• Member Since 28th Dec, 2011
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Former research biologist who now spends his time dissecting electronics and rolling around in poison ivy.

More Blog Posts308

  • 16 weeks
    The last research paper I worked on has published at last.

    The process is REALLY slow. I finished all my work on this 3 years ago.


    This one uses a lot of my histology and in-situ hybridization with RNAscope results.

    But no more science for me. Now I build houses and driveways... and rip them apart too! It's a sort of yin-yang thing I've got going here.

    6 comments · 195 views
  • 22 weeks
    A comedic scene from a new Clouseua story I'm fiddling with...

    I just came up with this, and imagining Peter Sellers delivering the line had me laughing for 5 minutes straight.

    Clouseau, "For you see, the murderer was... the bullet!"

    Guy in room, "The bullet?"

    Clouseau, "Of course, no one would suspect the bullet of firing itself!"

    Woman in room, "But that... that's madness!"

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    2 comments · 144 views
  • 39 weeks

    Only the Pirate King could do it...

    It's as good as possible. You cannot do such a goofy anime any better than this, and it's GREAT! I friggin LOVED it.

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    10 comments · 235 views
  • 40 weeks
    Last call for Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items Sept 1st to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP!

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    0 comments · 115 views
  • 46 weeks
    Last Bronycon items up on Ebay!

    I'll be delisting all remaining MLP items at the end of the summer to focus entirely on selling my huge stash of collectible magazines, which take up vastly more space than the MLP items. Everything here fits into a single flat box I can pick up with one hand. The magazines... weigh over 700 lbs total. Sooooo, kinda makes sense to deal with those ASAP! Around Sept 1 is when the MLP items are

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VP debate · 2:09pm Oct 13th, 2020

Might as well drop my own little blurb, and address the tiny elephant in the room: the fly

CLEARLY, it felt safe on Pence, who is a gentle heavenly person who sits at the right hand of God UNLIKE THE DEMONESS HARRIS, THE REINCARNATION OF THE VAMPIRE QUEEN LILITH, WHO WOULD HAVE SUCKED ITS SOUL OUT AND DESTROYED ITS HOPES OF REINCARNATION!!! (See, this is God-tier propaganda. Learn how troll masters do it, fools!) :trollestia:

Aside from the Internet stupidity over a winged arthropod, it was abundantly clear that Pence obliterated Harris, who just spewed the same old Democrat talking points we've heard since the 2000 election, while absolutely refusing to answer questions about how HER administration will obliterate the foundational structure of America and ignore Constitutional protections whenever it suits them.

They will absolutely stack the SCOTUS, which sets the stage for the total disintegration of law, as each successive administration in opposition to the previous one will just stuff more hardline ideological justices on to get a ruling in their favor until we have a thousand SCOTUS justices and NOTHING can ever get done. Frankly, this is abject proof that we need a new Amendment locking the number at 9 PERMANENTLY. But, Biden and Harris still refuse to say if they will pack the Court.... which obviously means they will. Why else would they avoid an easy answer to a question the overwhelming majority of Americans are on one side about: they DO NOT WANT COURT PACKING. So, one would think it'd be easy to say, "We will never pack the SCOTUS" and put that issue to rest, ya know?

Harris was both arrogant and dismissive, talking DOWN to both Pence and to us. If it wasn't clear how little she thinks of anyone who doesn't automatically bow before her, it's as transparent as glass now. She was shocked several times when Pence hit back successfully and cornered her, and then her only response was to sit there smiling and snidely chuckling, as if she knew better despite having no answer at all (one of the hallmarks of people who are ACTUAL elitist supremacists). And of course there was the typical fear-mongering of Republicans taking away health care forever and making abortion illegal (which can't be done even if someone found a way to re-package the Roe vs. Wade case in such a way that the Court would even bother to hear it... which is going to be exceedingly difficult if not impossible the way the original ruling worked. It would become a state rights issue even if by some bizarre legal rigmarole Roe vs. Wade was overturned, and then each state would make its own laws on the issue. But, we already have had clear statements by 6 sitting Justices that they have no interest in resurrecting the issue; and they consider the legality issue settled, aside from the tangential issues of fetal age cutoffs (which is already a states rights issue that Roe vs Wade didn't address at all), so it'd be DOA.

