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Ask The Toppat Trio (Misty Morals Special) · 11:52pm Dec 5th, 2020

Since the last blog wasn't a hit, I've decided to write one with a clearly defined rule set.

I want to write a chapter where Mist Veil, Reginald, and RHM answer questions, fanmail of sorts from you guys!

1. Please avoid asking about Major Plot Points: such as Mist becoming a vampire, future plans for the clan and so on. (You can ask about stuff that has happened already, up to Chapter 10 of Misty Morals.)

2. You can ask as many questions as you like to Mist Veil, Reginald, RHM, or myself! (I'll have an author-insert character deliver your questions, I thought'd be fun.)

3. Keep them rating appropriate!

4. Have fun, feel free to ask about the characters' pasts, their likes, dislikes, whatever pops into your head.

5. Post your questions to the characters in the comments of this blog and be sure to specify who the question is for.

6. Equestria lacks many of our modern conventions and technology, keep that in mind when asking characters to do something if it's not possible on the airship.

7. No Play X game asks, with the exception of the Henry Stickmin Collection itself.

This blog will be edited if more rules need to be added or modified.

EDIT: Submissions are closed! I am no longer accepting questions. Thank you everyone who submitted questions, you'll see them in the AMA unless told otherwise.

Report Dragonfire2lm · 185 views · Story: Misty Morals ·
Comments ( 59 )

I have only one question for the three:

Any regrets from the past?

For right hand man and Reginald: how did you guys acquire the ruby and did you have any plans for stealing the diamond or emerald before you ended up in a equestria

For Misty veil: Would you ever consider dating Reginald or right hand Man

I don’t know what Misty’s reaction to the question would be but I’ve been thinking about this since the blog post about shipping please answer

These will be answered, don't worry.

To Reginald and Right:

What are your thoughts on how Mist dealt with Sunset Shimmer? Do you think that she should have cut off her horn and be done with her?

Thank you for your question, that'll be an interesting one to answer.

To Reginald: where did you get the idea to make the Toppat Clan?

Mist, what exactly can you do with Pegasus magic?
-Spellflame(my namesake pony oc)

I'm going to enjoy answering that. Thanks for the question.

To Right hand man/Reginald

do you have people do research if so wut:duck:

Thanks for the question.

to Reginald

wut is the tophat moral code plus are human in danger as in a rash sorry for bad spaling

Thanks, having them all in one place will make it easier when I go to write the chapter.

Did you see my last question?not to be rod

Yeah, I'll include it. Sorry, I was busy working on chapter 10 and forgot to reply.

I thought of more questions

For misty: imagine if you will your life suddenly changes so that every single important action you take while on missions freezes time you are then given a list of objects/actions To use these different objects/actions will either fail the mission or continue the mission with some choices leading to different paths of completing the mission Each time you pick a fail you are then shown your actions from a third person perspective you are then presented the choices again Note most of the objects and actions presented will be references to media from earth What would you do

To all present: I would like mist to play the second game in the five nights at Freddy’s Series while describing the current gameplay and her Reactions and right hand man and Reginald reactions to those reactions (note there are no rules against this type of question but if it’s not aloud I understand just ignore this)

To rhm and Reginald: what is your opinion of the fact that by definition mist’s special talent is illegal

To author: does the mirror portal to the eqg world exist in this cannon

To mist: what would your reaction be if you suddenly turned into an eqg style human
(Here’s eqg maud for reference)

To author: where on the friendship is magic timeline does the story take place

To Reginaldand rhm: ever heard of Henry stikman

That is all

The FNAF question will be skipped, video games don't exist in Equestria (and I doubt the Toppat Computer would have horror games on it, gotta be discreet if your gaming on work hours.)

I have already stated in the authors notes that Misty Morals is set early season 2 of MLP FiM. And I've mentioned in the comments the Toppat Clan hasn't heard of, or met Henry Stickmin.

Your other questions are perfectly fine though! They will be included.

Fair enough on the fanf question

Rules have been updated, I honestly wasn't expecting the FNAF question, so I didn't plan any rules around asking characters to do stuff lol.

Well that is how most rules end up being written nobody thinks to make a rule about some thing till someone Does it because technically there isn’t a rule against it then a rule is made either validating it or invalidating it

Also I see you updated the rules accordingly as such two more questions

For all: would you all play the Henry stick man collection If so what did you think of it any highlights
(Had to ask since you specified)

To author: what do you mean guns aren’t as effective as crossbows is it that magic denies the advantage of velocity from a bullet or is physics just dead???!!!!!!

Ok your author question got me giggling, I'm answering that now and in the AMA!

Guns and other non magical weaponry have to overcome magic resistance as well as air resistance, the more magic in the environment, the slower the bullet travels. Ponies and other magical races take this a step further by their magic acting as a natural impact absorber, thus getting shot would be akin to getting hit with a paintball gun. It would hurt like hell but the pony would be fine.

Something hard like a unicorn horn, doesn't have as much of this magic armor, hence Reginald's comment that Sunset's horn would be damaged if Right shot her.

Also, I'll probably do a short highlight reel for the Henry Stickmin Collection, I don't want to make that segment too long.

Glad that I could give you a laugh

The "or is physics just dead?" line was funny. I hope my explanation was decent.

