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Interview with FamousLastWords · 3:31pm Dec 7th, 2020

Interview Rp Format
Nailah as Snow Heart
FamousLastWords as Poptart

Snow Heart

Snow Heart was packing her boxes and getting ready to leave. It was a big step for her. Probably one of the biggest steps of her life. She was moving in with Azure. Trying not to get anxious, she had decided to take a break from all the packing and all the boxing things. Giving her Castle to her little sister Frost Heart, just felt right to her. She didn't need a castle, Heck, she didn't really ask for any of this. She put her pink hoodie over her, to hide her bat wings, and headed into town. Her stomach roared at her. How long had it been since she had a bite to eat? Well, Sugarcube corner was mostly sweets, and sugar confectations, not really something she wanted, so she opted to go to a local resturant she knew of, one where she knew the owner personally, and could get the best seat in the house if she desired it, but like every other pony, she'd wait her turn. There was some creature ahead of her who was standing there making a fuss. Great, just great.


"Oh gosh, it's gonna be a long wait isn't it?" Poptart let out a small chuckle from his place in line behind Snow Heart. "That's okay. It's not like I have much going on today, anyway."

Snow Heart

"But I'm hungry." Snow Heart pouted, turning around to the pony speaking to her. Her violet hues looking to them. "Oh sorry that was rude, It's just I've been doing nothing but moving and packing all day, and I'm starved. Oh! I'm Snow Heart by the way. Who are you, and how did you get into mlp?"


"I feel that," Poptart replied, rubbing the back of his neck with a hoof and gave her a sweet smile. "I've been packing too for a move across town. But don't worry, it'll be your turn soon enough for sure! To answer your question however, my venture into MLP was honestly a little different than most. It was eight years ago and I was at a, shall we say, adult novelty store with my ex-girlfriend. They were selling MLP themed lingerie and she pointed it out to me. I thought it was silly but that was my introduction to the whole thing. Later on, my older sister showed me a few episodes and I was hooked!"

Snow Heart

"That is quite naughty." Snow Heart chuckled shaking her head. Bearing her fangs as she grinned. "But hey, mlp is a great place, so no matter how you found it, glad you are here. Now seriously, when are we getting food?" asked Snow Heart letting out a low growl like snarl. Finally the annoying pony was handled, and they could move forward.
"So looks like we're finally moving. Good, however I need to find some way to ignore my stomach. Who is best pony?"


"It's a little naughty, but hey, I never say no to a fun time." Poptart snickered and stepped forward in line with Snow Heart. "Now, as far as best pony, I'd have to say Trixie. Between her attitude, adorable looks, strong will and natural charm, she's impossible not to love. Not that she notices an everyday stallion like me, of course. So yeah, she's best pony. Besides you, of course." Poptart punctuated his statement with a wink.

Snow Heart

"Nothing wrong with being naughty if that's what your into, but I try to keep these things PG-13." Snow Heart replied listening to him. Trixie was quite the pony indeed, but not her favorite, but every pony was different. "But we just met, you don't even know me..." Snow Heart back up nervously, a bit anxious by the attention she was getting. Oh was he a fan? Did he know she was a Princess? She was wearing her hoodie, he should know nothing.


"Have no fear, we shall keep it family-friendly." Poptart shrugged. "I'm just hungry, too. By the way, I'm a snoop journalist and investigator by trade. I'm pretty sure I know who you are unless I'm mistaken..." He lowered his voice just a bit. "...Princess. But don't worry, I'm off duty. Your secret is safe with me."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart gulped and felt the sweatdrops building. He knew? Sugar biscuits. Um...say something Snow or else they'll all know. "So...um what inspires you to write?" she asked as she felt her heart racing, as the line moved. At least she'd be seated soon, hopefully before she had a panic attack. She didn't want to be swarmed by her fans again.


Poptart rubbed his chin. "That's a good question, Snow Heart. Let me think for just a sec..." Poptart had been writing in his personal life as well as for work for some time now and never put much thought into it. "I guess it's that I love sharing my experiences with people and writing is a great tool to do it with. I love to express my feelings, fears, and hopes in words and let other characters act them out. It's not only fun, but it relieves stress and gives just a piece of me to my readers. My writing isn't the best by far, but it's genuine and sometimes it might even help people get through a bad day."

Snow Heart

"That's a very good reason to write. I find it's best to let the emotions through your writing. At least it's always helped me. I can be a bit of a nervous wreck at times, and I get anxious, and even a bit afraid others might not like what I have to offer, but if you never put yourself out there, you'll never know. So that's why I write, I want to make others feel things, and if they can get something from my words, that makes it all the better." Snow Heart replied as they were finally allowed inside, and seated at the same time.

"May I get your a drink Miss?" asked the waiter.

"Water please."



"I'd love a sweet tea if you could." Poptart smiled as the waiter took their orders before turning to Snow. "I fully agree. I believe I've read a few of your writings and they're very, very good. Your style definitely is a good one and the admiration you have from so many readers proves your point about putting your emotion into it." Poptart shrugged. "It's definitely something I'm still learning how to do and trying to get better at."