Come on, stop pretending Biden will be the real President if he wins. The guy can't make it to more than one event a day. He'd never survive the rigors of Presidential office, where he has to jump on things swiftly day and night and be ready to respond immediately to emergencies which can come at 2am in the morning. He'll have no actual leadership capabilities. AND that's the real purpose of Pelosi's little ploy for the 25th Amendment committee bill. She knows there's no way in hell it would remove Trump, since it would have to pass the Senate (STILL HELD BY REPUBLICANS, YA KNOW?) and it would have to be signed into law by Trump himself! (Cold day in hell before that happens.) And even if all that took place and the committee formed and decided instantly Trump was unfit, VP Pence would have to sign off on it! (Yeah, see how much BS Pelosi was spewing? Talk about a text-book argument for term limits.) But, should the Dems win back the Senate, they CAN push the bill through after January. Biden would be ordered to sign it, and he would obey. Naturally, as he grows visibly weaker and less capable week by week, the committee would swiftly judge him unfit, and Harris would sign off without hesitation. Then you'll have President Jezebel, and God help us all. This is a woman who kept an innocent man on death row and refused to allow DNA evidence to exonerate him until federal courts threatened her with legal repercussions if she didn't let him go. And wasn't the only death row case she bungled. I've found at 2 others, in those too she tried very hard to exclude evidence that was completely exonerating. Why would a 'good' leader want to put clearly innocent people to death in spite of absolute proof of innocence? Sounds rather evil, if you ask me. She put over 1500 people in prison for minor pot possession charges (even a conservative like me finds that ridiculous).

Her entire career is one of cruelty, backstabbing, and whoredom to get ahead. She will say and do anything for power, which is the hallmark of the WORST leaders in history.

Comments ( 17 )

"See, this is God-tier propaganda. Learn how troll masters do it, fools!"
...I'm just imagining you strolling onto an election debate stage, listening to your opponent's more mundane lies and smears and such, and then saying something along the lines of "Heh. Now, this is how you do it..." and proceeding to demonstrate, then grinning as you watch the reactions. :D

Also, I knew I was busy this past day, but I apparently completely missed that the debate was happening. Eh.

(I already sent my ballot in, by the way. Not a single mark on either major party's line, though with New York State's fusion voting, some of the candidates were the same.)

If the republicans don’t want the democrats to stack the court, they should just leave the voters decide.

5376966 You're in NY? Ah, then your ballot will end up going to Biden by default.

After all... just slip out the original ballot, slide in a pre-marked one... nothing to prove it wasn't the original one!

The ballots and envelopes should all have unique pairs of ID numbers on them printed in special fluorescent invisible ink, not exactly a difficult thing to print out, ya know? Then you could see immediately if a ballot was replaced with a fake.

As it is, there's NOTHING to prove that the ballots in the envelopes are the originals. And remember... no one's paying very close attention to what goes on in the post office, and we've already had over a DOZEN instances of postal mishandling of ballots, which were uncovered only because they were SO LAZY AND BRAZEN!

This is a total shitshow. Not even DICTATORS try having a mail-in election, because even DICTATORS have enough shame left to know no one would believe the results. The Dems are BENEATH even the worst dictators in modern history. They have ZERO conscience at all. Absolute, abject, sociopathic evil.

5377152 Please, the Dems spilled their hand. In their rage and panic, they admitted what they're planning to do ALL ALONG!

They already put forward trying to make DC and Puerto Rico into states earlier in the year and failed. They've mentioned adding more justices since 2012.

Don't try lying to me, fool. I know vastly more than you do about how vile the left are. I know EVERYTHING they're up to. I've been stealthily following Olbermann and other far-leftists, and heard their plans for wiping out conservatives that they eagerly and gleefully discuss when they think no one is watching. And Olbermann spilled his guts OPENLY on Youtube just recently! Now there's no denying that they plan to exterminate us! And if I must fight a civil war to stop them, I am MORE than ready!

I'm kind of hoping that no one bothers to switch ballots in this state due to just assuming Biden will win it anyway (and my small portion of the state's electoral votes will presumably go to him even if my ballot is fully and properly counted). Still haven't fully dropped the idea of going and voting in person as well (which in New York State is something one can do, and it overrides the mailed-in ballot), though. A friend of mine did say it wasn't needed, with the above sort of argument, but... ehh.
(And if I lived in a swing state, yeaaaaah.)

(Your idea of unique not-readily-visible ID numbers seems an interesting one, but it seems like it might endanger the secrecy of the ballot. Of course, on the one hand, that's a tradeoff: if, for example, we had fully non-secret ballots, then John Smith of 123 Street Lane could just look up the public record of how his vote was record to check it (the difficulty being that members of the other major party can do the same thing... which in climate's like today's could put Mr. Smith's livelihood or very life in danger). On the other, of course... I mean, at some point, someone is going to be able to look at both security envelope with my signature on it and my supposedly disconnected ballot, and possibly also the mailing envelope with my return address on it along with the other two. I don't really see how secrecy can be maintained there without the integrity and motives of the personnel involved being key components, and at the moment...)