Your explanation wasn’t bad but it raises another question what’s stopping them from making a bullet that can go through the magic if it still doesn’t work then then physics is dead

Magic works against magic, however the tech to make anything more advanced than older firearms or cannonballs doesn't exist in the world of Misty Morals, and bullets don't lend themselves well to echantments due to the firing mechanism damaging any echantments placed on the bullet (Minotaurs are the only race that use firearms and they don't need or use magical weaponry due to being a non magical race) so the next best thing is enchanted arrows and crossbow bolts for cheap, easy to make magic weapons.

Then wouldn’t an air rifle work instead same principle used in a firearm just minus the fire you use just compressed air instead of the expanding gasses created when burning gunpowder unless it’s the bullet flying down the barrel that makes It not work But in that case cannons wouldn’t work either because a gun is in essence a gun is a scaled down Canon that has the powder cannonball and primer in a self contained cartridge but even then a muzzleloader is literally a scaled down canon from the early 1800s and we have been using cannons with shells for at least 170 years so you’re going to have to specify what makes it so a bullet can’t be enchanted or made to go through the magic

So answer or admit that I have defeated you an intellectual combat IF YOU DARE!!!!!!!!

Lol, I just don't like having guns in my AU's and prefer to create plausible reasons as to why they wouldn't work, I'm trying my best to portray how alien the world is compared to ours or the Henry Stickmin Earth, some things are the same yet others are completely different.

Dammit you played artistic license and had it use just because against logic, reason, and self contradiction it was super effective all three fainted

You have defeated me in Intellectual combat congratulations you are now the new master of the comments however I will return to have my revenge

But if you want clarification, it's the explosion and the movement out of the barrel, coupled with how difficult and time consuming enchanting smaller objects, that makes magic bullets impractical. Arrows and bolts are easier and cheaper to enchant than, for example, a ring or badge. And just in case this is brought up, Enchanted or Magical Metals are so rare they are saved for magical treasures and religious items. It's why ponies use gems for pretty much everything.

Wait if gems are easier to enchant why not make a bullet out of gems

Wouldn't gems be to brittle though?

I forgot about that easter egg. Thanks for the question.

The myth busters once tried to make a bullet out of ice and it work just fine the also made one out of bone and it worked as well they even used teeth as buckshot and that worked so air gun firing crystal bullet could work

Actually now that I think about it the crystal being a bit more brittle could work for better post pen damage because rather than deforming it would fragment

Either way, I want to avoid guns, or at least limit them. My answer for that in-universe was "tech not made to account for magic doesn't work properly" (like the airship flying super slow until it got upgraded), "limited ammo", and "magical races can only be hurt by magical weapon". That and cartoon logic. Not to mention the tech needed to make anything close to the Toppat Clan's arsenal just doesn't exist in the MLP universe as I'm trying to keep the technology consistent.

The story isn't about them steamrolling everything, it's about the Airship Division stranded on an alien world with so many similarities it's uncanny, and working their way up to their former reputation. It parallels Mist's journey of recovery.

Oh I know I was just having the argument for the fun and to see if I could find a way to make it work within the universes rules that was fun back-and-forth though

I know, I just enjoy sharing my lore and world building as it's one my favorite parts of the writing process.

Even when physics says no

You think I'm gonna research guns and physics for a Henry Stickmin/MLP crossover? Both of them run on cartoon logic or rule of funny.

Lol, especially if physics says no. More fun that way.

It is still a decent explanation right?

I just realized how I could have explained no guns
God horse said no


Seriously, how did I do with the world building in that regard? I have very little conference in my ability as a writer despite having written fanfiction sporadically over the last ten years or so.

Overall I would say that your world building has been very good really the only thing that I didn’t get was why guns no work because physics says they should overall I’d say that I have been enjoying it and getting you to expand on it by poking as many holes in it as I could forcing you to plug them with lore

Less plugging up and more "it's another planet with weird radiation that distorts physics because magic go brrrr"

The self-insert pony has wheat intolerance, and even then I've added a magic based ailment so I don't bum out my readers too much with how bad it can get, because I don't want to scare anyone off even though I really don't want to pull my punches about the topic.

Wait I thought magic go wuhm wuhm wuhm wuhm wuhm wuhm wuhm

And thus the intellectual combat has ended with a draw at 2:33 with wuhm and lol as their parting words our to galant heroes part ways Secure in the knowledge that they will reunite at a later date

Wait wasn’t this supposed to be for the q and a chapter

I mean, I can simplify it as ponies having enough magic in them to essentially be bulletproof...

No no I think you should just copy paste this back-and-forth just to show the other readers the lengths at which we argued about this or link back to this whole discussion because I think at this point it’s taken up like an hour of our time

I'm writing with the constraints of a PS4 web browser, I'd have to type out everything myself, keeping the character limit in mind, and all of that for one question doesn't really seem fair.

Each chapter is written in 8-9 350-or-so word chunks and I have my boyfriend edit it all for me into one chapter because I'm not physically well enough to use the computer for an extended period of time. My original reply will most likely be the one I'll use in the AMA.

Sorry I had no idea that you were writing on PS4 web browser use either the original reply or the oversimplification or even just guns no work cause god horse say no I’ve had to use the PS4 web browser and it sucks so much

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