• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen February 3rd


Every story has it's fans. Mine just happen to be nonexistent. But that's okay because I still love to write❤️

More Blog Posts41

  • 74 weeks
    Status Update.

    Yes, I'm still alive. Also, Merry Christmas. I've been busy lately so being on here has become less of a priority overall. That being said, I do want to get back with making stories. It's just a matter of making time really. Anyways, not much I can say other than I hope everyone is doing well.

    3 comments · 182 views
  • 98 weeks
    Addressing Stuff(On Here And IRL)

    Hello to any/everyone who's reading this. It's been quite a while since I've made any kind of action on here, huh? Well, yes I'm still alive and fine for the most part. But that being said, I wish to have a serious talk with you all. Nothing life threatening but it's something I've been needing to do but been to scared to do it.

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    13 comments · 301 views
  • 133 weeks
    Back And With Some News

    I know I've been inactive as of late. I have my own personal reasons for why that is but that's not the point here. I've got some more stories on the back burner. They just need some polishing and they'll be good. The next story to come out will involve Wallflower and Sunset. I won't spoil to much but it was heavily inspired by Hellva Boss(ep 7 to be more exact).

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    3 comments · 248 views
  • 155 weeks
    An Important Announcement

    So I recently made a Patreon for my Siren AU series. I'm fairly new to the site but I decided since I want to make this into a reality, I went ahead and created an account there. This by no means that you have to pay to see my stories (save for previews) but if you want to, you can tip me there for only 3$. A suggestion/want to see in the series is 10$ and a preview/early access is 15$ I do hope

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  • 156 weeks
    The Future Of My Account/Stroies

    So, as stated in my Siren blog, my main focus is mostly set on this series and with some backing money, that dream is slowly becoming a reality witch makes me very happy. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for all of you and your overwhelmed support so for that, I'm grateful. I know my posting has slowed down lately but

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Serious Talk · 6:53pm Oct 26th, 2020

I really didn't want to make this blog but I didn't want to keep silent about this either so... here we are.

Earlier yesterday (about 7-8 PM), I had to take action against a user(I won't be saying the user by name as to not garner harassment towards them). So about a month ago(?), the user left a rude remark(meme) on one of my stories (it's gone now but the point stays the same). Originally, I thought of it as a joke since it had Sonata and a funny remark

Get a load of this simp

To witch, I informed them that while I found it funny, It's on the wrong story so I told them to just move it to that story, thinking they were referring to that.

However, they never replied to my comment. Naturally, I ignored it and left it be. But, earlier yesterday, the same person came back and did it again, only this time, they did it to my friend/editor. I informed them that I don't tolerate disrespect towards my friends and I asked them to remove it.

Unfortunately, they didn't and I gave them about half the day to do so. But, they didn't respond. Because of that, I sent them a PM and said the following:

I did warn you about posting rude remarks(Via memes) and I tried to reach out to you to fix it. However, it seems you have no intent to do so and with that said, I have no choice but to remove the comment/meme myself and place a block on you until a set time or until an apology is made to either him or me(via messaging him or bloging). I'm sorry I have to do this but I will not have disrespect happen on my page. I hope you have a nice day.

If this was directed at me, I wouldn't mind it. It wouldn't be the first time after all. But I won't tolerate disrespect towards my friends. This is something I will not let slide. I do have a very high tolerance towards people but when you start downvoting (down bombing) on a comment that wasn't in any way rude or harmful(my friends, not mine), that's where I draw the line. My friends/editors are the whole reason I can even post content consistently and with good quality in the first place. So, user, if you're reading this, I hope you've learned your lesson and won't do it again. If you apologize to my friend, I'll gladly unblock you.

I don't want to block anyone but if you harass my friends, I'll have to respond. To anyone who down bombed my editor, please stop. I understand the reasoning but he's not a bad person. He may be blunt but He's a very good friend and a pleasant person to be around. I don't want anymore hate or bad blood to happen. It's making me sad to see this happen. I only want to make people smile and write stories. I'm sorry if this blog is not something you're use to seeing but I didn't want to keep it silent while keeping my emotions bottled up. I hope all of you are having a lovely day.

