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Johnny B Mediocre

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yo · 11:27pm Nov 3rd, 2020

did I ever tell you guys about the time some narcissistic dude on Derpibooru told me to go jump off a cliff because I disagreed with him

FYI: this isn't me going "I was hurt. I was betrayed. I didn't know what to do or say.", this is just me shaking my head in pity at the lackluster attempts at shittalking this guy was trying to make - keep in mind this is a guy who's threatened to file lawsuits against Hasbro/DHX because he didn't like the Season 9 finale, and demands they not only redo the finale, but the entirety of Season 9 for... reasons?

I dunno, he sent me several long-ass paragraphs describing in great detail why he felt he was betrayed by the S9 team, how much MLP means to him... well, if it means so much to you, why are you trying to force legal action onto it? I didn't particularly think Episode 9 of Star Wars was exactly fulfilling the entirety of the 40+ year saga it was building up to, but you don't see me threatening J.J. Abrams to redo it

here's just a taster of the kind of sad shit he's tried to pull

I wish I could say this is as far as the well goes, but no it goes deeper - this dude was also claiming he would get the actual writers of MLP to rewrite the season (Meghan McCarthy, M.A. Larson, AKR, Merriweather Williams, etc.) but then on the flipside is harassing Andy Price to the point of exhaustion with his incessant ramblings and demands :rainbowderp: y'know m8, that's not exactly how you get into the industry by demeaning potential business partners

he also cites the Kim Possible, Justice League and Clone Wars petitions/revivals as his inspirations, seemingly forgetting that those were things both the fans and the staff wanted to see more of - or in the case of Justice League, something the fans and the staff wanted to see properly, not to appease the demands of one dude with an ego problem and Jimmy the Confused Henchman - also claiming that he has the support of the Kim Possible petitioners, but in reality probably just spoke to one dude behind it who was like "y-yeah uh okay I'll pass it on" and wasn't heard from again

and he's not exactly hiding his narcissism either - when told that many fans were pleased with the finale, he boldly stated "WELL I'M NOT HAPPY", further exposing his entitlement to the world without any sense of hesitation

even on happy S9 pics, he'll show up and go "oh yeah well too bad season 9 was terrible #saves9 #hashtagsdontworkonderpibooru" and then either someone reports him for breaking the spam rules or he just reports himself to try and cover his tracks

again, he sent me paragraph upon paragraph listing out his reasons for acting this way, and none of them were particularly valid, more just petty and came across as being entitled for the sake of being entitled - my response to him took me hours to write just to fully address his points, and I really wish it hadn't taken me that long but for the length of the message, it was justified

this dude is everywhere too: Equestria Daily, Derpibooru, DeviantArt, the wikis, even here

moral of the story: season 9 is over, it's okay if you didn't like how it ended, just don't file lawsuits against the production crew because it'll only make you look ridiculous

anyway thanks for coming to my TED talk

TL;DR: toxic entitled brony threatens to sue Hasbro for emotional damages because he doesn't like season 9, is thoroughly ridiculed, throws a tantrum about it along with his henchman Scrappy Doo

Comments ( 11 )

Man, why can't he just focus on something more important in life... Like petitioning for Equestria Girls to never be canon.

because he can't focus on anything else, MLP is apparently "all he has" and to see it "sullied" the way that it "has" is what's fueling his ire towards rewriting Season 9 :ajbemused:

Seeing as the user in question deleted my counterargument to their claims, I figured I'd repost it here for posterity's sake:

Dude, seriously? You spent 5 hours straight calling everyone around you blind sheeple after the finale came out, mocked a user who said it partially helped them through a depressive episode, and continue to spam random comments sections with your hatred of Season 9 if so much as the fic's thumbnail alludes to its existence.

Do not act like you're the victim. You're the one cruising for a bruising here.

As you were.

welp he blocked me

ebin narcissist moment


mocked a user who said it partially helped them through a depressive episode

ebin hypocrisy moment - he wants people to acknowledge his fee-fees got hurt but scoffs at those with depression

top lad, he didn't learn a damn thing from this show

I saw your argument on his little blog and I was happy to see someone stand up to him. I copied and pasted your comment on his blog in case he deleted it (which he predictably did) because I found it that inspiring. I wanted to take a screenshot but was having some technical difficulties at the time.

All honesty though this guy is pathetic and an insult to the MLP fandom. "Strong differing opinion"? First of all how is an opinion strong?

