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Not Enough Coffee

"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts." ~ Marcus Aurelius

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A Not So Closeted Secret · 2:49am Dec 29th, 2020

(Art by Silfoe).

Kinda always wanted to make this blog, not because I'm in the closet or anything anymore, but because just getting it out there would really do wonders in accepting myself for who I am.

I'm bisexual. Some days I prefer other dudes such as myself, other times I'm going straight to taco time, ya know? I teeter totter back and forth on any given day.

Back in high school many years ago, there was this cute twink of a guy I became fast friends with. He was gay and open about it, I was straight and was confident in that. But, well. That sorta changed when being around him put butterflies into my chest vacuole.

I remember vividly at homecoming I took him to the center of the dance floor and taught him how to slow dance, planting a kiss on his lips at the end. I was so fucking confused with myself, since I acted that all out on impulse. Was I bi-curious? Straight up bi? Or just fucking gay, man!? I had a girlfriend for a bit the next year, but that never kept those sorts of emotions at bay.

I found myself looking at other guys more, pursuing the internet for certain types of lewds. Hell, even found myself crushing on more guys. I kinda sorta bottled that up though, but for the past year I've came out of the closet to my family, and all my friends know that I swing both ways. But out in public? Nope, still terrified with being completely open about my sexuality, which to be fair, isn't that big a deal since it's not something really important in day to day activities.

Still, does hurt when people always ask me what girls I'm into and the like when my last couple crushes have all be boys. Oh the struggle, broskis.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out there to really cement myself to myself.

Comments ( 19 )

Happy to see you getting stuff off your chest. It's never good to keep stuff bottled up inside, that's for sure. Side note: Sunburst is in for a hell of a night :ajsmug:

I'm mad that you didn't call this little aside Bi the Way.

Don't let opportunities pass you bi!

I'll cuddle your ass so damn hard, the friction would be hot enough to outlast our solar system.

Alright, get on the first plane over the superior coast and be a high-flying bi.

I'll pick up Czu along the way, let's go!

Hell yeah gamer!

That's pretty gay bro ngl

Fuck off, I'll suck your dick so hard it'll pop off louder than a mf2 lobby when a black guy joins.

Love you.

Sup fellow Bi Bro :ajsmug:

It's always good to put into writing the feelings and discoveries about yourself, both as reflection and to share with friends. Similarly, 2020 has been a year where I've (finally) fully embraced my Asperger's, how it impacts my life and influences my thoughts, as well as realizing that while it is just another part of me, it's an important one and it isn't bad to acknowledge it as such.

Incidental question: which Stallions do you think could be Bi? I'd love to write some Bi dudes, especially since such are sadly lacking on FimFiction.

SUNBURST! No question. Also r34 Fluttershy. Stygian too.

Also, I'm really glad to hear that, broski!

*takes notes for the future*


Thanks for sharing.

It seems everypony is coming out

The closet is too cramped and full of skeletons.

I can imagine so, it ain't fun being stuffed in a box.

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