like 2020 was a total bitch to you. Hopefully 2021 will be better for you, better for the world in general. Happy New Year by the way.

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