Report SunTwi06 · 389 views · #Friends #Followers
Comments ( 14 )

You did the right thing, SunTwi. I know it must've been rather hard for you and it's not something you are most comfortable doing. But sometimes, when someone performs something rather poorly and they are very unapologetic (To the point they don't even response) in all honesty there's not much choice you have except delivering the tough love. If that person is just going to be an asshole in their own way, they're certainly not worth all the trouble and a ban is ultimately the one outcome that can be done. Honestly, I don't think I'm ever going to expect an apology from that jerk nor am I in a hurry to hear it because frankly that user just isn't worth my time. The only user I ever want to make time for is a talented author whose vision I work hard to bring to light and one of a handful of users on here who has ever treated me fairly.

All we can do at this point is just focus on our work and write stories for the people who 'do' matter. That being our 'true' fans.

I’m sure you did the right thing

This. This right here. I love this. You did exactly what was needed SunTwi, and I applaud you for it:twilightsmile:.

Sorry about the shakey waters you found yourself in, hon.

You did the right thing, I hope your day will smooth out from here.

5386452 Sorry for the late reply. I just got around to this. Thank you guys/girls for the support. Hopefully, nothing like this won't happen again:heart:.

I noticed this comment got a dislike. Was it something I said?

If there's a couple things I learned from life: You can't expect 'nothing' to happen, then nothing will 'ever' happen. There may come a time and place when you may find yourself in that position again. I've been through pretty much the same ordeal multiple times. It's one thing to make a ton of people happy, but what's more important are the people who make 'you' happy. But there's half a billion people in the world whose sole purpose will be to make you miserable and it shows by their character as a whole. If you wanted to be 'respected' as a person, not just words on a scream, you need to show 'tough love' and prove to yourself that you are not a pushover.

This is my first time comming to your page in ages since a friend linked me this blog. Ima not gonna talk about you blocking someone harrassing you - that was a good thing you did.

However, regarding people harrassing your editor... I can see they have a reason to do so. A few months ago, I pointed out some errors in your stories. Shortly after that all my comments under your stories as well as on my profile were downvoted and I got a very rude PM from your editor (which I frankly did not care to reply to, I don't talk to impolite people). I checked your other stories comment sections and saw that everyone who pointed out the smallest of errors was downvoted as well. If your editor reacts with such toxicity to the smallest hint of criticism, then i'm not surprised there are people pissed off at him and downbombing. Just know that he is pleasant to you, but apparently not to others. Sorry to break this news to you but I think it's good to say that there might be more to what is happening.

And just to make this clear, I never downvoted his single comment.

5386837 I wasn't aware of this. I wish you had brought this up to me then but I can see why you didn't. With that said, I have talked to him and he has said he will rectify his behavior. I do understand the why but as the saying goes "Two wrongs don't make a right.". I'll be sure to have a further talk with him regarding the matter. Thank you for bring this to my attention:heart:

Just prob a person having a meh day, you're honestly super polite and always sweet.

5386837 Wait, who was your friend that link this blog?

I asked him, said that he does not want me to reveal his name and wants to be kept out of this (He is afraid this might stir some more toxicity and he does not want any of it to seep his way.) - I respect that. He follows a ton of writers though so guess that is how he noticed your blog. Since he knew about what I said below he pointed it out to me.

Edit: Looking at the comments below, I asked if he was the one who downvoted in case you wanted to know. Said he was not.

5387464 Fair point but he can PM me if need be. I don't reveal info unless necessary. The last thing I want is to leave an bad impression(especially if they follows me). That and I'd like to assure him that he won't be in any trouble. I'm not that kind of person:heart:.

*Side question- More? I'm not sure I follow. I don't recall ever being toxic. Unless your referring to someone else


(He is afraid this might stir some more toxicity and he does not want any of it to seep his way.) -

Will let him know that he can contact you.

More? I'm not sure I follow. I don't recall ever being toxic. Unless your referring to someone else

Not you. The same toxicity I mentioned in my first comment.

5387583 Oh. Okay. I was worried I did something wrong and I wanted to fix it in the event I was in the wrong. My apologies

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