• Member Since 24th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Wise Cracker

Just some guy, riding out his time.

More Blog Posts300

  • 7 weeks
    Season's greetings and resolutions: Spring

    Okay, first 13 weeks of the year have passed. How're those resolutions holding up?

    Drop the unhealthy habits affecting my sleep and thought patterns.

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    4 comments · 57 views
  • 23 weeks
    Early New Year's resolutions, and Old Year's conclusions

    Well, another year's come and gone. How did the resolutions go? Half and half in my case. Managed to partially accomplish what I set out to do, moving from wondering how to do things to figuring out what to do. I believe I've successfully identified the habits that are hampering or even harmful to me, so that's progress.

    Resolutions for the new year?

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  • 46 weeks
    Summer update 2: What's Sticking to the Wall?

    Quick update on future plans.

    Still working on the original stuff, I think I'm down to the last rewrite of what I wanted to do, only question is what to change in terms of details. Art's had some progress, but work responsibilities and sweet, sweet sleeping problems have caused disruptions.

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  • 52 weeks
    Summer update: what next?

    Honestly? Not sure. I never publish anything that's not complete, so I'm not breaking any promises there. Thing is, I haven't started on anything new yet, and hadn't lined anything up before the previous one.

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    2 comments · 124 views
  • 61 weeks
    Spring update: Changeling Beauty Contest, and other stuff.

    Been a while since I did one of these. Story stuff first.

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    1 comments · 176 views

So, probably not gonna publish this year anymore. Here's what else might come down the line. · 5:08pm Dec 22nd, 2020

Quick heads-up for everyone waiting for the Bastion trilogy. So, you know, all five of you, pay attention, please.

Part 2 is still undergoing re-thinks and re-works, some issues at a concept level, so it's gonna take time to iron out. And again, given the level of foreshadowing that'll be prevalent throughout the trilogy, I can't publish part 1 if I don't know for absolute certain parts 2 and 3 are fine.

Getting to actually write has been a bit of a drag, for obvious reasons. I'm hoping to get some regularity back next year, but truth be told, gaming has filled up a lot of my idle time. Legend of Keepers is entertaining, if not really riveting, and Vault of the Void is mostly interesting. I've mastered all the Enlightened cards, that character's definitely the most interesting for me on a design and concept level. Here's hoping I can cut back and get things done.

Speaking of which, other ideas to float by you:

Mother of All Disasters.
-Discord getting Fluttershy to pretend she's his girlfriend, because his mother is coming by for dinner, and said mother is always asking when he'll get hitched like his nephews and brother. This would include Fluttershy transforming into a nature spirit of some sorts, I've already worked out the details for that.
Project scope: episode-style, four to five chapters, kinda like what I've been doing.
Current issues with the idea: I'd have to get some really good cover art for that and I already have a lot on my art to-do list, and so far my only idea for Discord's mother is a Jewish stereotype, because of the ties with the Seals of Solomon. I don't think people would get the joke, and I don't want any accusations. Then again, with comments disabled, that might not be such a huge problem...

Twilight and the Oathbreaker.
-Twilight is startled one day to find an as-yet undefined humanoid creature appearing in her library. He seems to be out of breath, and wounded. Then he disappears. And reappears a few seconds later, a little ways away. And vanishes again.
Turns out it's a warlock for a heathen horse goddess (What? So I have a headcanon for old Epona, okay? Sue me. :derpytongue2:) and every time he uses his Misty Step or Blink ability he teleports into Equestria as a stand-in for the astral plane. Twilight naturally sees this as an opportunity to make a new friend.
-Project scope: oneshot, mostly dialogue-driven, not much of a story but maybe use it for a regular feelgood message.
Current issues with the idea: not much substance beyond the initial concept, no real hook to make it interesting, and no way to expand it without bloating it into a multi-chapter monster.

Talking out your backside.
-Idea I've had for a while: human lands in Equestria, but he's been turned into a Girafarig. His tail talks, and is rude. Think subconscious blabbermouth/split personality on a telekinetic giraffe.
-Project scope: unknown. Kinda want it episode-length, though.
-Current issues with the idea: 1) I'd have to bring up chaos magic to pull it off, and nobody cares about chaos magic, so why bother? 2)There's no real way for the story to play out aside from repeating all the plotpoints I used in my Filly Funtasia fanfic. No decent way, at least. Can always try the 'something followed you' route, but that trails so far from being a pony fic, why bother setting it in Equestria at all?

So yeah, number 3 is unlikely to ever get done. It feels like something that should already exist, anyway. The other two, eh... we'll see how things go.

Cracker out.

Comments ( 5 )

That Discord's mum story sounds great so you've got a definite reader if you ever get around to it!

I like the idea of story 1 and 3. Though instead of a pokemon make him/her be a hoofed ruminant mammal that has something like a snake tail that talks.

Also i miss your M rated stories have anything in the pipeline in that rateing?

Nothing M-rated at the moment, no. Kinda burned out on it a little, don't know what I'll do about that. As long as the writing is this slow already, there's not much point in making full promises. There's ideas, there's always ideas, but most of my M-rated ones lean too close to the depressing to be worth writing. Too many 'Shoot the Shaggy Dog' concepts, shock value with no substance, I feel like I can do better, and that's not even mentioning the community response. It doesn't help that I consider early Grant Morrisson a source of inspiration.

I see what you mean after reading all your M rated stories. Despite this still to this day i have to say Rainbow Dash Discovers Erotic Mind Control is in my top 3 most loved MLP stories. Seems something happened to your writeing sometime late 2014 for your M rated stories. Well i cant wait till you drop your next work keep on writeing.

You know, looking back on things... you're not wrong. A lot happened in late 2014, on a personal level. Some of it is on site record, even. I think I started using my writing more openly as a coping mechanism or hypersigil practice from that point on, sometimes more subtly than other times. There's an odd sense of detachment that comes from doing something actively against your nature, to become more fluid in one's thinking. Liberating, sure, but still...

I need to think about this stuff some more. Thanks for the observation.

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