Sadly there's no point in talking to a fanatic like him. But can't he be reported or something? The way he's acting is practically harassment and needs to be stopped.

believe me, I've tried every which way I could on every platform I've encountered him on but with no luck - he hasn't posted on Derpibooru in a while so I'm hoping the mods finally got tired of dealing with him and gave him the boot, but who knows, he usually tends to disappear for a week or so when the argument starts sliding out of his favor then comes back when he assumes everyone has moved on, not learning a goddamn thing from the last 15+ times he's tried starting shit :ajbemused: just go through his comment history (or at least what hasn't been removed), it's a fuckin' fairytale in and of itself

I've been standing up to him for at least a few months now, and I genuinely feel like I'm making no progress because he's just so adamant in his belief that he can and will get all the writers, producers, directors, executives, artists, storyboardists, animators and cast members to return and redo Season 9 - because, y'know, that's how television works when you're stealing people's money through a futile petition

the worst part is that he's claiming he's acting this way... because he's autistic :facehoof: now I am also on the spectrum and on behalf of everyone else on there, we don't claim him - this kind of shit just keeps dragging us down further and further, and it's so disheartening to see so many of these people, both on here and on DA, use their disability as an excuse for being a dick, which just isn't how it should work

he's got an ego the size of Disneyland Paris, and a sense of entitlement that could make even a Florida Karen embarrassed

I guess after JimmyHook got dumped by Black "I hate this show, I'll see you same time next week to tell you again" Kyurem once he bailed on the site after everything blew up in his face, he needed to find someone new to suck up to since he's clearly incapable of rational thought

this guy is gonna end up being the Fyre Fest of MLP when it's made clear he has no idea what he's doing and didn't even try to talk to any of the staff

to take a note from Ms. Harshwhinny - if he wants to work with professionals, he first needs to be professional, and so far he hasn't shown any signs of doing that if all the death threats and goading are anything to go by

here's the DM he sent to me, no edits, no frills, just straight up novel-sized cringe

You want me to explain myself? Fine. I’m an autistic nerd who’s had a rough time growing up, has few friends, still lives at home and is still a virgin. I’m a pathetic waste of space and the world might be better off if I was never born. I need things to escape into to forget all of that. MLP is one of those things. I was introduced to it five years ago have followed it ever since. It’s been one of my primary sources of entertainment, and perhaps one of my favorite cartoons of all time. I love it. I always knew it would end, but its final season was far below the standards the rest of the series had built for itself.

Celestia and Luna had no right to retire given the immense power and long lifespans they have, especially Luna, who’d only been back for a few years. Their logic was also faulty, too. While Twilight and her friends have saved and bettered Equestria many times, the fact that they’ve had to do so does not indicate that Equestria has entered its most peaceful era, or that they’re qualified to govern it. Twilight had also established her own life in Ponyville and her own unique role as a princess, but the two sisters saw fit to rip that all away from her anyway. I know that Faust had originally envisioned her succeeding Celestia, but it was a stupid idea from the start, and both the show itself and Twilight’s had evolved way beyond any of that. Meghan McCarthy also promises us that Twilight would not outlive her friends, but that ridiculous recoloring of Celestia she becomes in the last episodes indicates otherwise. She doesn’t even look like she’s happy with her new lot in life. Does she have to bring night and day, oversee the bureaucracy and battle nightmares now? And another thing. If everything she’s accomplished really has been some elaborate training program as it’s been implied to be, then what does that say about Celestia and Luna? Have they really been holding back this whole time so that Twilight could prove herself a worthy replacement? Wouldn’t that mean they’ve been endangering their subjects through inaction for the sake of finding a successor to dump their responsibilities on? That makes them seem more like selfish, deceitful manipulators rather than the wise, caring and benevolent co-rules we’ve come to know and love over the years.

Then there’s the twist with Grogar being Discord the whole time. Of all the trouble Discord has caused, this time there were huge consequences that nearly destroyed Equestria and could be considered high treason, but he’s forgiven anyway. How could he have been so stupid as to not keep a close eye on the the villains or suspect they would betray him? When the lazy royal sisters decide to step down despite their incredible power and longevity, he decides to boost Twilight’s confidence by getting the villains to team up against her and her friends. He then somehow resurrects Sombra, whose character was trashed and at odds with the comic portrayal established years ago, who then destroys the one thing that makes Twilight’s castle and map relevant. No more friendship missions now, though the power of the Elements are still somehow usable beyond all reason. Twilight’s entire MO as Princess of Friendship is instantly reduced to a zero sum. The princesses are as much at fault for this as Discord is.

There’s also the subplot with the Windigos. Despite the idea of the three tribes hating each other again being met with gasps in A Hearth’s Warming Tale, somehow the villains are able to easily sow distrust between them. Then the Windigos return, proving to be real rather than remain ambiguous as they should have. It’s also proven that they’re not that big a threat after all save for making things a little nippy and snowy. Meanwhile, the ridiculous and out-of-place final battle in the foreground parodying Avengers: Endgame, giving new powers to some of the characters like Rarity, the powers of Harmony somehow still working again and being compatible with the Pillars and Student Six, even making Rockhoof big again despite Tirek still having his magic, and the hypocritical fate of the villains at the end. Why couldn’t Tartarus have been good enough?

