• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2021


Devout follower of best horsegirl


Hi yes hello I am blogsperson now · 4:24am Oct 18th, 2020

Here is 50 things about rethewa nobody asked for

1. What is your first name?
(This isn’t the real answer)
(Look at it in a mirror)
(It’s not that either)

2. How old are you?
I am a Rethewa-flavored number of years.

3. What country are you from?

4. What do you look like?
ok so like picture a potato, right? But you’re looking at it through a glass of sparkley water and also it’s doing a backflip

I look like that and also a little like me

5. What do you wish you looked like?
I wish i looked like my hero and idol tinycthulhu-chan, who sits on my desk all day looking vacuous and spacey like a boss

6. How did you come across MLP:FIM?
one day my best friend’s neighbour’s dog’s favorite toy was found violently mutilated by a pack of wandering of aardvarks so I hunted them down across the sea where they scaled many mountains and did a weird dance thing in a big circle with like whooping and incense and shit and it was actually pretty fun they were super nice and one of them was like hey all you y’alls should look up this pony thing so I was like ok cool and then I watched mlp

7. What is your favorite ship?
titanic i cri evertim ;-;

8. What is your least favorite ship?

9. Have you told anyone outside the fandom that you like MLP?
yes one time I stood in front of glass and there was a strange person in the glass and I told that person I liked the pone. The person laughed at me.

10. Were they a family member?
yes the person belonged to at least one family

11. Favorite MLP episode?
I liked the one where they met sunset and she had to go in a box because everyone thought she was weird but they were actually just jealous that they didn’t have a box like sunset’s because sunset's box was actually made of dicks

did that happen? I feel like it happened so it probably did.

12. Who is your favorite superhero?
spike. He makes everyone feel better by letting them know they’re not spike and that is the hero we all need rn

13. Favorite Anti-hero?
spike. he is a hero but is also flawed by virtue of being spike. this makes him Complex and Relatable because sometimes I want to punch me too.

14. Favorite supervillain?
This is the man all others should aspire to be. What an absolute legend

15. Favorite Anti-villain?
You're supposed to not like villains or not agree with them or something so logically I am the most anti to villain so I guess I have to like me the most

oh well

16. What was the last book you read?
books are for nerds and i’m not smart enough to be a nerd i can’t even read

17. What is the last movie you watched?
movies are for nerds-in-training and i’m not that smart okay i need pictures to understand things

18. Favorite song at the moment?

19. What song do you always come back to?

20. What is your current job?
I am a Slinky-tester for People With Slinky’s Against People Without S’linky’s

i didn't know what the plural of Slinky was so I made one up because that is what writers do

21. What job do you want in the future?
I am the job I want

22. Dream job?
I am this too.

23. At this moment what is your greatest achievement?
One time I did a backflip off my neighbor’s dog’s private jet and it was so cool and sexy this dude who was carrying a tank around dropped it on my bitchy otherneighbor’s car and everybody clapped

24. At this moment what is your greatest failure?
My greatest failure is not being a good regular person and having a greatest failure

25. Do you have any pets?
No but my pets have me

wait what

26. What is your dream pet?
ur mum

27. Do you own any weapons?
just apathy

28. Is there a gun you really want?
No my imaginary friend I never had once cheated on their imaginary boyfriend with a gun and it scarred me for life so now I only like miniguns and there aren’t any cute ones where I live big sadface

29. What religion are you?
I am not a religion.

30. If you could hang out with one person in history, who would it be?
I would hang out with the first person to draw a busty anime waifu and give them a high-five

31. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
I would bring back anyone as long as I could ask them about what happened because I need to know if I’m allowed to bring snacks

32. Are you political?
no I am allergic to political they make me spasm and club my brain out with a spatula and die a whole bunch I know this 'cause it's happened.

33. Are you married?
Not to you. Probably.

34. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
too many to count. They don't all know it but you heard it from me so it has to be true.

35. Have a crush on anyone?
Not on you.

36. Care to explain?

not enough to do it

but a little bit

37. Do you consider yourself attractive?
Yes because I am honest and that is what honest people should do

38. If you could spend a day with someone alive who would it be?

39. Who is your favorite pony?
You are my favorite pony I’ve decided you’re a pony now.

40. Any embarrassing secrets you’d like to share?
None of the things in my stories actually happened ;-;

41. If you have done any stories/art, what is your favorite piece?
I have not done any art no.

42. Are you a virgin?

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life?
i went outside my house one time and actually saw the sun?!?! no I don’t know how I lived either I wouldn’t recommend it

44. Favorite TV show besides MLP?
I like that one big long one where everyone forgets who they are at the end and the dragon melts all the cities and the king talks about wheelchairs it made me feel much things and i related massively to the big gamethrone that melted into a puddle

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind?
Yes but it’s very secret just like tentacles are so I’m not going to say it and you should think of tentacles instead

46. Do you regret saying this fetish?
I probably would, if I did, i'd totes be embarrassed a bunch if someone puzzled it out

But I didn’t so


47. What are some of your favorite MLP stories
one time this overrated hack wrote a story about fishboobs where a dick came all over adagio’s hand and it was pretty bad tbh but it just sorta vibes with me y’know?

48. Favorite quote?
" 'This reminds me of a quote from chief astronomical psychologist; Me High Cheek Sent Me High.' — Bilbarian Bongodumble."

49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them?
no but if I did I wouldn’t do it to you <3

50. Did you answer all these questions honestly?
Yes, especially this one

Comments ( 2 )

omg ur so brave being all exposed and public lyk that!

evry1 else is lyk 'my name is megan and i live on a farm' n the world is lyk bitch fuckin no1 cares

ur the only person on the site whose answers r actually worth reading

ikr I may as well have posted nudes and a 5,000 page biography “cause there’s literally nothing left to know about me now

was a little scary ngl but one does not simply hear the words of bilbarian bongodumble without feeling unfathomable determination and COURAGE

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