Snow Heart

"It helps if you can put yourself in the place of the character. How they feel, what they'd do, what you'd do in their hoofsteps. But it takes times. I admit, my very first story was smut. I took it down out of shame." Snow Heart admitted, blushing and her cheeks turning a soft pink. "But speaking of writing, what advice would you give a new writer? One just starting out?"


"Oh yeah, totally." Poptart nodded. "And that's better than my first story, ha. Mine was a rap battle between Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. Wasn't even long enough to make it onto the site." It was now Poptart's turn to blush, his pink fur becoming even brighter. "But as far as advice, be original and social. Come up with ideas that challenge the norms, that normally people wouldn't think about. For example, if everybody writes about the same two characters falling in love, write about them breaking up instead. As far as being social, it's important to network with other authors. You can learn from them, you'll diversify your reader base and they can help inspire you to be even better than you were before!"

Snow Heart

"That's really good advice!" Snow Heart let out an EEEEEEEEEEE of joy. She loved supporting new and upcoming authors, because she was them once. Scared, nervous, terrified no one would want to read about her stories. Maybe something she'd even go back and edit her old stories. Maybe. Right now she was focused on moving forward, getting better and more confident with each and every day*

"What do you enjoy doing besides writing? Any hobbies?" she asked looking over the menu. Everything looked mouth watering, but she settled on a Teriyaki with chicken, tomato, rice, and pineapples.


"Well, I'm glad you like the advice. I try my best to help out newer authors when I can." Poptart glanced over the menu as well, going for a bowl of oatmeal with banana slices in it. "Oh yeah, I've got quite a few hobbies. I love sports, primarily football. I used to play when I was in school, but now I just watch it on TV. I also enjoy going for nature walks and when I have time, I play video games. It's not much, but it gets me through the day."

Snow Heart

"You played football? That's cool. I was always the tomboy growing up. Never liked all that typical stuff, mares are supposed to like. Heck, I took construction class in my senior year and built a house. Was pretty cool. Most of the boys thought I wasn't there to take it seriously, but I put myself out there and showed I could be tough, Earned respect." Snow Heart explained, then the waiter took their order, and gave them drinks and went back to the kitchen.*

"Now here's a tough one, is there anything about the writer behind the pony you'd like to say?"


"That's awesome you were into construction! I did landscaping for awhile and helped out with building stuff on a farm before, but I doubt I could build a house like you. That's impressive!" Poptart took a sip of his beverage and continued. "As far as the writer goes. I just want people to know that I'm always available to answer questions or give feedback if I'm able to. I'm not an expert or anything, but I was new once and had a couple veteran authors help me out. I'd love to give back to the community. Also, don't make the mistake I did a ways back of giving up on a story just because it didn't get the response you wanted. Sometimes stories take time to kick off and if you enjoy writing it, keep doing it! You'll feel better about yourself, trust me."

Snow Heart

Snow Heart blushed darkly "I was always one of the boys, even if they didn't know it back then. I mostly kept to myself though. Buried myself into reading, reading, and some more reading. Gosh, I sound like Twilight." spoke Snow Heart as she shook her head, it was easy to see her tufted ears, and the obvious unicorn horn, if he hadn't known already, he did now. She was starving, but the food finally came. She licked her lips. But she wasn't quite done talking to her new friend yet.

"So you said your a journalist huh. I bet you hear a lot of gossip. As well as a bunch of stuff, but allow me to introduce myself. I'm Princess Snow Heart, and I'm allowing you one question. You may ask me any question you want, but you only get one. Choose wisely." she smirked a grin, leaning on her front forehooves with confidence spreading on her face.


"I thought so. Well, you're obviously way out of my league so asking if I can treat you to ice cream in the future is out of the question." Poptart chuckled and shook his head. "Honestly, though, I'd love to know... if there was one thing in the world you could do that you can't right now, what would it be? I think we're all dreamers at heart, so I'd love to hear what your biggest dream is."

Snow Heart

"One thing? Just one? Move in with my amazing boyfriend and finally get away from drunk and ass." Snow Heart spoke up breaking character. "I hate the situation I'm in, and I tried getting out on my own, I even asked for help once upon a time, but it wasn't enough. It's never enough. So I have had to wait, had to live with it, but I try not letting others see this side. I want them to see happy Nailah. I mean...Snow. Totally. You heard nothing." Snow Heart looked back and forth anxiously.

"But yeah, really that is my only dream anymore. Gave up on being a famous author years ago, I do have a book though. promote book here But I thank you for joining me, it's been fun. Is there anything else you'd like to say?"


Poptart broke character, too. "I know the feel. I was in a rough spot before, as well, but my girlfriend and I were able to make things work out and we both got away from bad places in life. It took time, but we made it happen. It'll work out for you, too. Trust me. If you ever have questions or need advice on the matter, feel free to reach out. I've been there before."

"And I appreciate you taking the time to do this! I'd love to read your book at some point, so feel free to send it my way when we're done! Last but not least, I just want to remind everyone to keep having fun, never give up, and know that good things are always around the corner. Sometimes they don't happen like we want or like we'd think, but hope is always there if we let it be. I've seen the lowest lows and the highest highs, and you all will, too. Just don't let yourself get too down about the hard times."

Link to FamousLastWords Fimfiction:Poptart
"If you want Snow Heart to interview you, get in touch - and be sure check out Nailah's Reviewer Mansion"

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