Then there’s The Last Problem. Despite Twilight saying there would always be darkness, Equestria seems to have become a multicultural utopia since then. And despite the Princess of Friendship running things, for some reason her personal student doesn’t appreciate friendship despite all that’s been accomplished by it over the last eight seasons. The character designs were just awful, too. Even worse were the ambiguities. AppleDash came out of nowhere and why should anyone take FlutterCord seriously? CheesePie was fine, but all of this reeks of lazy writing, and the facts that the Mane Sox were almost asexual for the last nine years makes it all the less satisfying. The And yay, Luster gets sent to Ponyville to learn about friendship, but how is history repeating itself a good thing? What’s going to happen to Luster Dawn? Will Twilight manipulate her into becoming a princess so she can retire early, just as Celestia did with her? Will Luster have a choice in the matter unlike Twilight?

I could go on for days about the smaller things that happened throughout the season, like the unnecessary canonization of LyraBon, the senseless redemptions of Garble, Angel, Dr. C. and Ahuizotl, the lack of redemption for Lightning Dust, and so on. Still, I think I’ve made my point by now that the last season was defined by a bad premise, poor characterization, no regard for consistency or continuity, and a general lack in quality that the rest of the franchise has been known for. The Equestria Girls series also never got a proper ending, just some holiday shorts. And now they’re going to make a “season 10” with the last IDW comics.

I can’t have any of this. I feel as though a knife has been plunged into my soul and I can’t pull it out. This must be how people who’ve been devout their whole lives feel when their faith has been shattered. I’ve become so disillusioned with the G4 verse that I can barely bring myself to rewatch or reread any of it without breaking down and recalling what it will ultimately lead up to. At the same time, I can’t just walk away from it either, not after I’ve invested so much in it, both emotionally and intellectually. I think I’d rather die that be forced to feel or remember this franchise this way. That’s why I’m taking a third option. I’m going to start a fan-based campaign that will force Hasbro to scrub season 9 and all content related to it from canon and possibly from every medium it can be found in. It will be replaced by a revised version written by talented writers from previous seasons such as Meghan McCarthy, Amy Keating Rogers and MA Larson, among others, and approved by members of the campaign such as myself, not the greedy corporate heads who have stopped caring about the franchise. The upcoming comics and whatever other books to be published will receive similar treatment. Another EG special or two will be made to give the spin-off a proper finale. Maybe even the third season of FiM will get a full 26 episodes. I’ve been gathering support from fellow disgruntled fans on multiple websites. I am already establishing a correspondence with some of the people who campaigned to have the fourth season of Kim Possible made and succeeded, and will consult them on developing an approach to this beyond unreliable online petitions. I’ve been told that mailing physical petitions to fans and letters to the people who can make it happen is one possible avenue. If the Save KP worked, and if the push for the Snyder Cut of Justice League worked, then I doubt this endeavor will be impossible.

Maybe I really am the most pathetic sack of shit on the face of the earth, but I’m only human. I can’t accept, tolerate, forgive or forget what has happened to G4. That’s why I’m going to save it. It’s time bad writers and greedy executives stopped getting away with ruining good shows. And I want to stop going through this mental rollercoaster of nostalgia, depression, resentment and anger every time I see a clip of it on YouTube or scroll past it on Netflix or my TV guide. Sure, it’s just a show for some, but it meant a lot more to me than that.

truly epic :unsuresweetie:

That...is ridiculous.

So he's one of those entitled creeps who think that the world of MLP somehow revolves around him. Oh brother.

I'm on the spectrum myself, and while I'll admit I can get too bullheaded for my own good, at least I don't act like I rule the sun and all the stars, y'know what I mean?

I can understand a lot of the criticisms levied against Season 9, but I find his sorts' pettiness extremely alienating. Honestly, if anything, folks like him actually make me wish I liked it even more than I actually do, just because it'd make 'em clutch their pearls.

You just hit every single nail about this guy. You deserve an award.
I'd love to add some thoughts, but what else is there really? He is quite literally the most self-entitled individuals I have ever met, in any fandom. Dude really needs to have his Internet access revoked.
Jimmy Hook may be a hypocritical obnoxious lord of the manchildren, but ol' Mixy here or whatever name he goes by is hands down much worse. Maybe some day he'll finally get some sense knocked into that head of his, but that probably won't ever happen.

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