Wait, do you actually believe the democratic party is far left?

5377604 Not the party heads. But they gleefully use the far left for power. Like all communist regimes.

And then they kill the far left when they no longer need them.

Please, I know how this works. I'm older than you could even imagine.

How do they use the far left?

I’m a big boy myself, I’m pretty sure I can imagine a number high enough.

Comment posted by Alondro deleted Oct 17th, 2020

5380032 No leftists ever debate the truth, because they can't defend against it. They can only attempt to silence those they fear.

That's fine. Nov 5th, I strike back. The Internet is no protection from reality. Reality doesn't care about feelings. It simply crushes those too feeble to bear its weight, those who have been sheltered and grown soft and stupid. The left will be learning this inescapable truth the hard way.

Rather, we find which side (if any) is only pretending to be completely incompetent, and which one is saying the insane things they actually believe.

5381454 What insane things?

Do list them, so I may eviscerate you with my bottomless well of profound knowledge. :trixieshiftright:

You see, once again the ad hominem straw-man arguments show up. You CLAIM one side believes in insane things, but give no examples.

Meanwhile, I can just point to the cities where leftist whackjobs have been rioting for MONTHS as absolute physical proof of their insanity, and the undeniable FACT that DEMOCRATS WILL NOT EVEN ADMIT THEY ARE RIOTS AND NOT PEACEFUL PROTESTS, to demonstrate the complicit attitude.

I suspect one of your items is 'masks', since that's always a go-to now that COVID's a nice convenient agenda item. Buuuuut, clearly you haven't been keeping up with international news and even the WHO lately, who rather quietly made some admissions that TRASH the narrative. But, by all means, don't let evidence get in the way of propaganda. What sort of ideology would it be if new data that disproved the Dear Leaders was ever put forth?

Or perhaps the vaccines? Oh, I can post a treasure trove of the Biden-Harris campaign trying to talk down the vaccine, that they wouldn't trust it if Trump said it was ok so forth. And yet, in the SAME BREATH, they then state their demands that everyone be vaccinated when it's THEIR vaccine, the one THEY decide they like.

The hypocrisy has become so blunt and idiotic, I don't even have to try anymore. These fools just keep giving me weapons. It's getting difficult for even me, with my bottomless wells of memory, to find a place for all of them!

Honestly, I was thinking of the things that come out of Trump's mouth ("grab them by the pussy" isn't even a viable sex act), but freely admit that he basically doesn't count. He's not a politician, and has at least enough self-awareness to realize it. (As an aside, his self-promotion skills would make for a better campaign advisor than actual candidate)

5381824 I said this long ago: Trump is the wrecking ball we needed if we were to have any hope of breaking the powerful corruption machine.

We've gotten such absolute proof now of how horrible the Deep State really is, how much politicians use their offices to enrich themselves at the expense of America, we've seen their masks torn off and seen first hand how vile they are and how much they actually despise 'the little people' when in their rage at Trump they let slip their real plans. We watch them actually condone the violent rioters and bail them out of prison, while giving nothing to the innocent people, OFTEN MINORITIES, whose homes and businesses were destroyed and nearly 3 dozen of whom were MURDERED by these psychotic 'anti-fascists' who behaved more like Hitler Youth than any group I've seen since the 1940s.

I watch the leftist leadership declare their intent to form commissions to hunt down and punish all who support Trump, to block anyone from doing business who does not bow before BLM, to tax the people to death (50 Cent, someone you would not exactly expect to be 'alt-right' just declared he was leaving NYC and that the Democrats tax plan was insane).

It's utterly transparent to me. Trump says dumb things, but he loves this country.

Democrats say awful things, are protected by the media, and openly plan to turn this nation into a socialist ruin.

One delivers a message of patriotism, the other is barely one step away from open treason and rebellion.

To me, it's no more difficult than choosing Abraham Lincoln over Jefferson Davis... just, a very loud and rude Abraham Lincoln. But let's be frank, Honest Abe wouldn't have stood a chance against the modern media. You need a rampaging bull to trample the media wolves.

Everything about Trump was the proverbial "crazy enough to work" and it turns out that this is just as good at blindsiding real people as it is in fiction. Even my previous argument was more that he was the one no longer being subtle about the corruption, which still works out to the same effect on everyone who's not him.

5382655 And the left are proving, at the same time, that they're simply crazy.

Now they plan to riot no matter who wins! They won't stop until they either get everything they demand, or they're put down.

My god, parents REALLY failed in this past generation.

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